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Ellettsville High School, Llamarada, 1940, Page 58

Description: *** LLAMARADA ** * *II For All . . . Expert Watch and 1)Gift Occasions Always Quality Jewelry Repair ||Make VALUES in Fine ||, Watches - Diamonds t 11Coopers _ _ Coopers Ifr Rings—and Other r \\jj Jewelry Items 119 East 5th Street |||j Your Gift Headquarters bloomington IfMiss Williams: How many days§1 has each month VJohn Hynds: Thirty days hasf! September. All the rest I cantii remember. The calendar hangs|| there on the Avail. Why botherll me with this at all?Wilber R.: Gee, this school ifmust be haunted. ||Loester: Why? jjWilber R.: I have heard an jlawful lot about the school spirit. [|Sam B.: Let me off at the next 11stop, conductor. I thought this IIwas a lunch wagon. ||Havens Brothers\\ Wholesale arid Betail Produce ji| Quick Frozen Fruits, Vegetables 1II and Fish Poultry and Eggs |Bloomington, Indiana|| Phone 3858 7th & Morton Sts. |Courtesy of theBloomington DentalSocietyHarry StevensonOPTOMETRISTBetty G.: Can you operate a ||1 typewriter? ||Betty R.: Yes, I use the biblical ||| system. ||Betty G.: I never heard of it. |(Betty R.: Seek and ye shall )[1 find. ||Miss Williams: The sentence, ||1 My father had money, is in the ||1 past tense. Now, Vera, what tense ||1 would you be speaking in if you ||; said: My father has money? ||Bloomington. IndianaVera : Pretense.Page Fifty-eight
Collection: Ellettsville High School

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