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Homecoming Exciting From Bonfire to DanceSoaring flames from four bonfires showed the enthusiasm of the good turnout of students in backingtheir team and spurring them on. Wood for the bonfires was collected all week. Having the largest pileof wood, the Sophomores won the spirit contest.Before the game with North Central on Friday,September 25, a parade went around the footballfield. Each class entered a float and the MarchingMustangs played. Float competition was won by theSeniors. Wendy Scott, selected from a court of sixSenior girls by student vote, was crowned Homecoming Queen.It was an exciting game and the large crowdcheered wildly. Although the team lost the game, thedance afterwards helped to promote high spirits inplace of disappointment.Principal Thomas McConnell gives Wendy Scott a congratulatory kiss after being crowned Homecoming Queen.Using the theme of a T-bird and a can of soup, the Seniors come up with the winning Homecoming float.Homecoming Queen Wendy Scott is surrounded by her court, Rhonda Vickrey, Lana Jacobs, Julia Harman, Cheryl Kuster, and Vicki McCoy.15.-.mmm |
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Edgewood High School |
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