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Taylor MobleyWe are so proud of you and all ofyour accomplishments. Over theyears you have touched andinspired so many people in sucha positive way by having thedetermination of constantlytrying your best and never givingup on challenges handed to you.Life may not always be easy, butwe will be there to support you inevery way. You are truly a blessingto all of us and make our lifecomplete. We wish you very bestand cant wait to see what thefuture holds for you. Good luckin everything you do.We love you so much, Taylor!Mom, Jimbo, Dad, and Amy^WmM1 j^mMm^^*46m^m> : it^illrapWi i iKate ChmielewskiDear Kate,Watching you grow uphas been a time of wonder and joy for us.We thank you for what you have becomeWe cant wait to see what you will donow.Live a happy and full life.And always know, always knowWe love youMom and DadJonas Thomas CarmichaelJonas...where have the past 18years gone? Time does indeed flyby because it seems like onlyyesterday that I was driving you allover the state to play in golftournaments and here we are,ready for you to move into thenext portion of your life. Alwaysremember that you are loved bymany people! Best of luck to youin the future,Love...Dad, Vickie, Mom,Harrison, and your grandparents.mWmmk |
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Edgewood High School |
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