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PICK ANDROLEMODELSPlayers discuss who they thinkmost similar to in a professionalSelf image is defined as the idea someone has oftheir abilities, appearance, and personality. It is animportant component of how any athlete performsbecause it is crucial in their development of skills.The parallels players see between themselves andprofessional athletes can be an insight into theirself image, and it can range from the similarity inplay style to the way they conduct themselves inpublic.When asked who he most closely relates to inthe NBA, Freshman Anthony Leal comparedhimself to Klay Thompson. I just really think thathes an elite shooter, and his play style is prettysimilar to mine, said Leal. For Leal, both shootingand scoring for Bloomington South were a routinepart of his game contributions throughout theregular season this past year. The character ofThompson was also something that Lealcommented on, and he believed that goodcharacter is something that he saw in both himselfand the Golden State Warriors guard KlayThompson.Similarly, Senior Joshua Hall discussed howhe relates to Anthony Davis, a center for Orleansthe New Orleans Pelicans. Rather than focusing onpersonality, Hall found that he mostly plays muchthey would the same way. He plays around the basket andhas a good mid range jumper, said Hall. Theparallel can also be accurate when looking at how,at times, the Bloomington South team leaned onHall to score in close situations just as the Pelicansrely on big man Davis. This year was Halls mostdominant of his high school career, starting atcenter for the Panthers through the entirety of theseason. While professional athletes have influenceas role models, it is not always just about thescoring or their jumper. For example juniorChristopher Bomba concluded that he was mostlike Draymond Green of the Warriors because ofthe hustle that Green gives.Whether it is the composure of a player orhow they lead a team, every young athlete growingup has a role model. Role models seems toinfluence and exemplify attributes the studentathlete wishes to attain. This idea transcendssports and high school athletics. Every personneeds people to admire, not only in sports, but inlife. Consequently, these role models shape theway youth develop as people and as studentathletes.-CAMERON MCCLAINE_<L>cacOton<L>ooCDL.Q_o(N(NrNCDThe Indiana Hoosiers finished their season hot lastyear only coming up short to The North CarolinaTar Heels in the tournament. They began the seasonranked #12. After an opening win over number sixKansas, the Hoosiers eventually fell out of theranking. Through some tough losses andcompetitive conference play, the season came upquite short of expectations.Everyone in this town feels likethey underperformed, but Idont think Crean is all to blame.We have had a lot of injuriesand our Big Ten schedule hasbeen pretty hard with our roadmatchups.SENIOR LUKEJAGERThey had their ups and downslike wins over North Carliona,and Kansas, but the kids at theend didnt play through thebumps in the road which killedour season, but Im excited tosee what Archie Miller can dowith the team next year.SENIOR MAROGERS88 | Athletics Ius- GENERAL REQUESTS TROOPS TO BREAK STALEMATE IN AFGHANISTAN 2/8 [ ARCHEOLOGISTS FIND A NEW DEAD |
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Bloomington High School South |
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