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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1999, Page 92

Description: by Pete HallBoys Swim TeamKICKSHARDto Finish 18th at Stateby the fiyMBERSLi130 EdgewoodThem51107 Muncie Central76101 Terre Haute Soutl85122 Martinsville63134 Pern Meridian504 Bloomington North 112bb Columbus North11889.5 Sevmour90.512-t Terre Haute North664th Conference Indiana2nd Sectional18th Statestate levelAll three relay teams competedat the State meet. The 200 and 400freestyle relay teams did notqualify for the Saturday finals, butthe 200 individual medley relayteam placed eighth, whichconsisted of seniors Bjorn Boquist,Jeremy Cho and Joe Schroeder andjunior Logan Hunter.It was a good experience toswim against swimmers that werenationally-ranked, and it wasreally cool to see our relay team upat the awards podium, Cho said.short changedThe team had a disappointingloss at Sectional to crosstown rivalBlooomington North.It was absolutely horrible.They won because of the pointsthey scored from diving, and whenthey announced the score, Northjumped into the water right infront of us, sophomore MikeTresslar said.the long runThe team had tough practicesbefore and after school throughoutBoys Swimming(6-3)MATT GIBSONFront Row: Chris Clark. Max Litwin. ChrisJohansen. John Laughlin. Mike Tresslar. BackRow: Coach Trevor Hoke. Jonas Savage, CraigJacobs, Joe Schroeder, Eben McAvay, BjornBoquist. Logan Hunter. Charlie Laughlin, JeremyCho, Chris Vargo. Howard Broderick.the season during which theyswam 6000-7000 yards per practice.Practices were rough. I gotreally sick of them. But in the end, Iwas glad I went through them,sophomore John Laughlin said.a little off the topTeam members shaved theirheads before Sectional todemonstrate team unity.Its a tradition, and it gets usmentally prepared for the secondbiggest meet of the year. Plus,shaving your head and your bodyis proven to make you go faster,junior Charlie Laughlin said.high contenderAt the State meet junior LoganHunter placed seventh in the 200individual medley and third in the500 freestyle, which was onesecond off the school record heldby his older brother, Ben Hunter.I was mostly concentrating onthe 500. It was alright, but I shouldhave won. I took it out a little slow.I was happy, but not satisfied. Itwas a good learning experience.Im looking forward to next year.Hunter said.L€€tping off the starting block, juniorChris Vargo starts the 100 butterfly duringSectional. Vargo went on to compete at theMATT VLASMANState meet in the 200 freestyle relay alongwith junior Charlie Laughlin and seniorsGordon Smith and Jeremy Cho.0Spread Design bysportsJordan Garner and Anshu Kalhan
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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