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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1979, Page 92

Description: Projects used as instructional aidsProjects—students have varying reactions to them. Some feel they are just awaste of time; others, that they are beneficial. Many regard them as something to getdone.Constance Hollands government classeshave participation projects due each nineweeks. Holland feels students learn moreby observing and becoming involved. Onesenior agreed with Holland: They are goodbecause they force you to take part in community government.Students were active in various aspectsof local government. Students chose toattend two meetings, shadow local government officials, serve as pages in the General Assembly, interview poll candidates,tour the state capitol, or obtain several official documents. The student had to write adetailed account of the subject chosen. During the first nine weeks, another choice wasto work a minimum of sjx hours as a volunteer for either a candidate or party; this wasHollands favored choice. Holland felt thenew attendance policy affected one of themore popular subjects in past years—shadowing an official.Kay Villa-Garcias first- and second-yearSpanish classes did culture projects involving Spanish-speaking countries. Each project was to be over one aspect of any country connected with the Spanish language.Villa-Garcia felt these projects would givestudents more insight into an area ofSpanish-speaking countries. Villa-Garciaassigned these projects because mostpeople had no concept of Spanish-speakingcountries; many didnt even know wherethey were.(Please turn to page 94)RIGHT: Santa Claus on trial? No, its aplay done in German for extra credit inadvanced German class. Participants areKeith Danielson, David Meredith, KevinMartin, Stu Smith, Cynthia Daggy, andMarshall Grant.92 Projects^*-J—*■*-\ i^^^^^*V- * mum1 m/ -Xm <\T*** ■ a33 jm i m illA IM
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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