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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2000, Page 60

Description: In ControlGirls fall JV, freshman sports gain experiencefor future through hard work ~by Lacey EberleJV Girls SoccerQ: What will you remember most aboutthe season?A: We improved a lot over the year. For alot of the people on the team, this wastheir first year, and we ended up winninga lot of games, and had a great timetogether as a team. I made some reallygreat friends, junior Gretchen Fishersaid.A: When the whole team went to WaffleHouse for breakfast and sang HappyBirthday to our coach, even though itreally wasnt her birthday. We did a lot ofbonding activities over the season, andhad a great year, junior Marcie Fry said.Photo courtesy of Kirkwood Photo LabFront Row: Ashley Hawkins, Angie Padgett, StephanieRohl, Brianna Dyche, Lisa Bellis. Second Row: AshleyReynolds, Kristin Hupp, Gretchen Fisher, LaurenDeGroote, Marcie Fry, Catherine DeGroote. BackRow: Assistant Coach Deana Zemke, Courtney Layman,Tashi Johnson, Natalie Katz, Aran Mordoh, Mary Obaka,Head Coach Chris Sellers.JV Girls Cross CountryQ: If you could have changed one thingabout the season, what would it havebeen, and why?A: I PRd at practices instead of meets,thats not really supposed to happen,sophomore Elizabeth Evans said.A: I dont think Id change anything. Thevariables of the team were very well intact. Everyone improved and we were anawesome group of girls, sophomoreMaralee Muscato said.Q: What will you remember most aboutthe season?A: I just really liked it because everyonewas friends. We all supported each other,and everyone was so nice, sophomoreMarianne Lloyd said.JV VolleyballQ: How did your team get along?A: We got along really well. I made a lotof friends that will last forever,sophomore Laura Smith said.A: I had a great time this year. This wasthe year many personalities came out,and many friendships were made, juniorLindsey Heisler said.Photo courtesy of Kirkwood Photo LabFront Row: Jessica Green, Kristin Kovach, MichelleJacob, Teryn Papp, Katie Eberle. Back Row: CoachMelissa Rooney, Ginny Chappell, Laura Smith, KacieDryer, Susan Jacob, Ashley Augenbergs.Freshman VolleyballQ: Were there any special moments youhad with the team?A: The ride home from ConferenceIndiana. We all got in the bus and talkedabout our season together, and how muchfun we had together, freshman RachelAxsom said.Q: What was the most unusual thing thathappened during your season?A: Two teammates got in a fight atschool, and for the next three games, theyjust fought over whose fault it was,freshman Tracie Hoppie said.Photo courtesy of Kirkwood Photo LabFront Row: Tracie Hoppie, Amanda Flynn, CadeeHiggins, Jerilyn Kremer, Liza Perry, Delyn Kazdan. BackRow: Coach Lisa Butcher, Stephanie Nethery, LyndseyKinser, Rachel Axsom, Lindsay Strauser, CharlotteBrinegar.Andy feori60 Gothic • September October 1999
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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