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The revised final report for 1500 shops area drainage site 45 at Indiana Army Ammunition Plant of Phase II RCRA facility investigation prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in October 2002.The United States federal government began acquiring land in Charlestown, Indiana in 1940 to build a smokeless powder ordnance plant to supply the US military during World War II. Indiana Ordnance Works (IOW) Plant 1 and Hoosier Ordnance Plant (HOP) began production in 1941. In 1944, IOW Plant 2 construction began. On 30 Nov 1945 at the end of WWII, the three plants were combined and renamed Indiana Arsenal. Between 1 Nov 1961 and 1 Aug 1963, the plant was designated Indiana Ordnance Plant. After this time, it became Indiana Army Ammunition Plant (INAAP). Production of ordnance continued at the plant until 1992. After that time, the land and facilities were leased to private industry. A large portion of the land became Charlestown State Park. In October 2016, all the land and facilities were officially sold by the government. This item is part of a larger collection of items from INAAP that are kept at Charlestown Library. REVISED FINAL REPORT1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGE –SITE 45INDIANA ARMY AMMUNITION PLANTPHASE II RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATIONPrepared forU.S. Army Corps of EngineersLouisville DistrictOctober 2002Prepared by URS 12120 Shamrock Plaza, Suite 300Omaha, Nebraska 68154TABLE OF CONTENTSSection PageQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev2 (Revised Final).doc\6-Sep-02 /OMA iExecutive Summary ..........................................................................................................................ES-1Section 1 Site Location and Description....................................................................................... 1-11.1 Operational History and Waste Characteristics ....................................... 1-21.2 Previous Investigations ............................................................................ 1-31.3 Report Organization................................................................................. 1-4Section 2 Field Activities Summary .............................................................................................. 2-12.1 Soil and Sediment Sampling.................................................................... 2-12.1.1 Soil ............................................................................................... 2-12.1.2 Sediment ...................................................................................... 2-32.2 Surface Water Sampling .......................................................................... 2-42.3 Groundwater Sampling ............................................................................ 2-52.4 Field Screening Results............................................................................ 2-62.5 IDW Disposition ...................................................................................... 2-6Section 3 Physical Investigation Results ..................................................................................... 3-13.1 Topography and Surface Features ........................................................... 3-13.2 Local Surficial Geology........................................................................... 3-13.3 Shallow Hydrogeology ............................................................................ 3-3Section 4 Data Quality Review and Validation ............................................................................. 4-14.1 Phase I RI................................................................................................. 4-14.2 Phase II RFI ............................................................................................. 4-1Section 5 Chemical Investigation Results .................................................................................... 5-1Section 6 Contamination Assessment.......................................................................................... 6-16.1 Near Surface Soils and Sediments ........................................................... 6-16.1.1 VOCs............................................................................................ 6-16.1.2 SVOCs ......................................................................................... 6-16.1.3 TPH – Diesel Fraction ................................................................. 6-26.1.4 Metals and Cyanide...................................................................... 6-26.2 Subsurface Soils....................................................................................... 6-26.2.1 VOCs............................................................................................ 6-36.2.2 SVOCs ......................................................................................... 6-3TABLE OF CONTENTSSection PageQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev2 (Revised Final).doc\6-Sep-02 /OMA ii6.2.3 Metals and Cyanide...................................................................... 6-36.3 Surface Water........................................................................................... 6-36.3.1 VOCs............................................................................................ 6-46.3.2 SVOCs ......................................................................................... 6-46.3.3 Metals........................................................................................... 6-46.4 Groundwater ............................................................................................ 6-46.4.1 VOCs............................................................................................ 6-56.4.2 Metals........................................................................................... 6-5Section 7 Human Health Risk Evaluation ..................................................................................... 7-17.1 Introduction.............................................................................................. 7-17.1.1 Purpose......................................................................................... 7-17.2 Risk Screening Process ............................................................................ 7-17.2.1 Identification of Chemicals of Potential Concern (COPCs) ........ 7-17.3 Exposure Point Concentrations................................................................ 7-37.3.1 95% Upper Confidence Limit (UCL) .......................................... 7-37.4 Qualitative Assessment of TPH Exposure............................................... 7-4Section 8 Ecological Risk Evaluation ........................................................................................... 8-18.1 Introduction.............................................................................................. 8-18.1.1 Purpose......................................................................................... 8-28.1.2 Background.................................................................................. 8-28.1.3 Technical Approach ..................................................................... 8-38.2 Screening Level Ecological Risk Screen ................................................. 8-48.2.1 Habitat Assessment and Applicable Media ................................. 8-48.2.2 Identification of Chemicals of Potential Ecological Concern(COPECs) .................................................................................... 8- Environmental Screening Values for Surface Water andChemicals of Potential Ecological Concern ................................ 8- Environmental Screening Values for Sediment-AssociatedOrganisms and Chemicals of Potential Ecological Concern ..... 8-10TABLE OF CONTENTSSection PageQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev2 (Revised Final).doc\6-Sep-02 /OMA iii8.2.2.3 Environmental Screening Values for Higher Vertebratesand Chemicals of Potential Ecological Concern........................ 8-118.3 Tier II Ecological Risk Assessment....................................................... 8-148.3.1 Problem Formulation ................................................................. 8- Relevant Ecological Issues and Environmental Setting8- Summary and Assessment Endpoints ......................... 8- Exposure Assessment.................................................. 8- Toxicity (Effects) Assessment .................................... 8-268.3.2 Analysis Plan ............................................................................. 8- Measurement Endpoints and Receptors of Concern... 8-308.3.2.2 Toxicity Reference Values for Risk Characterization 8-378.4 Risk Characterization............................................................................. 8-398.4.1 Assessment Endpoint Number One – Terrestrial HerbivorousBirds and Mammals ................................................................... 8-408.4.2 Assessment Endpoint Number Two - Terrestrial OmnivorousBirds and Mammals ................................................................... 8-418.4.3 Assessment Endpoint Number Three – Terrestrial First-Order Carnivorous Birds and Mammals .................................... 8-418.4.4 Assessment Endpoint Number Four – Terrestrial Second-Order Carnivorous Birds and Mammals .................................... 8-428.4.5 Assessment Endpoint Number Five – Algae/Periphyton inWest Branch Lentzier Creek...................................................... 8-428.4.6 Assessment Endpoint Number Six – Decomposers andBenthic Macroinvertebrates in West Branch Lentzier Creek(Sediment).................................................................................. 8-438.4.7 Assessment Endpoint Number Seven – Invertebrates, Fishand Amphibians in West Branch Lentzier Creek (SurfaceWater) ........................................................................................ 8-448.4.8 Assessment Endpoint Number Eight – Aquatic/SemiaquaticFirst-Order Carnivorous Birds and Mammals ........................... 8-448.4.9 Assessment Endpoint Number Nine – Aquatic/SemiaquaticSecond-Order Carnivorous Birds and Mammals....................... 8-458.4.10 Risk Characterization Summary and Ecological Significance .. 8-458.5 Uncertainty Analysis.............................................................................. 8-47Section 9 Summary and Recommendations ................................................................................ 