Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2017, Page 77

Description: I. Sophomore Joseph Ermey and senior ClareMattsson have an argument playing mother and son.Tension between Ermey and Mattssons charactersis a main theme of The Glass Menagerie. PHOTO BYELLA NEED II. Sophomore. Adriana Port and seniorClare Mattsson have a discussion in character. Portscharacter struggles with social interaction due to amp she contracted from a childhood illness.Sophomore Jospeh Ermey and senior Bryce Carsonshare a scene while standing on the porch of theapartment where the play takes place. Ermey andCarsons characters are coworkers. PHOTOS BYBRITTANY UNDERWOODGILMORE GIRLSNOV. 25,2016November 25th was animportant day in the GilmoreGirls fandom. After nine years,the show premiered a revivalseries, bringing back the iconicmother-daughter duo to life onelast time. The four 90 minutelong episodes represented a yearin the life of the Gilmore Girls,set in Stars Hollow, CT. Theepisodes were split into seasons:Winter, Spring, Summer, andFall.p*fl*HtI think the creator (AmySherman-Palladino) wrapped upthe show nicely but still left a lotof things open.SENIORISABELLE NEALI love the show because,although its a show about amother and a daughter, theshow is also special for kids whomight not have a greatrelationship with their parents.It is really wholesome to watch.SENIOR LUCIADAVILAWITH TRUMP 1/26 CLOTHING RETAILERS, WET SEAL AND THE LIMITED, ANNOUNCE STORE CLOSINGS 1/27) Community 177
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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