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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2010, Page 43

Description: doin it dubies waThe 2009-2010 Beatles themed Marching Band showwas a crowd pleaser.Band camp might be where all theexcitement started forBloomington Souths marchingband, but the competitions andhalftime shows were where all oftheir hard work came together.For many bands their goal mighthave been to win first place, butSouths band had a different goalin mind.Souths band had their eyeson the Peoples Choice Awardwhen they went to competitions,which sometimes included twoshows in one day. This award waschosen by the audience, not thejudges, and to the members ofSouths band, that was the moreimportant thing to focus on. Wealways aim to win the PeoplesChoice Award rather than the bigfirst place award because we feelthat performing for the crowd ismore important than performingfor the judges, explained juniorJonathan Blair.With the bands spunky Beatlesthemed show, it was no questionwhy they were repeatedly thecrowds favorite. It just kind ofhappens [winning]. We are moreof a show band as opposed to themore traditional bands. Peopletend to enjoy our performancesbecause we dance, and our musicis more popular, said junior SaraGeorge. George had been amember of the color guardthroughout her high school career,and out of the three years, herjunior year was her favorite. Thisyear we had a performance in theschool gym because there was astorm outside. We were reallyclose to the audience, and eventhough we didnt get to march, theshow was still a really greatexperience, explained George.I really like this yearsBeatles theme. It was really funthe way we put everythingtogether and I loved the songchoices we performed, said Blair.Even though two competitionsevery Saturday and long hours onbus rides were pretty hard tohandle, it was easy to see why theband was so successful: they lovewhat they do.— MADELINE HAYFORDqjxMjs
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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