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THE NORMAL ADVANCE41UtterarpALETIIENAI.u I VHE talent of success is nothing more
* than doing what you can do well, and
doing well whatever you do without thought
of fame.—Longfellow.The Alethenai meetings have been marked
especially for their interest. It is very gratify¬
ing to see the zeal with which the new mem¬
bers go into work.The society has taken for its work a study
of English authors and their important works.
At the past meetings a study of the life of
Chaucer, Sidney, Shakespeare, Johnson and
Coleridge has been made. Later in the year de¬
bating will be taken up.Miss Gladys McClung of this city and Miss
Helen Jones of Princeton have become mem¬
bers. Both promise efficiency, and the society
feels fortunate in having obtained them.Two of the old members visited the meetings
recently. Miss Thirza Parker was with us Oc¬
tober 25. She is teaching at Mooresville this
year. Miss Elizabeth Standi ford, of Clinton,
was present at the meeting November 1.CICERONIAN.Ciceronians have been busy for a month find¬
ing their bearings in some of the big questions
proposed by the Triangular League of the Nor¬
mal schools at Normal, 111., Oshkosh, Wis., and
Terre Haute. True to old Ciceronian ideals
they have dug the harder the darker the ques¬
tions seemed, and the greater grew the clash
of opinion in their own and each others minds,
until the will of the society, while yet forma¬
tive, can be crystalized when definite action is
necessary with the uniform support of every
Ciceronian.Having won in the inter-society debate of
last year, the Ciceronians have been challenged
by their old rivals, the Daedalians to defend
their honors. This the men are determined to
do in their characteristic fashion. They have
answered the challenge and have appointed a
committee to arrange the details of the debate.The preliminaries for the contest are being
arranged with perfect good humor, for never
before have the societies had more respect for
each others strength and more confidence in
their fairness.DAEDALIAN.During the past month the Daedalians have
spent much time in debating. Many questions
which have been before the society have hinged
on the question chosen by the Oratorical League
as the question for the Interstate debate.The change of the meeting time from Friday
afternoon to Saturday morning has proved
highly satisfactory. Not only is the time for
meeting longer but coming as it does, in the
early part of the day, every one is fresh, and
is better prepared for thinking.During the past month two new members
have been received into Daedalian Literary
Society. They are Mr. Pickett and Mr. Fitz¬
gerald. Both men have been given abundant
tryouts and have proved themselves efficient
men.The time for issuing a challenge for an in¬
ter-society debate has come around and the
Daedalians have duly challenged the Ciceron¬
ians for a debate to take place some time dur¬
ing the winter term. With the friendly spirit
of rivalry which exists between the two socie¬
ties, the Daedalians are gratified that the chal¬
lenge has been accepted. |
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Indiana State University Archives |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.