9-19.1 Summary.................................................................................................. 9-1TABLE OF CONTENTSSection PageQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev2 (Revised Final).doc\6-Sep-02 /OMA iv9.1.1 Physical Characteristics ............................................................... 9-19.1.2 Contamination Assessment.......................................................... 9- Near Surface Soil and Sediment ................................... 9- Subsurface Soil Samples............................................... 9- Surface Water Samples ................................................. 9- Groundwater Samples................................................... 9-29.1.3 Human Health Risk Screen/Assessment...................................... 9- Surface Soil/Sediment................................................... 9- Total Soil/Sediment ...................................................... 9- Groundwater/Surface Water ......................................... 9-39.1.4 Ecological Risk Screen / Assessment .......................................... 9-39.2 Recommendations.................................................................................... 9-4Section 10 References.................................................................................................................... 10-1TABLE OF CONTENTSList of TablesQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev2 (Revised Final).doc\6-Sep-02 /OMA vTable 2-1 Summary of Phase I RI Samples for Chemical AnalysisTable 2-2 Summary of Phase II RFI Samples for Chemical AnalysisTable 2-3 Summary of Field Screening Results for Organic Vapors in SoilSamplesTable 5-1 Summary of Chemicals Detected in Soil and Sediment SamplesTable 5-2 Summary of Chemicals Detected in Surface Water and GroundwaterSamplesTable 5-3 Summary of Chemicals Detected in Sediment Samples (CollectedDuring the Phase I RI as Part of Site 87)Table 5-4 Summary of Chemicals Detected in Surface Water Samples(Collected During the Phase I RI as Part of Site 87)Table 7-1 Comparison of Total Soil/Sediment Concentrations (All Depths) toScreening LevelsTable 7-2 Comparison of Maximum Surface Soil and Sediment Concentrations toScreening LevelsTable 7-3 Comparison of Surface Water and Groundwater Concentrations toScreening LevelsTable 7-4 Total Soil/Sediment Exposure Point ConcentrationTable 7-5 Surface Soil/Sediment Exposure Point ConcentrationsTable 8-1 Comparison of Maximum Surface Water Concentrations to EcologicalScreening Values (ESVs)Table 8-2 Comparisons of Maximum Sediment Concentrations to EcologicalScreening Values (ESVs)Table 8-3 Comparison of Potential Dietary (Foodweb) Concentrations Based onMaximum Water/Soil/Sediment Concentrations to Ecological ScreeningValuesTable 8-4 Chemicals Selected as Chemicals of Potential Ecological Concern forDirect Ecological ExposuresTable 8-5 Chemicals Selected as Chemicals of Potential Ecological Concern forIndirect (Foodweb) ExposuresTable 8-6 Summary of Chemicals of Potential Ecological Concern and MeasurementEndpoints for the Ecological Risk AssessmentTable 8-7 Physical and Behavioral Characteristics of Representative Species Used asReceptors of ConcernTable 8-8 Assumed Dietary Compositions for the Representative Receptors ofConcern (ROCs)TABLE OF CONTENTSList of TablesQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev2 (Revised Final).doc\6-Sep-02 /OMA viTable 8-9 Toxicity Reference Values (TRVs) for Direct Exposure to Chemicals ofPotential Ecological Concern in WaterTable 8-10 Toxicity Reference Value for Direct Exposure to Chemicals of PotentialEcological Concern in SedimentTable 8-11 Oral Toxicity Reference Values Selected for Indirect Exposures (Foodweb)to Chemicals of Potential Ecological ConcernTable 8-12 Ecological Hazard Quotient Results for Terrestrial Community IndirectExposuresTable 8-13 Ecological Hazard Quotient Results for Algae/Periphyton AssessmentEndpoint #5 – Measurement Endpoint #1Table 8-14 Ecological Hazard Quotient Results for Sediment – Associated InvertebrateDetritivores and Benthic Macroinvertebrates Assessment Endpoint #6 –Measurement Endpoints #1 and #2Table 8-15 Ecological Hazard Quotient Results for Aquatic (Water Column –Invertebrates, Fish and Amphibians) Assessment Endpoint #5Table 8-16 Ecological Hazard Quotient Results for Aquatic/Semiaquatic CommunityIndirect ExposuresTABLE OF CONTENTSList of FiguresQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA viiFigure 1-1 Site Location MapFigure 1-2 Surface Features MapFigure 2-1 Sample Location MapFigure 3-1 Simplified Boring LogsFigure 6-1 Concentrations of Chemicals Detected in SoilFigure 6-2 Concentrations of Chemicals Detected in SedimentFigure 6-3 Concentrations of Chemicals Detected in Surface Water andGroundwaterFigure 8-1 Ecological Evaluation ProcessFigure 8-2 Conceptual Ecological Exposure (Direct & Foodweb) ModelFigure 9-1 Human Health COPCs and Ecological COPECs Detected in Soil,Sediment, Surface Water and GroundwaterTABLE OF CONTENTSList of AppendicesQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA viiiAppendix A Data Quality Review and ValidationAppendix B Human Health Risk Statistics and CalculationsAppendix C Ecological Risk Statistics and CalculationsAppendix D Daily Quality Control ReportsAppendix E Boring and Trench Logs; Topographic Survey DataAppendix F Geotechnical DataAppendix G Sample Collection Field SheetsAppendix H Summary of Analytical DataNote: Information contained in the Appendixes is included in CD-ROM format. The CD-ROMmay be found at the back of this binder.TABLE OF CONTENTSAcronym ListQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA ixACHe AcetylcholinesteraseADI Acceptable Daily IntakeADNTs Amino-dinitrotoluenesATP Adenosine TriphosphateAE Assessment EndpointAEC U.S. Army Environmental CenterAET Apparent Effect LevelsALAD Alpha-aminolevulinic Acid DehydrogeuaseAPCB Jefferson County Air Pollution Control BoardAQUIRE Aquatic Information Retrieval System.AST Aboveground Storage TankASTER Assessment Tools for the Evaluation of RiskATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registrybgs Below Ground SurfaceBA BioavailabilityBCFs Bioconcentration FactorsBRAC Base Re-Alignment and ClosureBSAFs Biota-Sediment Accumulation FactorsBTEX Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, XylenesBTFs Biota Transfer FactorsBtu British Thermal UnitBW Body WeightCERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability ActCDI Chronic Daily IntakeCLP Contract Laboratory ProgramCMS Corrective Measures StudyCOC Chemicals of ConcernCOI Chemical of InterestCOPC Chemicals of Potential ConcernCOPEC Chemicals of Potential Ecological ConcernCRDL Contract Required Detection LimitCRQL Contract Required Quantitation LimitsTABLE OF CONTENTSAcronym ListQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA xCSP Charlestown State ParkCTE Central Tendency ExposureCTV Critical Toxicity ValueDAF Dilution Attenuation FactorDBT Dibutyl phthalateDDD dichlorodiphenyldiehlorethaneDDE 4, 4 DDEDDT 1, 1’ (2,2,2-Trichloroethylidene)bis[4-chlorobenzene]DERP Defense Environmental Restoration ProgramDNA Deoxyribonucleic acidDOD Department of DefenseDQCR Data Quality Control ReportsDQO Data Quality ObjectivesDS Direct Push SoilDW Direct Push WaterEECs Environmental Exposure ConcentrationsEEQ Environment Exposure QuotientEM ElectromagneticEPA U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyEPC Exposure Point ConcentrationEQP Equilibrium-PartitioningERA Ecological Risk AssessmentERAGs Ecological Risk Assessment Guidance for SuperfundERL Effects – Range - LowERM Effects – Range – MediumERT Emergency Response TeamESV Ecological Screening ValueFC Fraction IngestedFSP Field Sampling PlanGABA Gamma-aminobutyric AcidGOCO Government-Owned, Contractor-Operatedgpm gallons per minuteTABLE OF CONTENTSAcronym ListQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA xiGPR Ground Penetrating RadarHEAST Health Effects Assessment Summary TablesHHRA Human Health Risk AssessmentHI Hazard IndexHLSC Human Life Cycle Safe ConcentrationHMW High Molecular WeightHOP Hoosier Ordnance PlantHQ Hazard QuotientHSA hollow-stem augerHSDB Hazardous Substance DatabaseICI ICI Americas, Inc.ID inner diameterIDEM Indiana Department of Environmental ManagementIDL Instrument Detection LimitIDNR Indiana Department Natural ResourcesIEUBK Integrated Exposure Uptake BiokineticINAAP Indiana Army Ammunition PlantIOW Indiana Ordnance Works Plant 1IRIS Integrated Risk Information SystemIWPCB Indiana Water Pollution Control BoardIWQC Indiana Water Quality CriteriaIOWP Indiana Ordnance Works Plant 2J/UJ Qualified EstimatedKg KilogramL/day Liter per dayLAP Load, Assemble, and PackLC LeachateLMW Low Molecular WeightLOAEL Lowest to Observed Adverse Effects LevelLOEC Lowest Observation Effect concentrationsLOQ Limits of QuantitationMATC Maximum Acceptable Toxicant ConcentrationTABLE OF CONTENTSAcronym ListQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA xiiMCL Maximum Contaminant LevelME Measurement Endpointmg/day milligrams per daymg/kg milligram per kilogrammg/m3 milligram per cubic meterMS/MSD Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike DuplicateMSL Mean Sea LevelMW Monitoring WellNCEA National Center for Environmental AssessmentNOAEL No Observable Adverse Effects LevelNOD Notice of DeficiencyNPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination SystemOD outside diameterORNL Oak Ridge National LaboratoryP&E Propellants and ExplosivesPA Preliminary AssessmentPAH Polycyclic Aromatic HydrocarbonPCB Polychlorinated BiphenylPEL Probable – Effects – LevelPpm parts per millionPRG Preliminary Remediation GoalsPVC Polyvinyl ChlorideQA Quality AssuranceQAPP Quality Assurance Project PlanQC Quality Control“R” RejectedRAGS Risk Assessment Guidance for SuperfundRBC Risk-Based ConcentrationRCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery ActRDA Recommended Daily AllowanceRfD Reference DoseRFD-I Reference Inhalation DoseTABLE OF CONTENTSAcronym ListQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA xiiiRFI RCRA Facility InvestigationRI Remedial InvestigationRISC Risk Integrated System of ClosureRME Recommended Maximum ExposureRNA Ribonucleic acidROC Receptor of ConcernSAP Sampling and Analysis PlanSARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization ActSB Soil BoringSCEM Site Conceptual Exposure ModelSCFS Sample Collection Field SheetsSD SedimentSF-SH Slope Factor-Sulfhydryl ligandsSOP Standard Operating ProcedureSP SpringSS Shallow SoilSVOC Semivolatile Organic ChemicalsSW Surface WaterSWQC Surface Water Quality CriteriaTAL Target Analyte ListTCL Target Compound ListTCLP Toxicity Characteristic Leaching ProcedureTDS Total Dissolved SolidsTEL Threshold – Effects – LevelTNT TrinitrotouleneToxNet Toxicity Data NetworkTPH Total Petroleum HydrocarbonsTRV Toxicity Reference ValueTSS Total Suspended Solids“U” Qualified Nondetectμg/kg microgram per kilogramμg/L microgram per LiterTABLE OF CONTENTSAcronym ListQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA xivμg/m3 microgram per cubic meterUCL Upper Confidence LimitURSGWC URS Greiner Woodward ClydeUSACE U.S. Army Corps of EngineersUSATHAMA U.S. Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials AgencyUSCS Unified Soil Classification SystemUSDA U.S. Department of AgricultureUSEPA U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyUSGS U.S. Geologic SurveyUST Underground Storage TankUTL Upper Tolerance LimitVOC Volatile Organic ChemicalsW-C Woodward-ClydeExecutive Summary 1500 Shops Area Drainage, Site 45Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA ES-1The following includes the results of the Phase II RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) completedfor the 1500 Shops Area Drainage (Site 45) at the Indiana Army Ammunition Plant (INAAP).The report also summarizes the results of the previously completed Phase I RemedialInvestigation (RI).INAAP currently encompasses approximately 9,790 acres in south-central Clark County,Indiana. Its southern boundary is approximately 6 miles north of Jeffersonville, Indiana and 10miles from the Louisville, Kentucky metropolitan area, which lies to the south across the OhioRiver. INAAP is a Government-Owned, Contractor-Operated (GOCO), inactive militaryindustrial installation. The Army intends to transfer the property to the Local Reuse Authorityfor commercial development or to the State of Indiana for inclusion in the state park system. The1500 Shops Area Drainage is one of 90 sites identified at INAAP.The Plant was originally constructed as three separate facilities: The Indiana Ordnance WorksPlant 1, the Hoosier Ordnance Plant, and the Indiana Works Plant 2. The three facilities wereconsolidated into the Indiana Arsenal in 1945. The Indiana Arsenal was redesignated as theIndiana Ordnance Plant in 1961; in August 1963, it was redesignated again as the Indiana ArmyAmmunition Plant.Topography at the INAAP can be described as a middle-aged karst topography. Karsttopography is produced by the dissolution of limestone, gypsum, or other readily soluble rocks,commonly along joints, fractures, bedding planes, or other such features. The dissolutionprocess results in the formation of sinkholes, caves, and underground drainage. Numeroussinkholes and springs are found throughout much of INAAP.Approximately 96 percent of INAAP’s land surface drains directly into the Ohio River via sevendrainage basins. The remaining 4 percent reaching the Ohio River indirectly through thePheasant Run basin.Groundwater at INAAP is present in the bedrock formations of the upland areas and in theterrace/floodplain sand and gravel deposits located within the Ohio River valley. Thegroundwater present in the floodplain aquifer along the Ohio River is a major water supplysource. Groundwater is not usually found in the thin soil layer covering the bedrock surface inthe upland areas. When present, shallow groundwater typically mingles with surface water byflowing in and out of karst features.The Phase I and II investigations at the 1500 Shops Area Drainage included the completion of 18soil borings, the collection and analysis of 47 surface and subsurface soil samples, 17 collocatedsurface water/sediment samples, two additional sediment samples, and two groundwatersamples. Chemical analysis included VOCs, SVOCs, metals, cyanide, TPH, various wetchemistry parameters and geotechnical analyses.Site 45 describes the 1500 Shops Area Drainage. The 1500 Shops Area encompassesapproximately 422 acres and includes several storage warehouses, a fire station, severalmaintenance shops, a container renovation building, and a garage and gas station building.Surface run-off from the 1500 Shops Area is directed to a small ephemeral pond to the northeast,Executive Summary 1500 Shops Area Drainage, Site 45Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA ES-2to a drainage that empties into the Central Branch Lentzier Creek to the east, and to the WestBranch Lentzier Creek to the south. The drainages eventually flow to the Ohio River.Several small drainages that empty into the West Branch Lentzier Creek are located on the southside of this area. These drainages are typically dry except for a short time (generally one to twodays) immediately following a heavy precipitation event. Stream flow in the West BranchLentzier Creek disappears into the ground and reappears further down stream at several locationsduring times of little precipitation. However, flow is present along the entire course of the WestBranch Lentzier Creek during heavier precipitation events.The topography of the 1500 Shops Area consists of gently rolling hills and well-developeddrainages. The area containing most of the buildings is relatively flat. Ground that is notcovered by buildings is generally either paved with asphalt, covered with crushed rock, orsupports railroad tracks. Large open areas are located on the north, east and south sides of the1500 Shops Area. Most of these open areas are leased for cattle grazing. The exception is theeast side and the southeast corner immediately adjacent to the 1500 Shops Area; this open areawas used as storage for artillery charge canisters (Site 61- Container Storage Area), prior to therenovation of Building 2525 Wheelabrator Baghouse (Site 44).The surficial geology within the streambeds of the two major drainages at Site 45 generallyconsists of thin alluvial deposits over residual soils or bedrock. However, alluvial sedimentswere not observed in some borings completed within the streambeds. Few borings completedwithin the streambeds exceeded seven feet in depth and many were less than 5 feet in depth.Several borings were drilled along side, but not in, the streambeds of the two major drainagesand within smaller drainages that emptied into the two larger ones. These borings, outside thestreambeds of the two main drainages, encountered refusal at depths ranging from 6.5 to 10.1feet bgs.Shallow groundwater north of the 1500 Shops Area (north drainage) consists of water perchedover limestone bedrock. No springs were observed in this area. In the West Branch LentzierCreek, surface water flow is ephemeral and disappears into the ground along much of its extent.The presence of perennial spring flow and a pond at the facility boundary indicate the presenceof the local water table.Contamination was evaluated in near surface soil and sediment, subsurface soil, surface water,and groundwater. Elevated concentrations of six SVOCs (all PAHs) were detected in surfacesoils and sediment. Concentrations of SVOCs were also detected at low levels in subsurfacesoils and surface water. Concentrations of VOCs were detected at low levels in all sampledmedia. Several metals were detected at levels above background concentrations in all sampledmedia. Cyanide was detected at levels above background concentrations in soils and sediment.A human health risk screen was performed on all contaminants found in surface soils/sediment,total soil/sediment, and shallow groundwater/surface water at the 1500 Shops Area Drainage.When concentrations exceeded risk screening values, the analyte was considered a Contaminantof Potential Concern (COPC). A 95% Upper Confidence Limit (UCL) of the exposure pointconcentration was calculated for each of the COPCs and compared to the IDEM IndustrialClosure Level 1 values and established INAAP background levels, as appropriate. The 95%Executive Summary 1500 Shops Area Drainage, Site 45Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA ES-3UCLs were below the IDEM Industrial Closure Level 1 values or established INAAPbackground level for all COPCs. No COPCs were identified for the combinedgroundwater/surface water medium.An ecological risk screen was performed on all contaminants found in surface soils, sediment,and surface water in the 1500 Shops Area Drainage. High molecular weight PAHs and mercurywere characterized as Contaminants of Potential Ecological Concern (COPECs) that may resultin moderate to high risk potentials. However, the elevated levels of PAHs and mercury areprimarily in sediment along about a 1000-foot stretch of the West Branch Lentzier Creek. Giventhe limited size of this area it is not considered significant in the landscape-scale ecosystem.Data of sufficient quality and quantity to characterize the 1500 Shops Area Drainage (Site 45)has been collected. Physical and chemical investigation results were used to evaluate potentialhuman health and ecological risks at the site. Human health and ecological risk evaluationssuggest that further action is probably not warranted. However, consistent with earlierconservative approaches to evaluating and reducing risks at INAAP, a removal action isrecommended for the “hot spots” in the West Branch Lentzier Creek.Site Location and DescriptionSECTIONONE 1500 Shops Area Drainage, Site 45Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA 1-1The 1500 Shops Area Drainage (Site45) is located in the southwesterncorner of the Indiana ArmyAmmunition Plant (INAAP), within theSalem, Administration Patrol, and WestBoundary Patrol roads (Figure 1-1).For the Phase I Remedial Investigation(RI), Site 45 was described as Building2552, Vehicle Washrack, which waslocated in the northwest corner of the1500 Buildings. The former Site 45included this building, an outdoorvehicle washrack on the south side ofthis building, and a portion of the WestBranch Lentzier Creek that receiveddrainage from the outdoor vehiclewashrack. This discharge point is located about 200 feet east of Gate House Building 2619 (seeFigure 1-2). Site 45 has been renamed as 1500 Shops Area Drainage and now includes allsurface drainages associated with the 1500 Buildings.The 1500 Buildings (Figure 1-2) includes several storage warehouses, a fire station, severalmaintenance shops, a container renovation building, and a garage and gas station building. Thebuildings have concrete foundations and corrugated galvanized metal siding. The area isgenerally flat, and the ground surrounding the buildings is covered with gravel. Roadwaysbetween buildings are constructed of asphalt, concrete, or crushed limestone.For the Phase II Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Facility