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University High School, Jordannus,1941, Page 43

Description: THE BASKETBALL SEASONU. H. S.36Quincy17U. H. S.21Williams9U. H. S.14Unionville23U. H. S.33Solsberry26U. H. S.26Smithville19U. H. S.17Park School32U. H. S.26Nashville10U. H. S.40Unionville21U. H. S.28Freetown31U. H. S.31Park School46U. H. S.22Solsberry29U. H. S.45Patricksburg20U. H. S.36Nashville1 1U. H. S.53Quincy15Sectional PlayU. H. S.51Smithville39U. H. S.36Eminence38COACH FRANK OVERTON4.Mr. Overton, our coach, is to be congratulated on his team’s fine record for the past season. He has served in the capacity of coach for twoyears, and during this time has produced fine teams. To him go our sincere thanks for the splendid job he has done.This year’s schedule was opened with a well-earned victory over Quincy. Continuing this victory march, the Guinea Pigs vanquished the fastmoving Williams quintet.Unionville, our next opponent, won a hard-fought battle from ourboys. This made the third time in two years that they had been able towhip our team. With more fight and determination than ever, the GuineaPigs subdued Solsberry. Again on the victory trail, the team got revengeby defeating Smithville, a successful opponent of last year. Next came defeat by the highly rated Park School team. Superior height aided much intheir victory. Nashville and Unionville were the next victims of our moreexperienced ball club. Immediately following this the Guineas hit a slumpas they fell before Freetown, Park School, and Solsberry. With three gamesremaining in the regular playing season, our boys soundly trounced Patricks-burg, Nashville, and Quincy.At the close of this successful season, the University School enteredthe Sectional for the first time in its history. Drawing Smithville, our teambacked by enthusiastic students came through with a 51 to 39 win. On thefollowing night, however, our team fell in a hotly contested battle withEminence. Though losing, the team never lacked the support and respect ofits followers.Page forty-three
Collection: University High School

Further information on this record can be found at its source.