Unionville High School, The Graphic, 1941, Page 61

Description: HISTORYHistory is a written record of the doings of man. Somethink of history as a record of the lives of the great men whohave lived through cut the ages. In a sense this is true, butevery loader must have followers if he is to accomplish anything. The great mass of followers really make history.History is a vital living thing not a mere record of warsand dates. Magazines and newspapers constantly carry advertisements which have historical fact rs their basis. Movie producers find history a rich field for material tc use in plays.Radio programs contain much historical material. Every invention, every person, c.nd every event has a history. Eachmoment your lives is affected by it. It is a facinating storyof the ever changing yet over the seme human race. So we sechistory plays a part in industry end amusement.History serves as a beacon light in the solving of presentday problems of government. As wo study the causes and resultof certain courses of action, we gain an understanding of cur,own problem s. By learning cf the errors of people in the pastwe may b^ able tc ovoid the st me ones. No two situations aroexactly alike sc that we cannot bind ourselves to no new act -ion but we cun be guided by the eld.History has an important character building value.It givesus idbule to live up tc* Without ideals cur ch- racier cannotgrow and develop. We value the story cf Washington and thecherry true because of the ideal cf truthfulness thus broughtto mind. The stories cf the hcncsty and fairness cf AbrahamLincoln inspire us to like deeds.The greatest every day value that we can got from historyis a feeling of historical or brod-raindedness. If v/c judgedsome cf the great leaders cf history by cur standards wo couldnever think of them as great. When wo judge our follow men,there arc oftonti-.cs just as greet diffcronccs as circumstances. Expressing it in a different way, if we were ” in theirshoes” we might do the same. If the world, to-day, could havecomplete understanding of the problems of other people therewould be much less liklihcod cf wars. Tolerance cf the ideasof ethers leads tc a happier more profitable life in our owncountry as well as abroad.Perhaps the greatest Vc.luo which anyone may gain from thestudy cf history is a sense cf appreciation. Without history,wo would lose all the valuable thought and deeds cf the humanrace. Wo would have tc start whore primitive nan did
Source: http://cdm17129.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/hs-unionville/id/211
Collection: Unionville High School

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