Investigation (RFI),Site 45 is described as the 1500 Shops Area Drainage. Surface run-off from the 1500 Buildingsis directed to a small ephemeral pond to the northeast (see Figure 1-2), to a drainage that emptiesinto the Central Branch Lentzier Creek to the east, and to the West Branch Lentzier Creek to thesouth. The drainages eventually flow to the Ohio River.Several small drainages that empty into the West Branch Lentzier Creek are located on the southside of the 1500 Buildings (Figure 1-2). These drainages are typically dry except for a shortperiod of time (generally one to two days) immediately following a heavy precipitation event.Stream flow in the West Branch Lentzier Creek disappears into the ground and reappears furtherdown stream at several locations during times of little precipitation. However, flow is presentalong the entire course of the West Branch Lentzier Creek during heavier precipitation events.The following discussion of previous investigations only addresses sampling completed inassociation with the 1500 Shops Area Drainage, and does not address sampling completed duringthe Phase I RI at sites within the 1500 Buildings (i.e., buildings, parking areas, etc.).Site Location and DescriptionSECTIONONE 1500 Shops Area Drainage, Site 45Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA 1-21.1 OPERATIONAL HISTORY AND WASTE CHARACTERISTICSBased on interviews, aerial photographs, record review, and site reconnaissance, the followingoperational history and waste characteristics has been determined:· Oil and grease were observed in 1950 in a spring that was reportedly located along theAdministration Patrol Road near Building 2582 (West Branch Lentzier Creek). A dyeinjection test of the washrack at Building 2552 was performed, and the washrack wasshown to be the source of the oil.· A review of available historical aerial photographs showed that most of the buildingswere constructed prior to 1949. A December 1994 Records Search (W-C 1998) andinterviews with ICI personnel (the former facility operator) revealed that the buildingswere connected to the Load, Assemble, and Pack (LAP) Area Wastewater TreatmentPlant.· Few records were found to indicate the types of activities that took place in the buildingsor the materials stored there. The most comprehensive source of information was a 1988INAAP Industrial Preparedness Plan Storage Facilities and Storage Space listing (ICI1988a). According to the listing, Buildings 1501 and 1502 contained LAP Areamaintenance materials. Buildings 1505, 1506, 1513, 1514, 1515, 1521, 1522, 1523, and1524 contained LAP Area packing materials (primarily cardboard). Propellant chargeshipping containers were stored in Buildings 1507, 1525, 1528, 1529, 1533, 1534, and1535. Cloth for the propelling charge bags was stored in Buildings 1509 and 1517. Inertchemicals used in the LAP Area were stored in Buildings 1508 and 1516. Building 2551included a garage and trailer repair shop, a gas station, and a paint shop. Building 2561included combined shops and an icehouse.· Interviews with ICI employees and site reconnaissance indicated that activities in some ofthe buildings had changed since the 1988 storage space listing. At the time of the siteinspection in 1994, Building 1503 included a firehouse, an electronics shop, and a pipeshop. This building had previously housed a sign shop, a spray paint booth (Site 37), apaint storage room (Site 58), and a forklift recharging and maintenance shop. Building1516 included the General Stores offices, in addition to Quality Assurance (QA) Holdingfor incoming materials. A tenant that manufactured wood pallets occupied a portion ofBuilding 1516 (ICI 1995). Approximately 30 percent of Building 1524 had beenconverted to office space. Building 1526 had been converted to cloth bag manufacturing,which included a stencil area for labeling the bags and for manufacturing additive liners.Buildings 1531 and 1532 had been leased to private companies as storage facilities.· According to INAAP personnel, any raw materials shipped to the plant would be held inBuilding 1516 (QA Holding) until the materials had been approved. Then, the materialswould be moved to warehouses in the 1500 Buildings and ultimately to the LAP area.Paints and solvents were stored in a diked containment area in Building 1511; the floordrains in this building had been capped off. Gas cylinders of propane, chlorine, nitrogen,acetylene, and freon had been stored previously at the other end of Building 1511;Site Location and DescriptionSECTIONONE 1500 Shops Area Drainage, Site 45Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA 1-3however, at the time of the site visit, a contractor delivered all gas cylinders directly tothe user sites throughout INAAP.· The motor pool headquarters was located in Building 2551 (Site 40). The motor poolcontained two parts washers maintained by Safety-KleenÒ (together these were addressedas Site 41 in the Phase I RI report). There was also a spray paint booth in the back of themotor pool building.· Several small releases of oil were reported inside some of the buildings. However, thereleases generally involved less than one gallon of liquid and were confined to thebuildings’ interiors. As stated above, each building was connected to the LAP AreaWastewater Treatment Plant. The treatment plant has been designated as Site 13 and wasevaluated in the Phase I RI. A site reconnaissance was completed around the exterior ofall of the buildings in December 1994. No stained soils, distressed vegetation, or othersigns of soil contamination were observed. Therefore, these releases were not furtherevaluated in the PA report or in the Phase I RI report.· Five ASTs with a total capacity of 261,000 gallons that were used to store No. 2 fuel oilare located south of the 1500 Buildings (Spill Area – Site 86). In 1977, approximately10,000 gallons of oil was released from a rail car at the site, and approximately 1,600gallons of this entered the West Branch Lentzier Creek. A reported 100 tons ofcontaminated soil and straw (used as absorbent materials) were disposed of in the NewLandfill (Site 2).· Building 6611 Sump (Site 87) is located south of the 1500 Buildings (Figure 1-2) andconsists of a pumping station, an underground sewage collection tank and a drain field.Sewage water from the 1500 Buildings gravity flows to the pumping station where it isthen pumped to the LAP Sewage Treatment Plant (Site 13). Overflow from the pumpingstation is diverted to the underground sewage collection tank. During conditions ofheavy usage, overflow from the collection tank is diverted to the drain field. The drainfield consists of perforated vitrified clay tile (VCT) distribution pipes atop a layer ofcrushed limestone, and perforated collector pipes situated beneath the limestone thatdischarge collected water to a sinkhole. An earthen berm, approximately eight feet inheight, surrounds the pumping station and collection tank. Storm water that accumulateswithin the bermed area is diverted to a drainage ditch that then discharges to the WestBranch Lentzier Creek. Storm water runoff outside of this bermed area either flowsdirectly into the West Branch Lentzier Creek or flows into drainage ditches that thendischarge to the creek. Site 87 is being investigated separately (see the Site 87 Phase IIRFI report under a separate cover).1.2 PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONSPrior to the Phase I RI, no investigations of the 1500 Shops Area Drainage were completed. (Noinformation was available regarding sampling results, or if samples were even collected, for thespring, located along the Administration Patrol Road near Building 2582, where oil and greasewere reportedly observed in 1950.)Site Location and DescriptionSECTIONONE 1500 Shops Area Drainage, Site 45Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA 1-41.3 REPORT ORGANIZATIONThe remaining portion of this report is organized as follows:· Section 2 – Field Activities Summary· Section 3 – Physical Investigation Results: reviews site topography, local surficialgeology, and shallow hydrogeology· Section 4 – Data Quality Review and Validation: summarizes the results of the 100percent quality control (QC) review and the ten percent full validation· Section 5 – Chemical Investigation Results: identifies the chemical analyses used andfield duplicate samples collected; summarizes the sample detections by sampleidentification number and matrix type in tabular form· Section 6 – Contamination Assessment: uses text and figures to assess chemicals presentat the site in elevated concentrations, based on matrix and chemical group· Section 7 – Human Health Risk Evaluation: examines the chemicals present in variousmatrices at the site to determine if they pose a threat to human health· Section 8 – Ecological Health Risk Evaluation: examines the chemicals present invarious matrices at the site to determine if they pose a threat to the environment· Section 9 – Summary and Recommendations: includes corrective measure studyobjectives· Section 10 – ReferencesFor additional information regarding the rationale for and the objectives of the Phase II RFI,refer to the Sitewide Work Plan (URSGWC 2000a).Field Activities SummarySECTIONTWO 1500 Shops Area Drainage, Site 45Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA 2-1Field activities for this site included shallow soil, subsurface soil, sediment, surface water,spring, and groundwater sampling. The locations of the sampling points are provided on Figure2-1. Sample location, identification, depth, matrix, and chemical analysis are presented in Tables2-1 for samples collected in 1996 and Table 2-2 for samples collected in 2000.Because Site 45 now describes the 1500 Shops Area Drainage samples collected from thedrainages as part of Phase I RI Sites 86 and 87 have been included in this characterization of the1500 Shops Area Drainage.All field activities were completed in accordance with applicable Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs) (W-C 1995, URSGWC 2000b). Any deviations from the SOPs are noted on the SampleCollection Field Sheets (SCFS), provided in Appendix G.2.1 SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLING2.1.1 SoilEighteen soil borings and one surface soil sampling location were located in areas of suspectedcontamination based on historical information. Twenty near surface (including two near surfacesoil samples collected from a single soil boring, 45SB05) and 28 subsurface soil samples werecollected at Site 45. A single surface soil sample (86SS01) was collected using a stainless steelhand auger, 17 soil borings (45SB05 through 45SB21) were completed using a direct pushsystem and 1.75-inch diameter polyvinyl chloride (PVC) liners, and one soil boring (45SB22)was completed using a stainless steel hand auger. These soil samples were collected from thefollowing locations (see Figure 2-1):· Surface soil sample 86SS01 was collected just east of a drainage located west of the fiveNo. 