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Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2007, Page 138

Description: ight back upGymnasts fight injuriesAs gymnasts glide through the air, flip around bars, andtumble across mats, the environment brims with the risk of adangerous injury. Gymnasts are very much aware of the riskthey take on by participating in gymnastics, but they try notto focus on it.There are mental blocks where it gets scary and I think,Oh my god, Im gonna kill myself, junior Allie Welchsaid.Although Welch hasnt suffered from any serious injuriesthis season, she does have pains in her ankle and back. Totreat this, she does a lot of physical therapy.I have to spell the ABCs with my ankle, Welch said.Along more serious lines, sophomore Carly Herndon wasforced to sit out for a few days after incurring a severe case ofwhiplash where her neck snapped all the way back.In order to help her neck heal faster, Hemdon was orderedto wear a neck brace to keep her from turning her head toomuch. Despite the suffering Hemdon went through, she saysshe just wants to keep trying to improve her routine.Sophomore Maddie Poor also awaits better days when shewill no longer be in pain. Poor has a stress fracture in her backfrom doing a few too many back walk-overs. Even though ithurts, Poor still participates in all of the events.I take a lot of painkillers, Poor said.Other gymnasts go through constant pain, yet they dontconsider giving up the sport.My back hurts continuously and it wont stop unless I quitdoing gymnastics, which Im not gonna do, junior LindseyMcLelland said.Regardless of the risks, gymnasts relentlessly keep competing.You can fall, and in one second, your neck could be broken, Hemdon said. ^ . ,by Lauren DeckardFocused on***hardest eventSophomore Maddie Poor srrrjfeusalp^e^3rS|^l?floor routine at a meet against South. Poorcompetes in the all-around and is a two-year varsity member. Her favoriteevent is the balance beam.Beam because if youlose your balance alittle you fall.-sophomore JennStumpnerBars because it takesa lot of muscle andtechnique.-senior Emma DouthittGymnasticsKwwsmwsw
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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