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THE NORMAL ADVANCE11UtterarpALETIIENAI.THE beginning of this school year finds
the Alethenai Literary Society ready to
take up its work at once and continue its un¬
broken chain of progress. Though only four
old members are in school each has returned
with a determination to make this year better
than any preceding one, and the prospects for
the future of the society are brighter than ever
before.The officers elected at the close of the spring
term to serve this fall are as follows: Presi¬
dent, Zelpha Burkett vice-president, Edith Provines, and secretary and treasurer, Ruth Costlow. Miss Mae Mallott will be active in so far as her work at the Training School will permit.The first regular meeting of the society was held on Saturday, October 4, to discuss plans for the year. It was decided that the study of English authors and their works should be taken up. Music, current events, and other topics of interest will not be neglected.The following new members have been pledged into the society. The Misses Bernice Bodenhafer, Reba Arbogast, Naomi Rowe, Ruth Harris, Dorothy Moran, Edna Elston, Stella Ellison, Ora Sanford, and Louise Mc¬ Donald.Last years members are widely scattered. Miss Blanche Wolverton is teaching in Ham¬ mond, the Misses Day and Heil in Muncie, Miss Marie Grose, near Terre Haute, and the Misses Campbell and Westbrook in Bedford. Miss Dorothy Bowser is attending Butler Col¬ lege. Miss Zinck has a position in the Worth- ington High School, Miss Applegate has de¬ partmental work in Bloomington, Miss Standi- ford is teaching in Clinton, and Miss Esther Norris has a position in the State Normal office.CICERONIAN.The Ciceronian Debating Society held its first meeting, Thursday evening, October 2, in the Fairbanks Memorial Library. The same spirit of honesty, integrity, and industry that has pervaded the life of the society in the past was present in the men who assembled together on that evening to lay plans for a vigorous helpful year together. As heretofore, a large part of the time of the society will be devoted to searching out the truth about current pub¬ lic questions and the means of reaching the truth will be earnest debate. All regular meet¬ ings will be held at the library on the usual Thursday evenings—Ciceronian Thursday Evening Ciceronians and their friends call it.The membership of the society at present is only ten men. They are Weathers, Grose, Ellis, Shaw, Ringam, John Koch, Oscar Koch, Myers, Millspaugh and Connor.Some of the new associate members are Car- nahan and Brinton. Mr. Brinton is teaching at the Garfield High School in this city, and was present at the second meeting of the so¬ ciety on Thursday evening, October 9.The society expects to participate in public debating during the year, and will make ever}7 effort to maintain their present reputation in in this field won by hard work and sincere thinking.DAEDALIAN NOTES.The Daedalian Literary Society held its first meeting of the year on Saturday morning, Oc¬ tober the fourth. No literary program was rendered at this time, but after all necessary business had been carried through, each mem¬ ber of the society gave an extemporaneous talk on what he considered would be of most benefit |
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Indiana State University Archives |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.