2 fuel oil storage tanks addressed as Site 86 in the Phase I RI report (W-C, 1998),and north of the nearby railroad tracks.· Boring 45SB05 was completed approximately 350 feet northeast of Building 2558 in adrainage that trends west-east. Refusal was reached at 2.0 feet bgs and two samples wereretained for chemical analysis (both samples were considered to be near surface samples).· Boring 45SB06 was completed approximately 1,100 feet southeast of 45SB05 in adrainage that trends northwest-southeast. Refusal was reached at 2.0 feet bgs and twosamples were retained for chemical analysis.· Boring 45SB07 was completed approximately 700 feet southeast of 45SB06 near thecurve in South Boundary Patrol Road. Refusal was reached at 5.5 feet bgs and threesamples were retained for chemical analysis.· Boring 45SB08 was completed along the bank of West Branch Lentzier Creek, betweenAdministration Patrol Road and INAAP’s southern boundary. Refusal was reached at 6.1feet bgs and three samples were retained for chemical analysis.Field Activities SummarySECTIONTWO 1500 Shops Area Drainage, Site 45Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA 2-2· Boring 45SB09 was completed just east of a drainage located west of the five No. 2 fueloil storage tanks addressed as Site 86, just to the north of 86SS01. Refusal was reachedat 10.1 feet bgs and three samples were retained for chemical analysis.· Boring 45SB10 was completed along the bank of West Branch Lentzier Creek, just northof the point where a culvert passes beneath railroad tracks. Refusal was reached at 4.9feet bgs and two samples were retained for chemical analysis.· Boring 45SB11 was completed along the bank of West Branch Lentzier Creek,approximately 1,800 feet upstream from 45SB10. Refusal was reached at 8.8 feet bgsand three samples were retained for chemical analysis.· Boring 45SB12 was completed near the confluence of West Branch Lentzier Creek and anorth-south drainage, approximately 800 feet upstream from 45SB11. Refusal wasreached at 4-9 feet bgs and two samples were retained for chemical analysis.· Boring 45SB13 was completed along the bank of West Branch Lentzier Creek,approximately 500 feet upstream from 45SB12. Refusal was reached at 4.3 feet bgs andtwo samples were retained for chemical analysis.· Boring 45SB14 was completed along a north-south drainage, approximately 800 feetupstream from 45SB12. Refusal was reached at 6.5 feet bgs and three samples wereretained for chemical analysis.· Boring 45SB15 was completed near a drainage, approximately 500 feet southeast of45SB14. Refusal was reached at 9.2 feet bgs and three samples were retained forchemical analysis.· Boring 45SB16 was completed along a north-south drainage, approximately 300 feetupstream from 45SB12 and approximately 500 feet downstream from 45SB14. Refusalwas reached at 6.5 feet bgs and three samples were retained for chemical analysis.· Boring 45SB17 was completed near a drainage, approximately 700 feet north of 45SB13.Refusal was reached at 9.2 feet bgs and three samples were retained for chemicalanalysis.· Boring 45SB18 was completed along the bank of West Branch Lentzier Creek,approximately 800 feet upstream from 45SB13. Refusal was reached at 3.8 feet bgs andtwo samples were retained for chemical analysis.· Boring 45SB19 was completed near a drainage, approximately 100 feet north of 45SB18.Refusal was reached at 7.3 feet bgs and three samples were retained for chemicalanalysis.· Boring 45SB20 was completed near the head of West Branch Lentzier Creek,approximately 50 feet west of 45SB19, just east of 3rd Street. Refusal was reached at 3.6feet bgs and two samples were retained for chemical analysis.Field Activities SummarySECTIONTWO 1500 Shops Area Drainage, Site 45Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA 2-3· Boring 45SB21 was completed near a drainage, approximately 75 feet south of 45SB18.Refusal was reached at 5.8 feet bgs and three samples were retained for chemicalanalysis.· Boring 45SB22 was completed along the bank of West Branch Lentzier Creek, just southof the point where a culvert passes beneath railroad tracks. Auger refusal was reached at4.0 feet bgs and two samples were retained for chemical analysis.Sample identification, depth, matrix, and chemical analysis are presented in Tables 2-1 and 2-2.Boring locations are shown in Figure 2-1.Two geotechnical samples (4511DS03 and 4512DS03) were collected from the 1500 Shops AreaDrainage during the Phase II RFI. The analytical results from these geotechnical samples arepresented in Table F-1 in Appendix F.2.1.2 SedimentNineteen sediment samples were collected from the 1500 Shops Drainage Area. Seventeen ofthese samples were collocated with surface water samples (see Section 2.2). The sedimentsamples were collected using a stainless steel hand auger or hand trowel as follows:· 86SD02 – from West Branch Lentzier Creek, west-southwest of 86SS01, south of therailroad tracks (Note: not collocated with a corresponding surface water sample);· 87SD01 – from beneath standing water at the confluence of two drainages, approximately190 feet southeast of the Building 6611 Sump and its associated drainfield;· 87SD02 – from beneath standing water in a northwest-southeast trending drainage,approximately 30 feet northwest of 87SD01;· 87SD03 – from beneath standing water in a northeast-southwest trending drainage,approximately 90 feet northeast of 87SD01;· 45SD01 – from beneath water near the head of West Branch Lentzier Creek, near45SB20, just east of 3rd Street;· 45SD02 – from beneath water in West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately 400 feetdownstream and southeast of 45SD01;· 45SD03 – from beneath water in West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately 150 feetdownstream and southeast of 45SD01;· 45SD04 – from beneath standing water in West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately100 feet northwest of the Building 6611 Sump;· 45SD05 – from beneath standing water in West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately250 feet northwest of 45SD04;· 45SD06 – from beneath standing water in West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately200 feet northwest of 45SD05;Field Activities SummarySECTIONTWO 1500 Shops Area Drainage, Site 45Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA 2-4· 45SD07 – from beneath standing water in West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately 30feet west of 45SB08;· 45SD08 – from beneath standing water in West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately 90feet west-southwest of 45SB22;· 45SD09 – from West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately 70 feet northeast of 45SB10(Note: not collocated with a corresponding surface water sample);· 45SD10 – from beneath standing water in a northeast-southwest trending drainage,approximately 230 feet north-northwest of 45SB22;· 45SD11 – from beneath standing water in West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately130 feet west-southwest of 45SD10;· 45SD12 – from beneath standing water in West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately 30feet northwest of 45SB11;· 45SD13 – from beneath standing water in West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately 30feet northwest of 45SB11;· 45SD14 – from beneath standing water in a northwest-southeast trending drainage,located near South Boundary Patrol Road, approximately 20 feet north of the location of45SB07; and,· 45SD15 – from beneath flowing water in an east-west trending drainage, located on theopposite side of South Boundary Patrol Road from 45SB07.Sediment sampling locations are shown on Figure 2-1.2.2 SURFACE WATER SAMPLINGSeventeen surface water samples were collected from locations collocated with sedimentsamples (see Section 2.1.2). Surface water samples were collected using laboratory-preparedglass containers as follows:· 87SW01 – from standing water at the confluence of two drainages, approximately 190feet southeast of the Building 6611 Sump and its associated drainfield;· 87SW02 – from standing water in a northwest-southeast trending drainage,approximately 30 feet northwest of 87SW01;· 87SW03 – from standing water in a northeast-southwest trending drainage,approximately 90 feet northeast of 87SW01;· 45SW01 – from water near the head of West Branch Lentzier Creek, near 45SB20, justeast of 3rd Street;· 45SW02 – from water in West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately 400 feetdownstream and southeast of 45SW01;Field Activities SummarySECTIONTWO 1500 Shops Area Drainage, Site 45Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA 2-5· 45SW03 – from water in West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately 150 feetdownstream and southeast of 45SW01;· 45SW04 – from standing water in West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately 100 feetnorthwest of the Building 6611 Sump;· 45SW05 – from standing water in West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately 250 feetnorthwest of 45SW04;· 45SW06 – from standing water in West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately 200 feetnorthwest of 45SW05;· 45SW07 – from standing water in West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately 30 feetwest of 45SB08;· 45SW08 – from standing water in West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately 90 feetwest-southwest of 45SB22;· 45SW10 – from standing water in a northeast-southwest trending drainage,approximately 230 feet north-northwest of 45SB22;· 45SW11 – from standing water in West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately 130 feetwest-southwest of 45SW10;· 45SW12 – from standing water in West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately 30 feetnorthwest of 45SB11;· 45SW13 – from standing water in West Branch Lentzier Creek, approximately 30 feetnorthwest of 45SB11;· 45SW14 – from standing water in a northwest-southeast trending drainage, located nearSouth Boundary Patrol Road, approximately 20 feet north of the location of 45SB07;· 45SW15 – from flowing water in an east-west trending drainage, located on the oppositeside of South Boundary Patrol Road from 45SB07.Surface