Letter, Thomas L. McKenney to John Tipton, 1824-04-13

Description: McKenney states that a requisition for $18,400 has been issued:annuity for Miamies = $17,300; annuity for Eel Rivers = $1,100. Tipton is reminded to be economical and render his accounts in a timely fashion so the Indian Department can be efficient.
Origin: 1824-04-13
Created By: McKenney, Thomas L., 1785-1859
Contributor(s): Tipton, John, 1786-1839
Source: http://indianamemory.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p1819coll11/id/1801
Collection: John Tipton Collection
Rights: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Geography: Washington, D.C., United States
Subjects: Correspondence
Miami Indians
Eel River Band of Miami Indians
Indians of North America
Indians of North America--Government relations
McKenney, Thomas Loraine, 1785-1859
Tipton, John, 1786-1839
Indian agents--Indiana
Fort Wayne (Ind.)

Further information on this record can be found at its source.