Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2014, Page 29

Description: A family friend shaves junior Cameron Blands head at a Camstrongget-together on August 4. Bland was diagnosed with kidney cancer in the asummer and was on the path to recovery by November. Members of theBloomington South boys soccer and football team, both of which Bland hadwJbelonged to since freshman year, also shaved their heads together in supportof Bland. T\ Junior Tyson Cappy shaves fellow football teammate and jjunior Tyler Richardsons head. Blands friends and former team memberssought to help Bland feel less alone during the first weeks of school, whenBland expected to lose his hair due to chemotherapy. ■•■ :i Blands familygave out orange wristbands, bearing the name of the movement in support ofBland, Camstrong. PHOTOS BY TAYLOR KING FOUR At Hoosiers OutrunCancer on September 20, sophomores Jacob Holbrook and Aaron Keselich |sport orange bandannas in support of Bland. PHOTO BY JAMES TANFORDSophomore Ryne Benckart andjunior Josiah Goodmon discussthe benefits and drawbacks ofthe new iPhone operatingsystem, iOS7, over iMessage.So. Ryne. WhiOS7?Ryne Benckartdo you not likeI dont like iOS 7 because itdrains your battery and as muchas I use my phone I need toconserve it as much as I can.But, there is a way to actuallyfix that. You go into the settingsand just kinda flip a switch andit gets rid of the backgroundapps being usedRyne BenckartIt does take care of thebackground apps but it doesnttake care of the extra things itbrings in, like it will use up moredata when youre usingFaceTime or calling peopleSee, but you just have to getast that because they aremoving towards larger andbetter things with this update.You cant deny that iOS 7 looksbetter than iOS 6 or the onesthat came before it, correct?It does look better, I think. And Ido think with the backgroundapps it functions better, but itsharder to remember to closeyour apps, at least for me it is.You just have to get used to it.Its new and ever-changing.Ryne BenckartI dont like change!Josiah Goodmon®mbu have to adapt.Ryne BenckartI dont like change, Josiah.Josiah Goodmonal problem.
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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