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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1941, Page 86

Description: Left to Right, back row—Beulah Zike, Kenneth Neal, John Wade, Kitty Lee Brown, Mrs.Calloway.Seated—Anita Norman, Marjorie Royalty, RubyMcCullough, Betty Cline, Barbara Burns, AlmaChambers, Bill Norman.Palette GULThe Palette Club is a service organization whose purpose is to serve the school by doing art work for various organizationsand departments.Building and painting stage sets and creating stage properties, decorating rooms for seasonal occasions, making posters andplacecards; in fact, doing any kind of art work the school needs are some of the little jobs that are done by this organization.A dance or two is sponsored by this club each year for the two fold purpose of entertainment for the members and to helpraise funds for the art award given by the club each spring to the outstanding art student in the graduating class.JliLnan,u Staj^One of the most helpful and interesting rooms in our school is the Library. Ours is one of the most complete libraries in thestate. The staff under the very able direction of Miss Hauser, learns to do a large part of the library work. They checkbooks in and out to students, file cards, and help prepare the new books for circulation.Our library is very up to date in all its reading matter. There is a large number of current novels and popular classics. Thereference section is very modern with its numerous volumes. For current events there are magazines and newspaperswhich represent many views of the public.Standing—Bill Norman, Elaine Duncan,Jack Gray, Martha Terrell, Jean Robbins,Dorothy Ryan, Betty Richardson, SarahKrebs, Doris Shields, George Stultz, FrankBurks, Martha Laymon.Seated—Maxine Ledgerwood, Mary Margaret Dixon, Kenneth Lindsay, MaryKatherine Fox, Miss Hauser, Louise Head,Mary Jane Brown, Ruth Becker, EvelynCriswell, Martha Russell, Bill Benckart,Edith Glaubke, Carroll Engleman, BobHarris.
Collection: Bloomington High School

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