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ways andplaces tostudyFX>Rou just got home from schooland youre ready to grab a snackfrom the fridge and plop downin front of the TV. Then you rememberthat you have three tests tomorrow.Now, you have to studybut since your back isstill aching from sittingin a hard desk all day,you must find the idealplace to study.Many students foundnew and interestingways of studying toavoid the dullness of thetask. Some chose acomplete change ofscenery.Senior Ann Lasockisaid, I like to go toBarnes & Nobles orBorders and sit in a chairto read sometimes.Others preferred thecomforts of their bedroom whilestudying. Students could study on thecouch, the floor, or their beds and notpay for a thing.Freshman Leanne Dodge said, Ilike to relax on my bed when I study.Sophomore Geoff McGregor said,I just study in my room while I listento music.Studying with a group of friendswas common for some students.Group study sessions allowedstudents to ask each other questions.Junior Kristen Martin said, Itshelpful to study with a group offriends because we can help eachother with the stuff we dont know.Senior Gigi Sperber said, Once in awhile Ill study with a big group ofpeople at The Encore.Popular gathering spots for groupstudy sessions included The RuncibleI like to go toBarnes & Noblesor Borders andsit in a chairand read sometimesV—seniorAnn Lasockiby amanda ritchieSpoon, The Encore Cafe, and thepublic or school library.Freshman Andrew Bunger alsoreceived studying assistance, but notonly from his friends. My mom helpsme a lot.However, Dodge feltmore comfortablestudying alone.Usually its hard tofind a time wheneveryone can study.Students were oftenresourceful in findingtime to study.Cramming often wentinto the late or earlyhours of the night.Senior Dan Hall said,I always study rightafter dinner. I donthave time in theafternoons because Iminvolved in severalextra-curricular activities.Lasocki said, Sometimes I go tobed early if I am tired and wake up at4:00 a.m. the next morning to study.Sophomore Jennifer Beemer said, Ilike to study in class if I have freetime.Different studying methods workedwell for different people. Studentsused everything from flash cards tonotes to other people.Hall said, Normally, I take notesfrom the textbook as we go along so Ijust study from my notebook anddont have to tote around the book.Dodge said, Sometimes flash cardshelp me to memorize things.Though studying was oftenmonotonous and time-consuming,students found ways to cope with itdepending upon their personalstudying preferences.Brian Behrmanplaces to study 57 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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