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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2000, Page 192

Description: 4>5CIiV_&Preparing for their event, junior JeremyStewart and sophomore Ian Enochs windup the scrambler. During this eventwe wound up the scrambler a certainamount of times in order to make it travela specific distance. Before the event wepredict how far it will go, and afterwardsthe distance is measured, and wereceive points on our accuracy, Stewartsaid. The white team placed first in theRegional competition held at PurdueUniversity.Members of the Science Olympiad teamcelebrate their state championship onthe podium in Assembly Hall. We wentto the awards ceremony unsure of howwe did, but we knew that we did thebest that we could, senior Dan Hallasaid. After the ceremony, the team wentto Pizza Hut to enjoy the victory. Thiswas their fifth state championship in sixyears.WO* 5<*0°l,4Junior Doug Miller and senior Jordan Garner perform delicatework in their tower event at the 2000 state competition. Thepair won this event in 1999 at the national competition. TheLauren Demmingobject is to make the lightest tower that is also the mostefficient at carrying its load. Our tower won (State), whichwas pretty exciting, Miller said. At state, their tower had amass of 3.81 grams and held over 19 kilograms.,192 Gothic • march/april 2000
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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