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f3y LmiLy Pettyjohn and VenelTe Abbitt1) Freshman Claire Phillips guards number 4 from Indian Creek. 2) Number 12 from Brown Countyguards freshman Melea Shockney. 3) Sophomore Jada Leonard warms up during the Indian Creek game. 4)Freshman Alex Huebner gets ready to shoot a free throw at the Indian Creek game. 5) Freshman MeleaShockney goes up to take a shot. 6) Freshman Taylor Acuff prepares to throw the ball to another player onthe team. 7) Sophomore Jenn Newman guards number 22 at the Brown County game. 8) Sophomore AlexJohnson runs around number 15 from Indian Creek.Halftime Athletes, All-time SistersBASKETBALLSie justneeds anextra pusftSophomore Payton Acuffand sister freshman Taylorplayed every sport that theyparticipated in together.Sometimes I can have ashorter temper towards hersince 1 know her better than ourother teammates, Payton said.The sisters seem to spendevery waking every momenttogether, so its kind of nice toget a break sometimes.Its okay seeing her all thetimebecaiiseshe is my sister and Ilove her, but its weird if I have toguard her during practice becausewe are harder on each other thaneveryone else, Taylor said.Besides playing their sportstogether, they also go home to eachother everyday.I can get super frustratedsometimes at her because I knowshe can do better than what she isdoing, but she just needs an extrapush, Payton said. |
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Edgewood High School |
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