Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2001, Page 103

Description: Junior Joe Miller eyes hisball after a chip out of therough in a home matchversus Center Grove.Miller was the sole junioron the varsity squad.Muscling the ball out ofthe thick grass, seniorBrett White attempts tostick it on the green. Thiswas Whites second yearon the varsity levelwhere he made solidcontributions.Following through on histee shot, senior TonyDaniels stays balanced.Daniels will be attendingthe University ofIndianapolis on a golfscholarship.Senior Aaron Waltersreaches down to get theball he just putted in thehole. Walters was one ofthe four seniors on theSectional team.Andrew Gilbert\Courtesy of Kirkwood Photo LabFront Row: Parker Collins, Chad Coates, Tony Daniels, Jordan Tabereaux, AaronWalters, Tim Cross, Zach Clay, Brett White. Back Row: Nick Dyar, Luke Combs, AlexEades, Josh Maxwell, Joe Miller, Paul Smoot, Robert Hall, Andrew Powers, Dan Matson,Luke Wyatt, Jacob Young, Coach George Finley.Chris CareerChris CarterOne ShiningMomentBreakdown.On Friday, June 1, the team went down to Otis Park in Bedfordin hopes of capturing the Sectional Title for the third year ina row. Several ranked teams were in the field, including hostBedford North Lawrence, Bloomington North and Seymour.Led by senior Jordan Tabereaux, who earned medalist honorsby firing a one-over par 73, the team played smart andconsistent golf and won the Sectional by ten strokes oversecond place Seymour.Emotions...The Sectional was probably our best meet of the season.Our top four shot really good scores. One of our goals was tohit our peak and be playing consistent golf in the statetournament. This win was a great way to start it off, seniorAaron Walters said.
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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