Collection Order

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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1941, Page 88

Description: Ontetnatianal RelationRow 1—John Treadway, Gerald Sargent,Mimi Cox, Alma Chambers, Louise Head,Martha Norman, Martha Terrel, MaryEngledow, George Stulz, Thelma Owens,Betty Jo Henbest.Row 2—Robert Baugh, Henry C. Price,Anna Robertson, Kitty Lee Brown, PhillipLove, Erma Wilson, James Mathis, RogerWhaley, Bill Link, Sarah Krebs.Row 3—Miss Ferger, Betty Ann Cline,Lois Anderson, Helen Douthitt, PeggyPeters, Virginia Rhorer, Betty Conner, -___^_^________^_^____^_^__^____^__^^_^__BLaVere Day, Lloyd Smith, Pete Wampler.Row 4—Clifford Thrasher, Ruth Thomas, Julian McConnell, Irvin Pruett, Bernard Avers, Marjorie Benckart, Helen Reeves,Forrest Trowbridge, Betty Burkhart, George Calvert, Phillip Lentz, Richard Hunter, Charles Homann, Robert Hedrick, FrancesParker, Betty Spaulding, John Pemberton.Row 5—Hazel Owens, Van Funkhouser, Cene Corbin, Marie McCord, Mary Hollars, Tommy Black, Thomas Dalton, LyleWarrick.CosfUHebcial ClubCreating interest in commercial subjects and giving students information that cannot be acquired in the classroom, is thepurpose of the Bloomington High School Commercial Club. The club was organized in 1925.Club meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesdays in every month, at which time plans for social and business affairsare discussed.The sale of popcorn is the most popular of the varied program carried on by the Commercial Club this year.The officers of the club are Florence Routen, president; Wilma Bullock, secretary; Joann Wagner, treasurer; sponsors, MissBonnie Unger and Miss Kathro Lett.Representatives from the club and the Commerce Department attended the annual contests at Central Normal and Ball StateTeachers Colleges.Gamesia ClubRow 1—Lyle Warrick, Tommy Farr, Bob May, Sammy Stogsdill, Virginia Rhorer, Martha Norman, Dot Moore, Alyce Howe,Mary Pat Doyle.Row 2—Earl Eberle, Jack Cravens, DickStarr, Earl Turner, Martha Chandler,Vivian Jones, Mary Lee Adams, BarbaraAdams, Mary Martin, Marjorie Royalty.Row 3—Henry Clay Price, Fred East,Carol Manley, Glen Adams, Alice Allen,Katherine Bruce, Mary Helen Haydock,Katherine Johns, Mary Ann Hensley,Catherine Thompson.Row 4—James Rumple, Bob Chase, BobWylie, Carolyn Adams, Bernard Avers,Pat Karn, Bill Johnson, Nancy Welch,Kitty Lee Brown, Clark McClure, PhilipLentz, Dennis Royalty, Maynard Peterson,Wayne Carr.
Collection: Bloomington High School

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