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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1990, Page 92

Description: Kurt Dunbar attempts to roll hisopponent over for a possible pin.I1IFirst and thirdThe Panther wrestlers finished the season on a highnote. They placed seventh inthe state finals at MSA. ChrisKelley became the 1251b.state champion, and had arecord of 36 wins and oneloss. Kelley was also the firstHigh School Ail-Americanfrom South in over 15 years.He received this honor whenhe finished eighth in theHigh School National Championship in Pittsburg. Chriswrestled well in the state finals. He was mentally readyand was very focused onwhat he had to do. He madevery few mistakes and that iswhat it takes, commentedcoach Farmer.Kelley was not the onlybright spot on the squad.Mike Runyon placed third inthe state finals for the thirdtime. It was disappointingto not see Mike reach the finals, however he compiled acareer record of 100 winsand five losses, Farmer said.Aaron Covey also made it tothe state finals, but was defeated in the first round.As a team, the dual meetseason was disappointing because South won five matches and lost 13. However, theyhad to forfeit four and fiveweight classes each matchwhen you start the match24 to 30 points down it isdifficult to win. We were defeated by only one team,Floyd Central, in matcheswon versus matches lost,said Farmer.The reserves had a goodlearning season. They improved greatly from the beginning. They will fill theholes in the varsity line upthat will be made by six graduating seniors.Mike Runyon shows his reaction tobecoming the 1391b. regional champion.92 / SPORTS
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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