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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2000, Page 53

Description: Sophomore Ashley Farrell reaches forthe ball as the rest of the team waits toput the ball away in a game againstBedford. The team did a very good jobof keeping the ball alive and then finishingthe point with a put away.Celebrating the previous point, juniorSunny Schaeuble converses with seniorMaggie Fritz during a match againstColumbus East. Schaeubles long reachhelped the Panthers block the opposingteams spikes.Brett WhiteReceiving signals from Coach JulieFlately, sophomore Ashley Farrellfocuses on the next point. Farrellplayed her first year on varsity afterplaying on the reserve team last year.Brett WhiteAwaiting a serve from a Bedford player,senior Maggie Fritz gets in the readyposition. Fritz and the team dressed upon occasion for big matches with wife-beaters and purple-striped socks.Courtesy of Kirkwood Photo LabFront Row: Jessica Conder, Ashley Farrell, Maggie Fritz, Amy Watkins, TriciaCooksey. Back Row: Coach Julie Flatley, Emily Jennings, Sunny Schaeuble, AllisonHorn, Vanessa Higgins.The Big GameThe Setup:Bloomington North on Oct. 7 on theirhome courtThe Hype:The team wanted to avenge a previousdefeat, and the emotions take a step up whenthe Cougars and Panthers meet.The CougarsSenior Emily Jennings returns a serve from a Bedfordopponent. Jennings was a power player for theteam and made it difficult for other teams to returnthe ball. were ranked 4th in the state, and the team tasted anupset.The Unraveling:The team came out strong and won the first game15-8. In the second game, they played great early, andwere leading 8-0. Suddenly, the tide started to turn.The Cougars made a remarkable comeback and wonthe second game 15-11 .After the second game win,North had all the momentum. In the third game, thescore reflected the shift with a 15-2 Cougar win toclinch the match.The Thoughts:How would you describe the North match?We were really fired up before the game, andthe first two games were probably the best twogames we had all season.Volleyball is a game inwhich momentum plays a large part, and we hadthe momentum in the first game and early in thesecond. Somehow, something happened and theygot the momentum that we had. We lost it andtripped up a bit (in the second game). In the thirdgame our spirits were down and we got beat,junior Sunny Schaeuble said.53
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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