Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2013, Page 79

Description: Winkies, and Ozians, and flyingmonkeys (oh my)! From Dec. 21 toJan. 5 at the Buskirk ChumleyTheater, Bloomington Southstudents embodied these familiarOzian creatures as chorusmembers in Cardinal StageCompanys holiday production of77ie Wizard of Oz.Student actors performed atotal of seven different choral rolesin the play, one of Cardinalsbiggest productions ever, whichimplemented pyrotechnics,elaborate sets and lights, flyingobjects, projected recordings andToto, too — a live cairn terrier. Theproduction aspect is really huge,said senior Callista Rekas, achorus member in the play. Its acomplete fantasy land.For the cast, this meant twoweeks of technical rehearsal toperfect sound cues and effects.While this extended period ofrehearsal was rare for some theatercompanies, it was a commonpractice for Cardinal. Its notunusual for Randy (Cardinaldirector), said junior Devin May,a chorus member.Junior Cynthia Underwood,a chorus member and Dorothysunderstudy, was able to try out theflying device for one of Dorothysscenes. It was absolutely terrifyingthe first time, Underwood said.The cast and crew wereconstantly working, either setting offa new burst of flame or changinginto a new costume. Everybodyhad to do something sometime,Underwood said. If you werent amonkey, you were a Winkie. Thevisual effects and choral roles keptcast members occupied throughoutthe play. It was a long show. Youhad to keep your energy up,Underwood said.Although she favored her roleas a sassy tree, Rekas enjoyedswitching between her many rolesas part of the chorus. I think itsmore fun to be in the chorus,Rekas said. Theres more of anopportunity to play different parts.While sometimes chaotic, theplay proved to be a rewardingexperience. Working with thosepeople was a unique experience,May said. For May, and the rest ofthe cast, there really was no placelike Cardinal.-EMILY MOONlet it SnOWThe biggest snowstorm of the winter hit Bloomington onDecember 26, yielding cumulatively 22 inches of snow.1 snowflake =2 inches of snow8.5 inches of snow coverthe ground in senior StuartCarneys backyard after themajor snowfall onDecember 26. Carneymeasured the accumulationusing a ruler that he stuck inthe snow.PHOTO COURTESY STUARTCARNEYSeniors Hannah Alani,Maureen Mitchell andGillian Applegate celebratethe holiday whiledenouncing Christmas cheerat Mitchells Anything BUTChristmas party. The eventtook place on December21. PHOTO COURTESYMAUREEN MITCHELLA festive wreath adorns thebrick walls of FountainSquare Mall. Throughoutthe holiday season, thebuilding was decked outwith cheery lights, boughsof greenery, reindeermodels and a myriad ofpresents. PHOTO COURTESYLOIS MOONHFC 9fi HFC. 97HFC 9fi DFC ?qinformation from The Herald-Times Almanac
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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