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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2006, Page 55

Description: Below: Juniors Michael Collins, Evan Childers and Sean Buuck read newspapers during the 20 minutes of required reading at the beginning of SRT.They used to play UNO during SRT until cards were banned to promotestudying and getting help from teachers. Many students missed playing cardswith their friends during SRT.^. #****»„tit 4.oHEM0)Left: Mr. Dan Kennedyhelps senior Nick Samaroedit a clip for the followingweeks SRT show. Producing the show gives ourstudents a real-life, handson experience with deadlinedriven projects, said Mr.Kennedy.Left: Seniors Jordan Canada, Ben Chappell, RickBurchfield, and Matt Bartletthang out in the halls to helppass time. Mr. Frey is thegod of Student Relax Time,said Bartlett.Left: Seniors Bailey Robertson, Jordan Root, andJessica Kennedy use theirtime to study during SRT.Students often went toother classrooms to visitwith friends or get help fromtheir teachers.
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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