Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1962, Page 38

Description: IRC Keeps Pace With Changing WorldINTERNATIONAL RELATIONS . . . Front Row:Judith Hoard, Glenda Terrell, David Vaughn, ConnieFishel, Susan Emhuff. Second Row: Ann Jacobs,Jerry Booker, Doug Dix, Bill Corbin, MargaretNikirk, Terri Camden, Martha Kinnaman, BarbaraGeisweit, Eileen Herrick. Third Row: Karen Billings,Aloma Hamm, Nancy Cracraft, Sandra Kelley, JanetGraves, Carol Morison, Rita Fender, Shannon Johnson, Mary Haffley, Marilyn Ison, Jane Hayes, KarenKinser. Fourth Row: Georgia Harp, Karen Eddy,Vicki Culbert, Steve Brown, Nancy Chatfield, BeckyLewis, Rita Kelley, Kathy Hollingsworth, DonnaOwens, Linda Baugh, Linda Blakely. Fifth Row:Randy Duncan, Greg Myers, Charles Minnemeyer,Garry Freeman, Mike Dunlap, Jerry Hill, JamesCole, Phil Graves, Mike Chandler, Carolyn Brashaber, Shirley May, Jerry OMalley.During the year, the 117 members of the International Relations Club had several speakers informingthem about world affairs. Among those who talkedto the group were a speaker who explained how thedeath of Hammarskjold would affect the United Nations, an exchange teacher from West Germany wholectured about the history of Germany, and AliceDickman, who showed slides of her trip to Holland.Guiding the club were David Vaughn, president;Glenda Terrell, vice-president; Connie Fishel, secretary; and Miss Adeline Brengle, sponsor.INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS . . . Front Row: Janie Walker, Nedra KayWilson, . Leslie Carol Rush, Ronnie Roberts, Janet Sims, Karla Smith,Nancy Smith. Second Row: Miss Brengle, Martha Thompson, Linda Underwood, Vicki Williams, Judy Pickens, Lelia Young, Martha Smith, EileenUnderwood, Vivian Simmons. Third Row: Connie Sluss, Ramona Trisler,Norma Snow, Bette Tartaglia, Monica Ruggiero, Joyce Ritter, MarilynStaley, Margie Sylvester, Dick Robertson, Linda Williams. Fourth Row:Connie Raper, Betty Rader, Art Rowe, Gary Snyder, Don Van Hoy, MikeTrapp, Richy Shields, Nancy Whitlow, .Beverly Walls, Joanne Reeves, HelenWhitaker. Fifth Row: Sara Rees, Madeline Parkinson, Mike Roll, CharlesSmith, James Zimmerly, Don Spencer, Darlena Wilson, Maudeline Stogsdill, Sam Russell, Raymond Sparks, Richard Stogsdill.381
Collection: Bloomington High School

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