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* * LLAMARADA* * * * * * *Schlosser Bros. StationBUYERS OF CREAMBasement of Giffords StoreOPERATOR - MINOR TAYLORTeddy Hall: Didnt I get my [)last hair cut in this shop, barber? ||Barber: I think not, sir. Weve ||only been in business two years. ||Harry Stephens UsedCar Co., Inc.OLDSMOBILE & STUDEBAKER311 South WalnutBloomington, IndianaFarmer : Hi there! What areyou doing up in my cherry tree?Hubert Goble: Deres a noticedown dere to keep off de grass.oStimson & MittenBARBER SHOPSpencer : IndianallltllHIIItHIIIIHIHIHnilllUIIIIIIUHIIIIIIIIIIIIlllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinillllUIIIIIIII shall now illustrate what Ihave in my mind—said Mr. Gravesas he erased the board.Mary Ellen: Did you kill allthe germs in the babys milk ?Bob L.: My yes. I ran itthrough the meat chopper twice.Harris Printing Companyellettsville, indianaHARRY GROUNDVULCANIZING - TIRE ANDBATTERY SERVICEHoosier Pete Products213 W. 7th Street Phone 4335HollandsRadio and Sound Service313 N. College Phone 4440Bloomington, IndianaAfter working a long time on analgebra example:Mr. Graves: So (x) is equal tozero.Evelyn S.: All that work fornothing!Rex: Which is proper, a hen issittin or a hen is settin?Vera: It dont make no difference. All I bother about is when Ihear her cacklin, is she layin, oris she lyin?A freshmans favorite song:Melody in F.Page Fifty-nine |
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Ellettsville High School |
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