water sampling locations are shown on Figure 2-1.2.3 GROUNDWATER SAMPLINGGroundwater samples were collected from the direct push borings, 45SB08 and 45SB20. Thesewere the only two borings in which groundwater was encountered. In addition, it was notpossible to collect a sufficient quantity of groundwater for a complete set of analyses fromboring 45SB20. Therefore, the groundwater sample collected from this boring was onlyanalyzed for VOCs and SVOCs.Slotted, polyvinylchloride (PVC) standpipes were used during the collection of groundwatersamples from both borings. Samples for VOCs analysis were collected using a stainless steelminibailer. Prior to the collection of samples for other analyses, at least 500 milliliters (mL) ofwater were purged from each boring using a peristaltic pump and high density polyethyleneField Activities SummarySECTIONTWO 1500 Shops Area Drainage, Site 45Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA 2-6(HDPE) tubing. Samples for other analyses were collected using the peristaltic pump and HDPEtubing.Sample identification, depth, matrix, and chemical analysis are presented in Tables 2-1 and 2-2.Boring locations are shown in Figure 2-1.2.4 FIELD SCREENING RESULTSField screening was completed during both investigations using headspace analysis. Recoveredsoil from each boring and sediment sample was field screened using a photoionization detector(PID) to verify the presence or absence of organic vapors. Headspace results are presented inTable 2-3, and were recorded on the boring logs (see Appendix E) and the Sample CollectionField Sheets (SCFSs) (see Appendix G).2.5 IDW DISPOSITIONInvestigation-derived wastes (IDW) including soil cuttings, development and purge water,decontamination fluids, and personal protective equipment (PPE) were containerized inaccordance with the Sitewide Work Plan (URSGWC 2000a). Disposal of the IDW containershas been documented in the “IDW Disposition Technical Memorandum” (URS 2001).TABLE 2-1SUMMARY OF PHASE I RI SAMPLES FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSISSITE 45 - 1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGESample Sample Sample Sample ParametersLocation Identification Depth (ft bgs) Matrix VOCs1 SVOCs2 Metals3 TPH4 Comments45SD01 4501SD02 NA Sediment X X X X MS/MSD45SD02 4502SD02 NA Sediment X X X X45SD03 4503SD02 NA Sediment X X X X4504SD02 NA Sediment X X X X Duplicate (4503SD02)45SW01 4501SW00 NA Surface Water X X X X MS/MSD45SW02 4502SW00 NA Surface Water X X X X45SW03 4503SW00 NA Surface Water X X X X4504SW00 NA Surface Water X X X X Duplicate (4503SW03)86SS01 8601SS01 0.0-1.0 Soil X MS/MSD86SD02 8602SD01 0.0-1.0 Sediment X MS/MSD87SD01 8701SD02 0-2 Sediment X X X X8712SD02 0-2 Sediment X X X X Duplicate (8701SD02)87SD02 8702SD02 0-2 Sediment X X X X87SD03 8703SD02 0-2 Sediment X X X X MS/MSD87SW01 8701SW00 NA Surface Water X X X X8712SW00 NA Surface Water X X X X Duplicate (8701SW00)87SW02 8702SW00 NA Surface Water X X X X87SW03 8703SW00 NA Surface Water X X X X MS/MSDNotes: Abbreviations:1 TCL Volatile Organic Compounds: Preparation Method 5030 / Analysis Method 8260A. bgs = Below Ground Surface2 Duplicate = Quality Control Duplicate(original sample listed in parentheses)3 TAL Metals: Preparation Method 3010/3020 (aqueous) and 3050B (soil/sediment) / Analysis Method 6010/7000. ft = Feet4 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons: Preparation Method 3550 / Analysis Method 8015 MS/MSD = Matrix Spike/ Matrix Spike DuplicateNA = Not ApplicableSB = Soil BoringSamples were collected in 1995 and 1996. SD = SedimentAll samples analyzed for chemical analysis were shipped to EMAX Laboratory, Inc, of Torrance, California. SS = Shallow SoilSW = Surface WaterTCL Semivolatile Organic Compounds: Preparation Method 3520 (aqueous) and 3550 (soil/sediment) / Analysis Method8270.Surface soil samples collected (from 0.0 to 2.0 ft bgs) during the Phase I RI use 02 for the depth indicator portion of theSample Identification.Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 1 of 1 4/29/02TABLE 2-2SUMMARY OF PHASE II RFI SAMPLES FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSISSITE 45 - 1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGESample Sample Sample SampleLocation Identification Depth (ft bgs) Matrix VOCs1 SVOCs2 Metals3 Cyanide4 TOC5 Geotech6 Comments45SB05 4505DS00 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X4505DS02 1.0-2.0 Soil X X X X45SB06 4506DS00 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X4506DS04 2.5-3.1 Soil X X X X45SB07 4507DS00 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X4507DS10 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X Duplicate (4507DS00)4507DS03 2.0-3.0 Soil X X X X4507DS06 4.0-6.0 Soil X X X X45SB08 4508DS00 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X MS/MSD4508DS04 2.0-3.5 Soil X X X X4508DS06 5.0-6.1 Soil X X X X4508DW06 6.1 Groundwater X X X X4508DW16 6.1 Groundwater X X X X Duplicate (4508DW06)45SB09 4509DS00 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X4509DS07 5.0-7.0 Soil X X X X4509DS10 9.0-10.0 Soil X X X X45SB10 4510DS00 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X4510DS10 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X Duplicate (4510DS00)4510DS04 3.0-4.0 Soil X X X X45SB11 4511DS00 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X4511DS03 1.5-2.7 Soil X4511DS06 5.0-6.0 Soil X X X X X4511DS09 7.5-9.0 Soil X X X X45SB12 4512DS00 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X4512DS03 1.8-3.0 Soil X4512DS05 3.0-5.0 Soil X X X X X45SB13 4513DS00 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X4513DS06 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X Duplicate (4513DS00)4513DS03 2.0-3.0 Soil X X X XParametersQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 1 of 4 4/29/02TABLE 2-2SUMMARY OF PHASE II RFI SAMPLES FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSISSITE 45 - 1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGESample Sample Sample SampleLocation Identification Depth (ft bgs) Matrix VOCs1 SVOCs2 Metals3 Cyanide4 TOC5 Geotech6 CommentsParameters45SB14 4514DS00 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X4514DS03 2.0-3.0 Soil X X X X X4514DS07 5.3-6.5 Soil X X X X45SB15 4515DS00 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X4515DS07 5.0-7.0 Soil X X X X4515DS17 5.0-7.0 Soil X X X X Duplicate (4515DS07)4515DS09 8.0-9.0 Soil X X X X45SB16 4516DS00 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X4516DS06 4.0-6.0 Soil X X X X X4516DS09 8.0-9.0 Soil X X X X45SB17 4517DS00 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X4517DS06 4.0-6.0 Soil X X X X4517DS09 8.0-9.0 Soil X X X X45SB18 4518DS00 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X4518DS03 2.0-3.0 Soil X X X X X45SB19 4519DS00 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X MS/MSD4519DS04 2.0-3.8 Soil X X X X X4519DS07 6.0-7.3 Soil X X X X45SB20 4520DS00 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X4520DS04 2.1-3.1 Soil X X X X4520DW04 3.1 Groundwater X X MS/MSD45SB21 4521DS00 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X4521DS08 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X Duplicate (4521DS00)4521DS04 2.0-4.0 Soil X X X X4521DS06 5.0-5.7 Soil X X X X45SB22 4522SB00 0.0-1.0 Soil X X X X4522SB04 3.0-3.5 Soil X X X X45SW/SD04 4504SW00 - Surface Water X X X4504SW05 - Surface Water X X X Duplicate (4504SW00)4504SD00 0.0-1.0 Sediment X X X XQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 2 of 4 4/29/02TABLE 2-2SUMMARY OF PHASE II RFI SAMPLES FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSISSITE 45 - 1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGESample Sample Sample SampleLocation Identification Depth (ft bgs) Matrix VOCs1 SVOCs2 Metals3 Cyanide4 TOC5 Geotech6 CommentsParameters45SW/SD05 4505SW00 - Surface Water X X X4505SD00 0.0-1.0 Sediment X X X X MS/MSD45SW/SD06 4506SW00 - Surface Water X X X4506SD00 0.0-0.2 Sediment X X X X45SW/SD07 4507SW00 - Surface Water X X X MS/MSD4507SD00 0.0-0.2 Sediment X X X X45SW/SD08 4508SW00 - Surface Water X X X4508SD00 0.0-0.2 Sediment X X X X4558SD00 0.0-0.2 Sediment X X X X Duplicate (4508SD00)45SD09 4509SD00 0.0-1.0 Sediment X X X X45SW/SD10 4510SW00 - Surface Water X X X4510SD00 0.0-0.2 Sediment X X X X45SW/SD11 4511SW00 - Surface Water X X X4541SW00 - Surface Water X X X Duplicate (4511SW00)4511SD00 0.0-0.2 Sediment X X X X4541SD00 0.0-0.2 Sediment X X X X Duplicate (4511SD00)45SW/SD12 4512SW00 - Surface Water X X X4512SD00 0.0-0.2 Sediment X X X X45SW/SD13 4513SW00 - Surface Water X X X4513SD00 0.0-0.2 Sediment X X X X45SW/SD14 4514SW00 - Surface Water X X X4514SD00 0.0-0.2 Sediment X X X X45SW/SD15 4515SW00 - Surface Water X X X4515SD00 0.0-0.2 Sediment X X X XNotes: Abbreviations:1 bgs = below ground surfaceDS = Direct Push - Soil2 Duplicate = Quality Control Duplicate (original sample listed in parentheses)TCL Volatile Organic Compounds: Preparation Method 5030 (aqueous / sediment) and 5035(soil) / Analysis Method 8260B.TCL Semivolatile Organic Compounds: Preparation Method 3520C (aqueous) and 3550BQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 3 of 4 4/29/02TABLE 2-2SUMMARY OF PHASE II RFI SAMPLES FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSISSITE 45 - 1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGESample Sample Sample SampleLocation Identification Depth (ft bgs) Matrix VOCs1 SVOCs2 Metals3 Cyanide4 TOC5 Geotech6 CommentsParametersDW = Direct Push - Groundwater3 ft = feetMS/MSD = Matrix Spike/ Matrix Spike Duplicate also requested4 Cyanide was prepared and analyzed as identified in Method 335.2. SB = Soil Boring5 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) was prepared and analyzed as identified in Method 415.1. SD = Sediment6 Geotechnical Parameters SW = Surface WaterSamples were collected in 2000.All samples analyzed for chemical analysis were shipped to EMAX Laboratory, Inc, of Torrance, California.Surface soil samples collected (from 0.0 to 2.0 ft bgs) during the Phase II RFI use 00 for the depthindicator portion of the Sample Identification.Geotechnical analytical parameters varied from sample to sample, depending on depth, soil type, etc. Refer toAppendix F for a complete summary of all geotechnical analyses.(soil/sediment) / Analysis Method 8270C.TAL Metals: Preparation Method 3010A (aqueous) and 3050B (soil/sediment) / AnalysisMethod 6010B/7470A (mercury).Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 4 of 4 4/29/02TABLE 2-3SUMMARY OF FIELD SCREENING RESULTSFOR ORGANIC VAPORS IN SOIL SAMPLESSITE 45 - 1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEBoring Number Sample Depth (ft bgs) Concentration (ppm)145SB05 0.5-1.0 21.0-2.0 245SB06 0.5-1.0 0.62.5-3.1 1.35.0-6.1 2.345SB07 0.0-0.5 0.82.0-3.0 0.34.0-5.5 0.245SB08 0.0-0.5 2.52.0-3.5 1.945SB09 0.0-0.5 0.45.0-7.0 2.59.0-10.0 0.445SB10 0.0-0.5 ND3.0-4.0 20.50.0-0.5 ND45SB11 5.0-6.0 ND7.5-9.0 ND45SB12 0.0-0.5 ND3.0-5.0 ND45SB13 0.0-0.5 3.02.0-3.0 3.845SB14 0.0-0.5 0.72.0-3.0 0.45.3-6.5 0.445SB15 0.0-0.5 0.25.0-7.0 0.38.0-9.0 0.545SB16 0.0-0.5 NO READINGS -PROBLEM W/ PID4.0-6.0 NO READINGS -PROBLEM W/ PID8.0-9.0 NO READINGS -PROBLEM W/ PID45SB17 0.0-0.5 23.24.0-6.0 73.48.0-9.0 149845SB18 0.0-0.5 ELEVATED DUE TO MOISTURE2.0-3.0 ELEVATED DUE TO MOISTURE45SB19 0.0-0.5 0.22.0-3.8 ND6.0-7.3 7.245SB20 0.0-0.5 ND2.1-3.1 1.0Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Draft\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 1 of 2 4/29/02TABLE 2-3SUMMARY OF FIELD SCREENING RESULTSFOR ORGANIC VAPORS IN SOIL SAMPLESSITE 45 - 1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEBoring Number Sample Depth (ft bgs) Concentration (ppm)145SB21 0.0-0.5 ND2.0-4.0 ND5.0-5.7 ND45SB22 0.5-1.0 ND3.0-3.5 ND45SD01 NA ND45SD02 NA ND45SD03 NA ND45SD04 0.0-0.5 ND0.0-0.5 ND45SD06 0.0-0.2 ND45SD07 0.0-0.2 ND45SD08 0.0-0.1 ND45SD09 0.0-0.5 ND45SD10 0.0-0.2 ND45SD11 0.0-0.2 ND45SD12 0.0-0.2 ND45SD13 0.0-0.2 ND45SD14 0.0-0.2 ND45SD15 0.0-0.2 ND86SS01 0.0-1.0 ND86SD02 0.0-1.0 ND87SD01 0-2 ND87SD02 0-2 ND87SD03 0-2 NDNotes:1 Measured response above background using a PID2 Not available due to low sample recoveryAbbreviations:ft = feetbgs = Below Ground Surfaceppm = Part Per MillionSS = Shallow Soil SampleSB = Soil BoringND = Not DetectedSamples 45SD01, 45SD02, 45SD03, 86SS01, 86SD02, 87SD01, 87SD02, 87SD03 were collected during the Phase I RI (1995),all other samples were collected during the Phase II RFI (2000).Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Draft\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 2 of 2 4/29/02Physical Investigation ResultsSECTIONTHREE 1500 Shops Area Drainage, Site 45Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\30-Apr-02 /OMA 3-13.1 TOPOGRAPHY AND SURFACE FEATURESThe topography of the 1500 Shops Area Drainage consists of gently rolling hills and well-developeddrainages. The area containing most of the buildings is relatively flat. Ground that isnot covered by buildings is generally either paved with asphalt, covered with crushed rock, orsupports railroad tracks. Large open areas are located on the north, east and south sides of the1500 Buildings. Most of these open areas are leased for cattle grazing. The exception is the eastside and the southeast corner immediately adjacent to the 1500 Buildings; this open area wasused as storage for artillery charge canisters (Site 61- Container Storage Area), prior to therenovation of Building 2525 Wheelabrator Baghouse (Site 44).Surface water drains to two major drainage features located within the 1500 Shops AreaDrainage – an unnamed drainage to the north of the buildings and the West Branch LentzierCreek to the south. The drainage to the north receives surface water runoff from an areabounded by Salem Road to the north, the South Boundary Patrol Road to the south and eastsides, and Third Street to the west (see Figure 1-2). The drainage to the north ends as a closeddepression near the northeast corner of the 1500 Buildings. This depression receives water via aculvert underneath the South Boundary Patrol Road that drains part of the northeast corner of the1500 Area Buildings. When water is present, the depression serves as a watering hole forlivestock.The West Branch Lentzier Creek begins in the southwest corner of the 1500 Buildings Area as aculvert beneath an asphalt parking lot (see Figure 1-2). It generally flows to the southeast,toward a small private pond, and eventually merges with the Central Branch Lentzier Creek at apoint offsite. Flow within the West Branch Lentzier Creek typically infiltrates into the groundwithin 500 feet of this culvert and reappears at a perennial spring (identified as Spring SP11 inthe 1996 Spring surveys) approximately 2,200 feet downstream below a railroad spur, within thefacility’s boundaries. However, during and after heavy rainfalls, water may flow through theentire length of the creek. Most of the creek lies within an area open to livestock grazing, and ittoo serves as a watering hole for livestock.3.2 LOCAL SURFICIAL GEOLOGYThe surficial geology at the site has been interpreted based on 18 soil borings and 19 sedimentsamples. Sampling locations are shown on Figure 2-1. Simplified boring logs are presented onFigure 3-1. Elevations in feet Mean Sea Level (MSL) on the figures based on the NorthAmerican Vertical Datum of 1988.The surficial geology within the streambeds of the two major drainages at Site 45 generallyconsists of thin alluvial deposits over residual soils or bedrock. However, alluvial sedimentswere not observed in some borings completed within the streambeds. Few borings completedwithin the streambeds exceeded seven feet in depth and many were less than 5 feet in depth.Several borings were drilled along side, but not in, the streambeds of the two major drainagesand within smaller drainages that emptied into the two larger ones. These borings, outside thePhysical Investigation ResultsSECTIONTHREE 1500 Shops Area Drainage, Site 45Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA 3-2streambeds of the two main drainages, encountered refusal at depths ranging from 6.5 to 10.1feet bgs.Three borings were drilled to investigate the major drainage and closed depression located northof the 1500 Buildings. Boring 45SB05 was completed in the streambed of a side drainage and45SB06 was completed further downstream along the main drainage feature (see Figure 2-1).Boring 45SB07 was drilled adjacent to the closed depression at the end of the drainage. Borings45SB05 and 45SB06 hit refusal at 2.0 and 3.6 feet bgs, while 45SB07 hit refusal at 5.5 feet.Boring 45SB05 had less than one foot of alluvial deposits overlying residual soils, while borings45SB06 and 45SB07 consisted of residual soils over limestone bedrock with no alluvium.Several borings were completed within or adjacent to the West Branch Lentzier Creek. Borings45SB08, 45SB10, 45SB12 and 13, 45 SB18, 45SB20 and 45SB22 were drilled within the creek.Boring depths ranged from 3.5 feet to 6.1 feet bgs. The western-most borings encountered rockfill materials on the ground surface, presumably placed there for stream bank stabilization.These borings typically had two to five feet of alluvial sediments over residual clay soilsunderlain by bedrock.Two borings were drilled in smaller drainages that emptied into the West Branch Lentzier Creek,including 45SB14 and 45SB16. Boring 45SB14 had several feet of sediments over residual claysoils while 45SB16 had only a few feet of alluvium over residual clay soils.The remaining borings were drilled in areas adjacent to the creek, except 45SB09 was completednear the head of a drainage next to Site 86 (Spill Area). Only residual soils overlying bedrockwere encountered. Boring 45SB11 was drilled immediately adjacent to the creek, about four feetabove the streambed, refusal was reached at 8.8 feet bgs. Boring 45SB15 encountered onlyresidual soils over bedrock, while borings 45SB17, 45SB19, and 45SB21 encountered a few toseveral feet of fill over residual clay soils.Boring 45SB17 had a pronounced greenish-gray layer with a strong petroleum odor near thebottom of the boring. Several borings were also drilled at Site 87, Building 6611 Sump, which isadjacent to the West Branch Lentzier Creek (see Figure 1-2). Indications of a petroleum releasewere also detected at some of the borings completed at that site. Further discussion of the Site87 investigation can be found in the Site 87 Phase II RFI report.The materials encountered at Site 45 were typically described as follows:· Clay fill – Soft to medium stiff, dry to moist, red to brown, low plastic silty clay (UnifiedSoil Classification System [USCS] symbol CL)· Alluvial Clay – Soft to medium stiff, dry to moist to wet, light brown to brown to red,low plastic silty clay (USCS symbol CL), some with trace sand, gravel and organics· Alluvial Sand – Loose, moist to wet, brown to gray, fine to coarse sand (USCS symbolSP)Physical Investigation ResultsSECTIONTHREE 1500 Shops Area Drainage, Site 45Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA 3-3· Residuum – Stiff to very stiff, moist, reddish- to yellowish-grown, low plastic silty clay(USCS symbol CL)3.3 SHALLOW HYDROGEOLOGYShallow groundwater north of the 1500 Buildings (north drainage) consists of water perchedover limestone bedrock. No springs were observed in this area.In the West Branch Lentzier Creek, surface water flow is ephemeral and disappears into theground along much of its extent. However, flow reemerges below the culvert near the pointwhere 45SB22 was completed (see Figure 2-1), flowing from a perennial spring (SP11). Waterfrom this spring joins water flowing from another perennial spring (SP12) further to the west.The presence of perennial flow and the pond at the facility boundary indicate the presence of thelocal water table.Data Quality Review and ValidationSECTIONFOUR 1500 Shops Area Drainage, Site 45Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA 4-14.1 PHASE I RINo data were rejected. Reporting limits were elevated due to soil moisture content which rangedfrom 18 percent to 27 percent. See the Phase I RI report, for a more detailed discussion of datareview issues.4.2 PHASE II RFIAll chemical data were reviewed following procedures identified in the INAPP Site WideQuality Assurance Project Plan (URS 2000). The barium result for sample 45-05-DS-02 wasqualified rejected (R) due to low matrix spike recoveries. Select analytical data for samplescollected at the 1500 Shops Drainage Area (Site 45) were qualified estimated (J/UJ) based onholding time, surrogate, LCS, laboratory duplicate, matrix spike and/or field duplicate dataoutside evaluation criteria. Additionally, acetone, methylene chloride, tetrachloroethylene, bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, cadmium, potassium, silver and thallium data for several samples werequalified non-detect (U) based on the presence of the compounds in the trip blank or laboratorymethod blank samples or based on professional judgement (common laboratory contaminants).Acceptable levels of accuracy and precision were achieved for the data. A complete summary ofthe data reviews is presented in Appendix A.The analytical data for samples collected at the 1500 Shops Drainage Area (Site 45) wasdetermined to be acceptable (including estimated data) for the intended use with the exception ofthe barium result qualified rejected (R).Chemical Investigation ResultsSECTIONFIVE 1500 Shops Area Drainage, Site 45Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Text_Rev1.doc\29-Apr-02 /OMA 5-1All samples collected from the 1500 Shops Area Drainage were analyzed for Target CompoundList (TCL) volatile organic compound (VOCs), semivolatile organic compound (SVOCs), andTarget Analyte List (TAL) metals. The samples collected as part of the Phase I RI were alsoanalyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), diesel fraction. The samples collected as partof the Phase II RFI were also analyzed for cyanide. Field duplicate samples collected from thissite included:Field Duplicate Associated Sample4504SD02 4503SD024504SW00 4503SW008712SD02 8701SD028712SW00 8701SW004507DS10 4507DS004508DW16 4508DW064510DS10 4510DS004513DS06 4513DS004515DS17 4515DS074521DS08 4521DS004504SW05 4504SW004558SD00 4508SD004541SW00 4511SW004541SD00 4511SD00Field duplicate sample results are presented in Appendix H.Summaries of the chemical investigation results can be found as follows:· Surface and subsurface soil, sediment, surface water, and groundwater samples collectedfrom this site and the analyses each sample underwent are summarized in Tables 2-1 and2-2.