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Harmony School, 1998, Page 9

Description: I hope this answers all your questions. You willsend me a copy of your magazine, right?Bisou!Rebecca Pinette9 rue desorfevres75001 ParisFranceP.S. In June 99, a good friend of mine is organizing the1st annual of an arts festival in Geneva. There will beexpositions in film, cafe-theatre, fashion, and music.Royale Delux whose performance art is quite wellknown here in Europe will also be there. I, personally,am organizing the fashion aspect, recruiting youngdesigners, planning the show, etc. Its going to be quitesomething and if any students are interested in doingsomething akin to an internship it could be quite anexperience. Let me know and Ill send more information.-B.Attn: U publishers!This is me, Genevieve (a.k.a. Genne) Pritchard. Im 23and just finished a two year tour with the Peace Corpsin Honduras. I graduated LU. in 1995 with a B.A. inAfrican-American studies, so it makes perfect sensethat they would send me to Central America. Imhaving no trouble finding things I want to do next, onlyin deciding which one, its a wide wide world.Words to live by: Its nice to be important, but itsimportant to be nice.Crystal Yoakam, age 19 March 1998I just moved back to Bloomington, after 2 yrs. of schoolat St. Lawrence University in upstate New York. I amnow attending LU. studying Fine Arts, waiting foranswers on what to do with my life.Dear U Editors,Have you ever considered doing an article aboutthe preservation of compost? We feel that this wouldelevate concern for our well being and perhapseventually stop young delinquents from wasting ourprecious food. If it werent for our friend, Isaac, leavingsustenance for us in the sink, we would have died outlong ago.truly,1001 endangered fruit fliesDear Fruitflies,We find it hard to believe that you are havingany difficulty finding food in the compost and sink. Itis not Isaac leaving you food but our beloved MiddleSchoolers. It is there that the great civilizationCOMPOSTIA has emerged.UCD
Collection: Harmony School

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