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G. A. A.The G. A. A. is a new organization this year. Its purpose is toallow the girls who do not takephysical education to participatein sports. The organization issponsored by Miss Craig and MissSwails. Officers of the club are:president, Irene Miller; vice-president, Plumie Day; secretary-treasurer, Juanita Still.G. A. A. offers many sports. Agirl may take basketball, softball,hiking, bicycling, horseback riding,kick baseball, swimming, andothers. Each sport offers so manypoints and awards are given basedon the points the girl earns. Wilma Paschal was awarded a sweaterthis year.Ehe Ellettsville girls were hostess at a play day at the close ofschool last year and are lookingforward to a similar event thisyear at some school.The G. A. A. have played twodifferent schools this year in bas-ketball,Stinesville and Smithville.The first game with Stinesville wasplayed here and the G. A. A. girlswon by a score of 20-16. The nextgame wasnt quite so successfulwit hthe girls losing, 14 to 8 atStinesville. The girls won overSmithville, 20-11. Smithville putup a good fight against the Ellettsville girls.BOYS AND GIRLS COUNCILThe Boys and Girls Council was reorganized iers Association. The purpose of the organizationthat end several projects have been carried out thicountry hike which was won by Floyd Gill. He waalso held marble games for interested pupils durinbig success. The Girls Council sponsored an all sthe end of the school year the Boys and Girls CouThis was enjoyed by everyone.n 1938 under the sponsorship of the Parent-Teach-is to work for the betterment of the school, and tos year. The Boys Council sponsored a cross-s awarded a wrist compass for coming in first. Theyg the noon hour. The amateur carnival was also achool party at which everyone enjoyed himself. Atncil put on a free barbecue for the upper grades.The executive members are:Grade 12—Joan Bratton, Hester Baker, Wilma Paschal, Phillip Leach, Warren Hardy.Grade 11—Josephine DeWar, Thelma Abram, Teddy Hall, John May.Grade 10—Lillian Halstead, Juanita Still, Bill Smiley, Jack Gooldy.Grade 9—Betty Shigley, Plumie Day, Jim Bastin, Frank Turner.Grade 8—Marilyn Allen, Wilma DeFord, Jooe Dillman, Otis Stevens.Grade 7—Georgia Brown, June Mitchell, Robert Rowe, Kenneth Tapp.Officers of the Girls Council are:President Hester BakerVice-president Josephine DeWarSponsor Officers of the Boys Council are:President Phillip LeachVice-president Warren HardySecretary Lillian HalsteadTreasurer Plumie Day Mrs. BuchananSecretary-Treasurer Teddy HallSponsor Mr. WeathersPage Twenty-nine |
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Ellettsville High School |
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