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how manytimes haveyou visitedCRAM thisyear?45%31%19%never1-2 times3-4 timeslive there Ifirsts and lastsSeniors and freshmen share their differentopinions about their first first day of highschool and their last first day.It was a little surreal. The past few years I never really paid attention to(the first day), but this time I had to stop and let it sink in.senior Wyeth MichaelsenSt. Charles is a lot different than South. It was a lot smaller, but after thefirst few days (at South), it was pretty easy to adjust. I was a little nervousat first, but I only got lost a few times, and most of the people have beenreally nice.freshman Sydney MelvinMy last first day of school was bittersweet. High school for me has had itsups and downs, but it has really let me grow as a person. During that day Ialso realized how fast time had passed since I got here and that I neededto make the most of my senior year.senior Tamsin Stringer\ was mostly excited because it was something new. There wasnt reallyany anxiety, and I wasnt very nervous because I had been (at South)before and I knew a lot of people who were already in high school.freshman Gordon RichardsonnWilliam GibbonsseniorAu |
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Bloomington High School South |
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