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Description: THE NORMAL ADVANCE131§, &L anb §. m C a.Y. M. C. A.GET the habit of attending the Y. M. C. A.
Each meeting is full of good things that
you can not afford to miss. There has been
much enthusiasm exhibited this term, and the
prospects for the future are promising. Re¬
member, however, that the future of the Y. M.
C. A. rests on you, individually, and not on the
other fellow.Two of the most interesting features of the
past month were the talks given by Professor
Baxter and Dr. Bean. Both of these men
brought a message that wTas not only enter¬
taining, but instructive.The men were wTell represented at the two
joint meetings, and greatly enjoyed the talk
given by Miss SchwTeitzer on the Student Vol¬
unteer Movement, and likewise the reports of
the delegates who attended the convention at
Kansas City.The leading social feature of the past month
was a stag banquet and athletic contest, held
February 10th. Many feats were engaged in,
that tried the brain and brawn of the partici¬
pants. Judge Baxter decided who should
be awarded the prizes, and in every instance
fair play was demanded, and his wrord was law.A peanut race was won by Hyndman, and
Sigler came out first in a mastication stunt,
Oscar Koch was found to be in possession of
the most substantial foundation. A two-foot
dash and a shot put ended the contest.The most exciting contest naturally came last
when Fat Miller came in from the kitchen
with a bushel of doughnuts and five gallons
of real cows milk. He placed the two dietary
articles on the table and stepping backward,
puffing, said, Boys, fall to, and help your¬
selves. The second invitation was not needed
and the doughnuts soon absorbed all the milk.Y. W. C. A.The Association extends a very, very cordial
invitation to all the girls of the school to come
to the Young Womens meetings.When you read the interesting posters on the
bulletin board and your curiosity is aroused,
why dont you satisfy this feeling by simply
coming and get the message that every girl
in the school should get.Many of us resemble the barnacles Mr.
Westphal told us about, We have fastened
ourselves to the hull of the ship and we are
taken wdiere the waves carry the vessel.Have any of you read The Inside of the
Cup? Mr. Stalker gave us a brief review of
this book which portrays the life and the dif¬
ficulties surmounted by a Presbyterian clergy¬
man. This man was strong enough to over¬
come his adversary, Eldon Parr, and accom¬
plished a great good for his poorer brethren.
The majority of our ministers approve of this
book and its theme.Miss Sclrweitzers talk on The History of
the Student Volunteer Movement. In addi¬
tion to this a brief biography of John R. Mott
and his work in connection with this movement,
Mott is one of the most important men in the
mission fields today. This talk paved the way
and put us in a receptive attitude for The
Kansas City Meeting.Each of the delegates told of the person or
subject which impressed him the most. One of
our delegates has expressed his desire of talking
an hour concerning this convention at some
future meeting.The North American Student, a magazine
edited by George Irving, is in our library. It
is devoted entirely to missionary work and it
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

Further information on this record can be found at its source.