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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1930, Page 117

Description: Rodney Douglass, CaptainThe record of the 1930 team wasremarkable in that the local teamdid not get started until very latein the season. The football seasonwhich kept the coach and most ofhis material occupied much laterthan those of their opponents keptthe Bloomingtonians from hittingtheir stride until in the middle ofthe season. The Mumbymen lostan early season encounter to Bedford, and then dropped a mid-season fray to the Heldmen beforehitting their real stride. After taking a defeat at the hands of theirold rivals on the mat, vVabash, thePanthers won from Muncie, underCoach Fishers. The Bearcats hadthe distinction at that time of having defeated both AVabash and Bedford. A long road trip in which thelocals once more turned the trick over Muncie and tied the AVabashteam, proved that the Panthers had some real material, and would bereal contenders for the championship at the state carnival to be heldat Indiana University a few weeks hence.The state meet proved to be merely a glorious march for the homeboys, for they soon overcame the slight advantage piled up by theMuncie team on the first day because of their easier drawings, andswept out in front in the finals on Saturday night. Voliva, captain oflast year, pulled the most sensational stunt of the entire meet when hetossed his opponent Bennett of Bedford in the almost incredible timeof 28 seconds. Hazel also was a sensation of the meet when he Avonthe championship of the 135-lb. class over men who had consistentlydefeated him before. He climaxed his triumphant inarch by defeatingWright of \Vabash, the last years champion, by a fall decision. Captain Rodney Douglas took first place in the 115-lb. class and won all ofhis bouts with ease. Cline took third place in the 125-lb. class. Tatumwon a second place in the 145-lb. class. Hettle in the 155-lb. event andJohnson in the 100-lb. class failed to win places. Arthur Brown wasthe state champion in the 108-lb. class by virtue of easy victories. Mc-Daniels was outstanding in the heavyweight class despite the fact thathe was not champion, and Joe AVoodruff did himself proud in the175-lb. event.One Hundred Seventeen
Collection: Bloomington High School

Further information on this record can be found at its source.