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etween participating in BoysState, weightlifting, andmaintaining a 4.0, senior BenWidlanski somehow mangages tokeep his sanity, and his sociallife.Q: Tell me about Boys State. What didyou do there?A: It was a week long camp, where amock government is set up. Studentsfrom high schools across the state getinvolved and run a mock government. Igot appointed party chairman, which wassBen widlanskifar is 455 pounds, and my best squat is450 pounds.Q: How do you manage to keep up yourgrades along with participating in allof your school activities?A: Keeping up a 4.0 isnt easy anytime.The only way I do it is I delegate my time.I still manageto have asocial life, butit takes somework.Story by Jordan GarnerPhoto by David Wonderone of the highest positions. I ran mostof the conventions and was a finalist forthe Breedlove Award.Q: What have you accomplished inpower lifting?A: I won state twice, best lifter once,second at Dead Lift Nationals and won acouple regional competitions. I competein the 165-pound weight class and in the16-17 age division. My best dead lift soDespite being diagnosed witheukemia in April of 1999,sophomore Toby Shaw keeps hisspirits up as he adjusts to thechanges in his life.opii om o reTObyShawStory by Abby HensonPhoto by David WonderQ: What do you like to do in your sparetime?A: Ill go to a friends house and a coupleof times weve played paintball. I prettymuch just hang out at friends houses.Q: What are your favorite activities?A: Sports like football, baseball, andwrestling. I played football and wrestledlast year and Im playing baseball thisyear.Q: How do you maintain such a positiveattitude after being diagnosed withleukemia?A: My friends help me by writing notes andvisiting me if Im sick. My family helps meout by getting stufffor me and talkingto me.Q: How has yoursickness changedyour perspectiveon life?A: You cant do asmuch. You cant goto school and seeyour friends asmuch.Q: What treatment are you undergoing,and how has it affected you?A: Chemotherapy, you get more tired andyou run out of energy faster.Q: How has it changed your normalroutine?A: I have to go up to Riley (hospital) quitea bit, and I miss school a lot.Q: Where doyou want tobe in 10years?A: Id like tobe a lawyer.Thegovernment and the way the countryworks is cool.Q: What is the most interesting thingabout you?A: The way people perceive me. Whenpeople hear Im a power lifter, they thinkIm stupid, and when people hear I have a4.0, they think Im a nerd. Its weird howpeople have conflicting views about me.Q: When are you expected to be finishedwith treatment?A: It will be two years from now. Ill stillhave to go in for checkups, but Ill be donewith treatment.42 Gothic • september/october 1999 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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