Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1997, Page 90

Description: BESTDots Tradition v ■ ■ The teamalways had apasta dinnerthe nightbefore homegames soeverybodycould getplenty ofcarbohydrates.OFGirls TraditionBefore eachgame everyteam memberkissed the ballfor good luck.THEHighlightsBevsThe teamoutscoredtheiropponents52-19.The team beatBloomingtonNorth twice.Once 5-0 andagain 3-1.BESTTEAMWORKyoung jv girls team gains experienceby AndreaMorris• What was thehighlight ofyour season?The bus rides tothe away gameswere the bestbecause we gotto really talk andget to know eachother.juniorNatasha MunozBeating Northbecause we wereall really psychedfor that game.sophomoreLindsey FarmerI got to becaptian of theteam as a freshman, which wasa great honor.freshmanMegan SlotaWe reallyprogressed in ourplaying ability, so Iknow we are readyfor next year.sophomoreLaura Blackwell• What was themost embarrassingor funniest thingyou rememberhappening duringthe season?When wescrimmaged thewrestling team forpractice, it wasreally funny and wewon. As the yearprogressed, thewrestling team gotbetter and theyfinally beat us.sophomoreKarla CortsFront Row: Naomi Forss. Natasha Munoz. Karla Cons. Esther Young. LauraBlackwell, Julie Smith, .Andrea Hedrick. Amy Quillman. Back row: VarsityCoach Prudie Miller. Katie Baker. Megan Slota. Katherine Mastalerz. AmyHueston. Brandy Mortonjocelyn Tenney.Jane Hertzel. J.V. Coach Kim Stigler.SftS SCOREBOXOpponent UsTerre Haute South 3Bloomington North 5Center Grove 0Carmel 1North Central 1Columbus North 1Washington 0Bloomington North 3Record 3-5Them10While scrimmaging the varsity team one of uswent to score andSasha Ewing, fromthe varsity teamwas playinggoalie. She ranright into the goalpost going for theball.juniorNatasha MunozThe first time Iplayed goalie, theother team scoredon me nine times.freshmanAmy Hueston• What is oneword that describes the season?Togetherness,because therewere about tennew girls to theteam this year,and it reallybrought everybody together.juniorKatie BakerThe BlooperQueens, becausewith so many girlsthat had neverplayed soccerbefore, we made alot of mistakes thefirst couple weeksof practice.sophomoreLaura BlackwellChalleningbecause therewere a lot of toughteams we playedand we still didgreat.freshmanMegan SlotaXN5^ Hiving for the ball,sophomore Mitch Hollandlunges for a wild pass.Holland, along with juniorDiego Merino, were thecaptains of the JV team.Kerry Laws^fljorking as a team.sophomore KatherineMastalerz and junior KeelyStevens gang up on aBloomington Northopponent. The team playedNorth twice and wasvictorious both times.ra::;Hi,90 sportsspread design bycaitlin galligan
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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