Collection Order

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Circular, Thomas L. McKenney to John Tipton, 1824-06-19

Description: McKenney (War Department Office of Indian Affairs) directs Indian agents to inform him details of the agency location; Indian tribes and number in each tribe; distance of each tribe from agency and direction; route from Washington to agency; number of whites nearby; and description of area nearby. Tipton note: received 10 August 1824.
Origin: 1824-06-19
Created By: McKenney, Thomas L. (Thomas Loraine), 1785-1859
Collection: John Tipton Collection
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Geography: Washington, D.C., United States
Subjects: McKenney, Thomas L. (Thomas Loraine), 1785-1859
United States. Office of Indian Affairs
Indian agents

Further information on this record can be found at its source.