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12THE NORMAL ADVANCEto the society during the coming year.The society has changed its regular meeting
time from Friday afternoon at 3 :30 to Satur¬
day mornings at 7:45.The fall term has opened with a member¬
ship of ten. They are: Stork, Logan, Hynd-
man, Hemmer, Wright, Miller, Limp, Shannon,
Carmichael and Sigler. The spirit of Daedal-
ianism is so imbued among these ten men that
by mutual attraction it bubbles forth every time
one of them passes another.ECLECTIC.The Eclectic Literary Society met for the
first time this fall, October 3,1913. The officers
for the term are: Ruth Perkins, president Jen¬ nie Hayth, vice-president Naomi Turner, editor Avonza Dunagan, secretary Minerva Payton, artist, and Lelia Johnson, treasurer.The new members are: Misses Fay Wilson, Mary Earnest, Lola May, Ruby St. John, Francis Scott, Edith Price, Gertrude Elliot, Myrta Gustin and Mrs. Steinmetz.The work taken up is the study of the Ameri¬ can authors. .FORUM.Prospects for a successful year for the Forum Literary Society are exceptionally bright with seven of the old Forum members in school, and all displaying the Forum spirit, which has al¬ ways characterized the society. The active members are: Raymond R. Rightsell, 665 Syca¬ more street Thomas Mahin, Caspar Crim, 604 Eagle street Robert Hoffman, Andrew Merker, Thomas R. Johnston and Emmett Roirdan. The first meeting will be held Friday, October 10.Plans already are under way for the annualwinter term dance, which is given by the grad¬ uate men for the active members. It will be held Tuesday, December 23, in Indianapolis.The Forum House, 719 Chestnut street, has been discontinued for the present, but it is planned to obtain another house during the year and fit it up for the members of the society.H. LeRoy Carmack, who holds a position in the Vincennes schools, visited Normal friends, October 4 and 5.Chester Pike, The Stylesville Banker, Clem O. Thompson, who is teaching in Salem, and Clem Nugent, who has his old position in the Attica schools, were in Terre Haute, October 4 and 5.James F. Mackell is again superintendent of schools at Montgomery, Ind.PHILOMATHEAN.The Philomathean Literary Society has be¬ gun the year with good spirit and enthusiasm. The officers of the year are: President, Marjorie Cuppy vice-president, Gladys Rippetoe sec¬ retary, Faun McKamey treasurer,k June Manor editor, Nellie Glover artist, Esther Newton. The subject for the years work is the modern novel.The old members in are Gladys Rippetoe, Cleda Eckert, Marjorie Cuppy, June Manor.Faun McKamey, Nellie Glover and Esther Newton are selected as new members.Mary Sheets was in Terre Haute visiting from October 10 to 13. She is teaching this year in the Wallace High School.LaRhue Oyler is teaching in Muncie.Hazel Tillman is teaching in East Chicago.Margaret Hardy is teaching at Freeland- ville.Helena Sutton is teaching German and mathematics at High Point in North Carolina. |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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