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40THE NORMAL ADVANCEOur circulation manager informs us that
there is still space near the bottom of his sub¬
scription list for a few added subscriptions.
Why should you delay subscribing until the
eighth hour, and thereby lose the benefits of
the year? A copy of the Advance would be a
nice present to take to the folks at home when
you go there on your Thanksgiving vacation.
Subscribe now and secure back numbers. See
Hyndman.Being good is a lonesome job, but it always
pays.How can you expect your ship to return
laden with goods when you never send it out?Some excellent chapel talks have been given
this term. Some of the biggest men of the city
have been invited to conduct exercises at differ¬
ent times, and have usually presented lectures
that no student could afford to miss. However,
it might be well to suggest to some of the
speakers, upon their inquiry as to the amount
of time allotted them, that the most souls are
saved during the first ten minutes of a chapel
talk.In the columns of this issue there appears a
chapel talk in the form of a farewell address
given by Dr. Dryer on June 5, 1913. Dr. Dryer
has resigned from active duties as instructor in
the Normal school, but he is still frequently
seen in the halls of the building. His interest
in the school and in his subject prevents him
from severing his relations with the institution
entirely.A house which stands in the open ground
must have a sunny side as well as a shady. Be
sure to live on the sunny side.—Charles W.
Eliot. |
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Indiana State University Archives |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.