
Description: 130THE NORMAL ADVANCEAt the meeug on January 22, the following
program was well rendered: Piano solo, Miss
reading, Miss Cooper
vocal solo, Miss
reading, Miss Steepleton. This was fol¬
lowed by a business meeting at which Mr.
Schuler was elected a member on the Board of
Control for the Advance. Miss Schaper wras
elected class artist.While this excellent spirit is manifest the
social committee is planning to offer the mem-
hers of the class a real live event, and it is
to be hoped that the members of the class will
appreciate the opportunity which this offers
for a bigger, better, and more complete life,
such as comes only by Avell rounded activities

and that they will respond with a realization
that after all is said and done it is the boquets
by the wayside that really make life worth the
living.N. B.—Since it has been a favorite pastime
of the Editor-in-Chief (justly so) to revile the
•class editors in the past, here is hoping that the
members of the class will rally to the support of
their editor and make these outbursts of irony
and sarcasm out of date for the future. Re¬
member, that an editor is not a reporter, there¬fore dont expect him to gather all the news
(he is willing to do his share). Let every mem¬
ber be a reporter, bringing note of interest so
that the school shall feel that wre are a real live
class doing things worth while.SENIOR NOTES.Although nothing has been heard from the
Seniors for some time, they are still here and
just as enthusiastic as ever. The Senior spirit
manifests itself in many ways. It is excelled
by no other class in the support of our school
organizations. The majority of the Seniors
have subscribed for the Advance, hold season
Lecture Course tickets, and are among the fore¬
most rooters at the ball games. In fact,
Seniors have time to take part in every school
activity as all busy students do.At the beginning of the term, all officers were
re-elected with the exception of the class treas¬
urer. Mr. Stahl succeeds Mr. Logan, who has
withdrawn from the school.The social committee is planning a Senior
party for February 22. Being a Senior affair it
can not be other than a complete success.The womans cause is mans. They rise or sink
Together. Dwarfed or godlike, bond or free

If she be small, slight-natured, miserable,
How shall men grow.—Tennyson.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

Further information on this record can be found at its source.