Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2000, Page 103

Description: Jen-Kor5en\or ?\\\loe>ovY\\ee>All I want to sayin 10 years is WiltChamberlain.Well, you know hewas pretty good atbasketball, but hewas also good atsome other stuff,senior ChrisCrouch said.In the words ofBob Dylan: T wokeup in the morning,went to bed atnight, and didwhat made mehappy inbetween, seniorScott McCoy 10 years,That I am an accomplishedyouth minister and I havetouched many youths lives,senior Tyler Abel said.I want to be able to tell them Im rich,drive up in a limo and rub my money in alltheir faces, senior Jason Spoolstra said.I would just like to be very, verysuccessful and rich and famous because Ithink people have doubts about whetherIll be anything big or not. I woulddescribe success as personal satisfactionthrough doing what I want to do, seniorGwen Raley said.That I went skydiving. I wantto do something crazy; I wantto jump out of a plane becauseI want people to think Im moredaring. I want to change theworld one jump at a time,senior Laurie Garlisch.btj Jordan darnerThat I live in amansion andhave a milliondollars becausemoney is whatthe world isabout, seniorMeredith Hashsaid.I want to develop acenter for peoplewho are notmentally insane,but people whocannot function allthe time bythemselves, peoplethat need extrahelp in theirmental health,senior CassieNelson said.Emily Jennings Lucas Jones David Kang Matt Keller Kevin Keough CrystalKermmoadeNick Kernan Lindsey Kerr Jayme Kidd Keely King Kindra King Josh KinserMatt KinserRachel Kinser Jenna William Knapp JustinKloosterman KoharchickAlly KorzecSeniors 103
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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