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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2000, Page 48

Description: On the GreenGirls golf team competes well in various meets,finishes with even record ~by Martha PayneThis was senior KellyHamiltons last year on theteam. She played varsity forfour years, and was thenumber one player for the pasttwo years.Im going to miss going tomeets, and I wish I could playone more year, because Ithink that we can make Statenext year. The girls are reallygoing to have to work, becauseits going to be tough,Hamilton said.The team chose seniorsRachel Kinser and KellyHamilton as captains. Kinserand Hamilton always kept theteam in good spirits beforematches.They really encouraged thetwo new freshmen and myself.No one ever felt that they werebeing separated by class,sophomore Ann OConnor said.Traveling to away meetssometimes took longer thanexpected, even if it was lessthan an hour away.We had a meet at Bedford,against Bedford and Mitchell.The bus got there at 4 p.m. butwe were supposed to tee offthen. It threw us off of ourgame. We didnt have any timeto warm up, freshman SarahGates said.Before every meet the teamdecorated lockers, gave peptalks and had psyche sisters.We all drew one person andyou bought them something,such as candy, for the nextmatch. It got us excited and gotus ready for our meet. It madeour mood happy, senior RachelKinser said.The team practiced beforethe school year began in orderto meet the new girls. As aresult, the team grew close andhung out together.Having practice one monthbefore school started gave us achance to become really closewith each other. I also got achance to meet the new playersthis year, junior RuthieWillsey said.While playing againstMartinsville, who was rankednumber one at the time, thegirls were given the coldshoulder.Usually we [the team] liketo talk to the people that weare playing against, but theMartinsville girls worked theentire round and wouldnt evenconverse with any of us! Butother than that, the teamdoesnt really have any rivals,Hamilton said.Brett WhiteAdd it upJasper Invitational: 2ndMitchell: 180-205 WProvidence: 172-197 LColombus North Invitational: 5thCol. North/Center Grove: 2ndOwen Valley: 197-246 WBedford/Mitchell: 1stCol. North/Bloomington North: 3rdBrownstown: 181-242 WBloomington North: 163-186 LSeymour/Mitchell: 2ndEdgewood: 170-206 WCol. North: 184-193 LConference: 4thMartinsville: 165-193 LSectional: 3rdRegional: 8th= 4-4The Big GameThe Setup:Over 15 teams present at Sectional, 10:50 am(first scheduled tee off time) on Saturday, Sept. 25at Cascades Golf Course.The Hype:The team had consistenly advanced throughSectional in the past and wanted to return to theRegional tournament.The Unraveling:Even though most of the team had arrived atthe match, as it came closer to the start of48 Gothic • September October 1999
Collection: Bloomington High School South

Further information on this record can be found at its source.