Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1998, Page 126

Description: Joining InbyAlisonVanDerWegeGirls rugby team forms while boys place third in StateMThe team started with 30girls but only had 16 bythe end of the season.There was a lot ofconditioning, and a lot of girlsdidnt want to stick with itbecause we didnt really have aregular season, junior JenniferBeasley said.m h It takes 15 girls to play aI J rugby game. ^^ It was really hard[having 16 girls]. Everyone wasgetting creamed during thetournament, and we kept havingto rotate hurt players, juniorTiffany Dyar said.MThe team beatMartinsville by 63 points.Martinsville isbasically all football players, sothey hit hard. They dont have thefundamentals. It was preparationfor State so we just kept thinking,zero to zero, senior BrettAnderson said.3 The team placed third atState at Butler Universtity.We lost to North Centralin the last game, but Indianapolisteams have been around a lotlonger than we have. As we goalong were getting better. Weremaking a name for ourselves,sophomore Matt Gibson said.Front Row: Drhea Anderson.Sarah Smith. Katie Mysliwiec. WendiKnapp. Rachel Hannum. ChristinaOndrik. Back Row: JenniferBeasley. Iris Bedford, BethanyQuails, Leah Heifner, Tiffany Dyar,Kim Lesley, Sarah Vela. AlojzyaSavage. Maria Gaetani. Head CoachBeth Sin ton.Front Row: Brett Anderson, BrianHooie, Justin Porter. Dave Bryant.Shem Buttry. Allen Warmbier. MikeMuehling. Second Row: DannyCompton. Tommy Wonder. EdBroderick. Ryan Riggins. Tad Sare.Matt Gibson. Jacob Groff. HowardBroderick. Ryan Walker. ChrisPhillips. Mike Monroe. Back Row:Coach Kurt Trout, Alex Melloan-Ruiz, Brenden ORielly, DavidWonder, Mark Fisher, BrianFullerton. John Bryant. MarcMuehling. Dan Eilen. Peter Park,Ryan Rene, Ben White. AveryThatcher.Photo Courtesy of B-Town AlthleticsVital StatisthBoysOpponentCarmelBloomington NorthColumbusWellingtonKnightstownUsThem39 A^m\3121444OpponentNorth CentralMartinsvilleState: PennState: North CentralRecord 5-3-1iophomore David Wonderthrows the ball to senior BrianAvery ThatcherFullerton during a lineout againstMartinsville. The team finishedthird in the State tournament.126 sportsspread design by anshu kalhan and ravi soni
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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