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132THE NORMAL ADVANCEis certainly well worth your while to keep in
touch wTith the fine, wholesome ideas this maga¬
zine has to offer.Miss Payton gave us a talk telling of the need
of a christian organization among our country
girls. These associations are called The
Eight Weeks Club. The leader must be
recommended by some Y. W. C. A. and receive
her appointment through our general secretary.
Eight meetings must be held but there is a list
of subjects or topics for discussion to choose
from. In general this is to bring the girls to¬
gether in an intellectual way for their social
betterment.If any are interested in this and feel that
they wish to start such an organization in their
community ask Miss Payton or Miss Rippetoe
for particulars.Now kindly permit us to remind you of your
association dues. If you were a member last
term please renew your membership so the re¬
cords may be edited and the cards indexed.We hope all the members of the Bible class
during the fall term will make a special effort
to be present at the next class. The time has
been changed to 4:30. The meetings are still
held on Friday afternoon at the Public
Library in the north-east room of the basement.Hocal Jletos Miss Marguerite Allen visited her parents January 16 and 17 in Sullivan, Indiana.Mr. Frank Paddock attended the Inter- Society Debate, January 31.Mr. Kenneth Mitchell, of New London, at¬ tended the Inter-Society Debate, Jan. 31.Mr. Logan, a former student, who is principal of the Riley High School, visited friends in Terre Haute the first week in February.Mrs. DeFreitz, of South Bend, Indiana, visited her daughter, Inez, who is a student in the Normal, January 30 until February 3.Miss Greiner, assistant librarian, attended Grand opera in Chicago the first of January.Miss Hilda Zell had as her guest Saturday and Sunday, February 7 and 8, her father and young brother.Mr. Bert Ellis, a former student, attended the Inter-Society Debate, January 31.Mr. Clyde Shaw, of Cory, Indiana, a former student, attended the Debate, January 31.Mr. E. J. Hemmer had as his guest January 31 and February 1 his sister, who came for the Debate.On the evening of February 14th, the girls of 526 North Sixth Street, were hostesses at an informal Valentine Party. The entire house was artistically decorated with a profusion of brilliant hearts and cupids.The first part of the evening wras given over to various novel and entertaining contests, and after the announcement of the winners and awarding of prizes, a sumptuous three-course luncheon was served. The favors were crimson carnations. During the remainder of the even¬ ing special vocal and instrumental musical num¬ bers were rendered after which cupid revealed the future of all present.The hostesses were the Misses Bodenhafer, McKamey, Glover, Wilson, Peyton, Scott and Burkett. The guests were Mrs. E. Maddex and the Messrs. Myers, Sigler, Hemmer, Stork, Ringham, Nelson, Maddex and Drake. |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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