Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2004, Page 45

Description: 111^Reading a book, fine artsteacher Mrs. Staci Jennings(left), poses for her Drawingclass. Jennings also taughtphotography and studio art.StudentPer/pective/Blowing fire from a pumpkin, science teacherMrs. Beth Wolfe (below) puts on ademonstration for her Chemistry class. EveryHalloween Wolfe and her students performcreative experiments.CLw w Pedro ISainz] is acool teacher becausehe brings fun andhumor into learning.Patrick Beard5544Mr. Springer explainsthings randomly butwe can still relate towhat he says;Dani Bearsch44Mr. Ackerson is agreat teacher, he is funand he is easy to relateand talk to.Andrew Drake55English teacher Mr. John Jeffries (left) playshis guitar for the Project PRIDE class. Mr.Jeffries was a favorite teacher with hisoutgoing personality and assortment ofhumorous songs.French teacher Mrs. Martha Holmes, French(right), prepares to pass out food to her class.Holmes organized French food day, wherestudents brought in an assortment of Frenchcuisine.mniciuz Mzibote 45
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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