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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2017, Page 19

Description: THE FINAL[S] COUNTDOWNAs a trimester is ending, every student isthinking the same thing: what am I goingto do about finals? Lots of students arestressed when it comes to finals. Gettingready for finals is a struggle for a lot ofstudents - an especially difficult factor ishaving to review for so many classes.Sophomore Thais Hauskrecht, said shestarts studying about a week beforefinals begin. Some pupils study a lot for allof their classes while others improvise anddo not study at all. Some even thinkclasses should not have finals. Amongthese is junior Abbey Kawanishi, whothinks there should be little teststhroughout the year, causing studentsless stress at the end of each trimester.I dont like having long classes becauseusually we just end up sitting aroundwaiting for others to finish.SOPHOMORE THAISHAUSKRECHSitting for so long taking one test, that is100 questions, that is hard ... I like thepost test because it is only 20 questions.JUNIOR ABBEYKAWANISHII. Part of project green bathroom was to add sinks to thefirst floor bathrooms that were automatic. These sinksprevent loss of water through dripping faucets. II. Two ofthe four sinks in the boys bathroom on the first floor werereplaced with automatic sinks. These sinks shut off after aset amount of time to prevent loss of water. The sinks arealso much more sanitary since people do not have to touchanything to turn the sinks on. III. In addition to theautomatic sinks and green toilets, hand dryers were alsoadded to the two green bathrooms on the first floor. Thehand dryers prevent waste of paper through paper towels.PHOTOS BY BRITTANY UNDERWOODGETS IMPEACHED 8/31 GROUPS OF VENEZUELANS FLOOD STREETS PROTESTING THE GOVERNMENT 9/1Academics 119
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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