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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2000, Page 16

Description: Security Guard Shane McKinnery stopsstudents from leaving the lunchroomduring their lunch period. Some securityguards were placed at each exit fromthe lunch room, cutting off studentsaccess to the rest of the building.Sophomore Adam Moore attemps toconvince Mrs. Barbara Seal, science,why he should be able to leave the lunchroom during C lunch. Teachers wereassigned to guard certain areas of thebuilding in order to prevent students fromleaving the cafeteria and commons area.Andy Soh_. K\ ^Reactions to v^\j • new rules in the lunchroomby Jessee HahnWith all of the changes that came withthe end of the renovation and the arrivalof new teachers and administrators, thelast thing students thought they neededwas more rules. The issue of whether thenew rules were for the benefit of thestudents or just another inconvenienceseemed to be a thought on the minds ofmost students.Q: Why did you feel it was necessary toimplement the new rules concerningkeeping the students in the cafeteriauntil lunch is over?The reason we started the new rulesis because we had some problems andconcerns from teachers that studentswere leaving lunch early and weredisturbing classes and getting intotrouble. It wasnt because of the behaviorof all of the students that we felt we hadto do this, it was just the behavior of afew students. We were having isolatedincidents involving a few students causingtrouble, disturbing classes and gettinginto potentially dangerous situations. Weare in charge of the students safety, andwe have to take the precautionary stepsto keep all of the students safe. I wouldjust like all of the students to know that Ihave been very impressed with thegeneral atmosphere of calmness thatexists here. I want to give all of the kidscredit for that, -Principal Mr.Mark Fletcher.Q: How do you feel about thesecurity guards blocking allof the stairways, and notallowing you to leave untilthe bell rings at the end oflunch?I think its so stupid. Whatif I need to go to the library atlunch? What if I need to gethomework from my locker? Imnot a vandal, and Im not outto destroy this school. If I amlegally forced to be here, Ishould have the freedom to goupstairs during my break, ifyou want to call it that.(Senior) Kristin Demming isright when she says that ifthey cant even trust us to goto our lockers alone, then howcan they trust us to go intothe bathroom stalls alone?-senior Liz Siantz.I really do not care as longas I have at least half an hourto eat. I basically think it isfine as long as the guardsdont start asking us for food,-freshman Rishi Verma.Andy GohLauren DemmingStudents stand by the lunchroom as they wait for the bell to ring.Due to the new rule, students werent allowed to their lockers orclasses until their lunch period ended.16 GothicJULY/AUGUST 1999
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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