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In the HuddleVarsity football goes 13-1 on way to Sectional,Regional and Conference titles~by Lacey EberleThe biggest rival for the teamwas Martinsville. Although thePanthers and Artesians canboth play hard, Martinsvillewas known to play dirtyfootball ... they dont care aboutthe real game, they dont careabout attitude, its all simplywinning to them, seniorcaptain Mike Cartwright said.This type of dirty footballwas the main motivator for thePanthers. Every match-up withthe Artesians was simply achance to prove how to playreal football, and how to winrespectfully. The team won theregular season game andSectional game with pride, withheart and with guts.The night before every homegame, the team gathered for amotivational dinner at RyansSteakhouse. As the group ofcoaches, players, QuarterbackClub members, as well asother supporters congregatedin support for the next game,they enjoyed speeches fromthe coaches as well as theseniors, in addition to thefood.These dinners brought theteam together by giving us all achance to spend time togetheroff the field, senior JasonDorais said.Finishing the season with arecord of 13-1, Panther fanswere sad for the season toend, but proud of the powerand dominance of this yearsteam, Quarterback ClubPresident Jim Murphy, fatherof senior Aaron Murphy, said.The team dominated in theSouthport game, winning by 60points, and they continued todominate in the Sectionalgames against Center Grove,Terre Haute South andMartinsville. In the Regionalgame against Evansville Reitz,they dominated once again fora final score of 35-20, alongwith the Regional title.Leaders on the teamincluded Mr. Footballnominees, seniors SteveSutherland, Jared Devich, RobShirley and Charles Davis.Defensive leaders includedseniors Nate May, JasonDorais, Mike Cartwright andjunior BJ Camfield. Leaders onthe offense included seniorsAdam Hayes and AaronMurphy.We just followed in thefootsteps of the past leaders.Everyone helped lead ourteam, it wasnt just one of us,May said.With last years StateChampionship t-shirtscontaining the wordTRADITION sprawled acrossthe back, the same went forthis year. Not only did thisteam have a tradition ofwinning and having one of thebest teams and coaching staffsin the state, as seniorBrandon Zerface said, but italso had a tradition of gainingsupport and respect from theentire community, as well asthe tradition of their crazyfans. From the high spiritedjugheads to the man with theair-horn, the painted faces tomatch the painted bodies, evenstudents with purple eyemasks and capes to match, theonly thing left to say was thisyears motto, you aint seennothin yet.Aside from the incident inwhich Coach Werner fell in amud puddle before the BenDavis game, the things thatthe players remembered aboutthis season were the littlethings. Things such as thecaptains breakfast, whichtook place at Wee Williesevery Friday morning, theTootsie Pops that were given toall of the special teams playersby Coach Sipes, as well as thesight of posters all offeringsupport for the game as theplayers approached school.The thing we all had incommon was the love of simplyplaying football. We all had onegoal, and we achieved that as ateam, as a whole, senior SteveSutherland said.Add it upFranklin Central: 33-3 WWarren Central: 20-7 WBedford: 41-0 WLawrence Central: 21-7 WPerry Meridian: 38-13 WBloomington North: 42-0 WMartinsville: 38-10 WPike: 13-6 WSouthport: 67-7 WCenter Grove (Sectional): 39-20 WTerre Haute South (Sectional): 48-21 WMartinsville (Sectional): 34-6 WEvansville Reitz (Regional): 35-20 WBen Davis (Semistate): 38-0 L= 13-1The Big GameThe Setup:Friday, Nov. 12, vs. Evansville Reitz, at thefamous Reitz Bowl Stadium in Evansville.The Hype:12-0 Panthers facing 9-2 Evansville Reitz for theRegional title.The Unraveling:Senior Aaron Murphy started off the game withfive key catches for 41 yards, and although behindat the start, senior Rob Shirleys 30 carries for 154yards and three touchdowns, along with senior92 Gothic •NOVEMBER DECEMBER 1999 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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