· Chemicals detected, maximum concentration, and frequency of detects for soil andsediment samples collected from the 1500 Shops Area Drainage are summarized in Table5-1 (discussed below).· Chemicals detected, maximum concentration, and frequency of detects for surface waterand groundwater samples collected from the 1500 Shops Area Drainage are summarizedin Table 5-2 (discussed below).· Appendix H contains all analytical results.TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD ID 4501SD02 4502SD02 4503SD02 4504SD00 4505DS00DATE COLLECTED December 12, 1995 December 12, 1995 December 12, 1995 November 16, 2000 November 6, 2000Maximum Frequency Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL QualVOLATILE ORGANICCOMPOUNDS (μg/kg)2-Butanone 190 J 31 / 65 < 12 U < 13 U < 11 U < 23 U 49 31Acetone 1300 J 41 / 65 < 12 U < 13 U < 11 U < 92 U 250 15Benzene 6.4 J 9 / 65 < 12 U < 13 U < 11 U < 5.7 U < 7.7 UCarbon disulfide 34 J 9 / 65 < 12 U < 13 U < 11 U < 30 U < 7.7 UEthylbenzene 26 J 7 / 65 < 12 U < 13 U < 11 U 1.7 6 J < 7.7 Um/p-xylene 3.8 J 6 / 57 2 12 J < 15 UMethyl isobutyl ketone 1.5 J 1 / 65 < 12 U < 13 U < 11 U < 11 U < 15 UMethylene Chloride 8 J 1 / 65 < 12 U < 13 U < 11 U < 11 U < 15 Uo-Xylene 1.3 J 4 / 57 < 5.7 U < 7.7 UTetrachloroethylene 5 J 5 / 65 < 12 U < 13 U < 11 U < 5.7 U < 7.7 UToluene 20 J 22 / 65 < 12 U < 13 U < 11 U 3.9 6 J < 7.7 USEMIVOLATILE ORGANICCOMPOUNDS (μg/kg)2-Methylnaphthalene 1700 1 / 65 < 4100 U < 420 U < 3700 U < 2000 U < 460 UAcenaphthene 4500 3 / 65 2700 J 300 J 4500 < 2000 U < 460 UAcenaphthylene 380 J 2 / 65 380 J 31 J < 3700 U < 2000 U < 460 UAnthracene 13000 8 / 65 8100 680 7600 < 2000 U < 460 UBenzo(a)anthracene 57000 16 / 65 29000 2800 21000 1100 2000 J < 460 UBenzo(a)pyrene 66000 J 17 / 65 21000 2100 18000 1300 2000 J < 460 UBenzo(b)fluoranthene 90000 18 / 65 40000 4100 33000 1800 2000 J < 460 UBenzo(g,h,i)perylene 40000 16 / 65 3200 J 520 4400 < 2000 U < 460 UBenzo(k)fluoranthene 33000 16 / 65 13000 540 7300 < 2000 U < 460 UBis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 1200 1 / 65 < 4100 U < 420 U < 3700 U < 2000 U < 460 UButylbenzyl phthalate 210 J 1 / 65 < 4100 U < 420 U < 3700 U < 2000 U < 460 UCarbazole 8800 6 / 65 8800 710 6800 < 2000 U < 460 UChrysene 65000 17 / 65 26000 3900 20000 1200 2000 J < 460 UDi-n-butyl phthalate 3900 3 / 65 < 4100 U < 420 U < 3700 U < 2000 U < 460 UDibenz(a,h)anthracene 12000 8 / 65 2500 J 320 J 660 J < 2000 U < 460 UDibenzofuran 2300 J 3 / 65 2300 J 150 J 1800 J < 2000 U < 460 UFluoranthene 120000 21 / 65 65000 4700 50000 2500 2000 < 460 UQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 1 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD ID 4501SD02 4502SD02 4503SD02 4504SD00 4505DS00DATE COLLECTED December 12, 1995 December 12, 1995 December 12, 1995 November 16, 2000 November 6, 2000Maximum Frequency Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL QualFluorene 4100 5 / 65 4100 370 J 4000 < 2000 U < 460 UIndeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 44000 16 / 65 10000 1200 8400 800 2000 J < 460 UNaphthalene 470 J 2 / 65 < 4100 U 19 J 470 J < 2000 U < 460 UPhenanthrene 63000 16 / 65 52000 4200 40000 1600 2000 J < 460 UPyrene 100000 18 / 65 48000 J 5500 J 37000 J 1900 2000 J < 460 UPETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS(μg/kg)Total petroleum hydrocarbons, dieselfraction1500000 J 6 / 8 1000000 J 300000 J 720000 JMETALS (mg/kg)Aluminum 31500 65 / 65 4080 6060 8420 6390 24.6 15100 28Antimony 14.3 J 10 / 65 14.3 J < 10.2 U < 9.1 U < 12.3 U < 14 UArsenic 37.7 65 / 65 5.5 12.6 23.8 8.1 1.23 19.2 1.4Barium 386 64 / 64 45.5 J 80.9 76.9 95.4 1.23 168 1.4Beryllium 7.3 64 / 65 < 0.49 U 1 J 2.3 0.826 1.23 J 1.12 1.4 JCadmium 3.78 10 / 65 < 0.98 U 1 J < 0.91 U < 0.614 U < 0.7 UCalcium 246000 65 / 65 97400 J 70000 J 39300 J 14200 123 31000 140Chromium 87.4 65 / 65 8.2 J 20.9 J 42.9 J 14 1.23 20.4 1.4Cobalt 63.8 65 / 65 7.4 J 13.8 29.1 9.94 2.46 23.7 2.8Copper 124 65 / 65 10.8 39.7 51.7 16.5 2.46 33.8 2.8Iron 70100 65 / 65 9500 J 27600 J 54700 J 20400 24.6 35100 28Lead 400 65 / 65 35 J 62.4 J 61.1 J 34 1.23 30 1.4Magnesium 18200 65 / 65 14400 J 4880 J 3350 J 1410 123 3180 140Manganese 5730 65 / 65 986 J 682 J 838 J 482 1.23 4390 1.4Mercury 240 47 / 65 0.98 0.25 0.78 0.367 0.123 < 0.14 UNickel 362 65 / 65 13.4 28.5 86.5 17.3 2.46 40.4 2.8Potassium 3580 62 / 65 647 J 697 J 700 J 677 614 874 700Selenium 2.5 18 / 65 < 1.2 U < 1.3 U 2.5 < 1.23 U < 1.4 USodium 1980 63 / 65 1980 183 J 283 J 72.1 123 J 119 140 JThallium 7 47 / 65 < 1.2 U 2.2 J 7 2.04 2.46 J 0.924 2.8 JVanadium 91.4 65 / 65 12.5 39.8 91.4 24.6 1.23 35.2 1.4Zinc 1080 J 65 / 65 65 106 165 57.2 2.46 84.4 2.8Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 2 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD ID 4501SD02 4502SD02 4503SD02 4504SD00 4505DS00DATE COLLECTED December 12, 1995 December 12, 1995 December 12, 1995 November 16, 2000 November 6, 2000Maximum Frequency Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL QualOTHER PARAMETERS (mg/kg)Cyanide 0.548 J 36 / 65 < 0.3 U < 0.31 U < 0.28 U < 0.614 U 0.342 0.7 JTotal Organic Carbon 43.8 4 / 5Notes:* = Sample Collected on Multiple DaysND = Not DetectedRL = Reporting LimitQual = QualifierE = Value exceeds linear range.J = EstimatedR = RejectedUJ = Estimated NondetectU = Nondetectmg/kg = milligram per kilogramμg/kg = microgram per kilogramAnalyte frequency information does not include dilutions andreanalyses.Results in the table represent the highest reported concentration foreach analyte.Blank space for a set of analytes indicates that the sample was notanalyzed for these parameters.Analytical data for samples collected prior to October 2000 wasobtained from the Army Environmental Center database.Frequency indicates the number of times a given analyte wasdetected in the samples.The maximum detected concentrations for each analyte areunderlined and appear in boldface font.This table combines data from the Phase I RI (1995-1996) withdata from the Phase II RFI (2000-2001).Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 3 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyVOLATILE ORGANICCOMPOUNDS (μg/kg)2-Butanone 190 J 31 / 65Acetone 1300 J 41 / 65Benzene 6.4 J 9 / 65Carbon disulfide 34 J 9 / 65Ethylbenzene 26 J 7 / 65m/p-xylene 3.8 J 6 / 57Methyl isobutyl ketone 1.5 J 1 / 65Methylene Chloride 8 J 1 / 65o-Xylene 1.3 J 4 / 57Tetrachloroethylene 5 J 5 / 65Toluene 20 J 22 / 65SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICCOMPOUNDS (μg/kg)2-Methylnaphthalene 1700 1 / 65Acenaphthene 4500 3 / 65Acenaphthylene 380 J 2 / 65Anthracene 13000 8 / 65Benzo(a)anthracene 57000 16 / 65Benzo(a)pyrene 66000 J 17 / 65Benzo(b)fluoranthene 90000 18 / 65Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 40000 16 / 65Benzo(k)fluoranthene 33000 16 / 65Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 1200 1 / 65Butylbenzyl phthalate 210 J 1 / 65Carbazole 8800 6 / 65Chrysene 65000 17 / 65Di-n-butyl phthalate 3900 3 / 65Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 12000 8 / 65Dibenzofuran 2300 J 3 / 65Fluoranthene 120000 21 / 654505DS02 4505SD00 4506DS00 4506DS04 4506SD00November 6, 2000 November 16, 2000 November 6, 2000 November 6, 2000 November 16, 2000Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual29 30 J < 23 U 190 24 J 22 21 < 25 U170 15 < 11 U 1300 12 J 190 10 < 13 U< 7.4 U < 5.7 U 6.4 6 J < 5.2 U < 6.3 U< 7.4 U < 5.7 U 34 6 J < 5.2 U < 6.3 U< 7.4 U 1.1 5.7 J < 5.8 U < 5.2 U < 6.3 U< 15 U 2.9 11 J < 12 U < 10 U < 13 U< 15 U < 11 U < 12 U < 10 U < 13 U< 15 U < 11 U < 12 U < 10 U < 13 U< 7.4 U 0.86 5.7 J < 5.8 U < 5.2 U < 6.3 U< 7.4 U < 5.7 U < 5.8 U < 5.2 U < 6.3 U< 7.4 U 4.6 5.7 J 9.7 6 J < 5.2 U 1 6.3 J< 490 U < 2200 U < 410 U < 390 U < 420 U< 490 U < 2200 U < 410 U < 390 U < 420 U< 490 U < 2200 U < 410 U < 390 U < 420 U< 490 U < 2200 U < 410 U < 390 U 270 420 J< 490 U 4600 2200 < 410 U < 390 U 840 420< 490 U 6000 2200 < 410 U < 390 U 940 420< 490 U 8500 2200 < 410 U < 390 U 1500 420< 490 U 3900 2200 < 410 U < 390 U 570 420< 490 U 3400 2200 < 410 U < 390 U 540 420< 490 U < 2200 U < 410 U < 390 U < 420 U< 490 U < 2200 U < 410 U < 390 U < 420 U< 490 U < 2200 U < 410 U < 390 U 320 420 J< 490 U 5500 2200 < 410 U < 390 U 1100 420< 490 U < 2200 U < 410 U < 390 U < 420 U< 490 U 1100 2200 J < 410 U < 390 U 180 420 J< 490 U < 2200 U < 410 U < 390 U < 420 U< 490 U 12000 2200 < 410 U < 390 U 2800 420Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 4 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyFluorene 4100 5 / 65Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 44000 16 / 65Naphthalene 470 J 2 / 65Phenanthrene 63000 16 / 65Pyrene 100000 18 / 65PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS(μg/kg)Total petroleum hydrocarbons, dieselfraction1500000 J 6 / 8METALS (mg/kg)Aluminum 31500 65 / 65Antimony 14.3 J 10 / 65Arsenic 37.7 65 / 65Barium 386 64 / 64Beryllium 7.3 64 / 65Cadmium 3.78 10 / 65Calcium 246000 65 / 65Chromium 87.4 65 / 65Cobalt 63.8 65 / 65Copper 124 65 / 65Iron 70100 65 / 65Lead 400 65 / 65Magnesium 18200 65 / 65Manganese 5730 65 / 65Mercury 240 47 / 65Nickel 362 65 / 65Potassium 3580 62 / 65Selenium 2.5 18 / 65Sodium 1980 63 / 65Thallium 7 47 / 65Vanadium 91.4 65 / 65Zinc 1080 J 65 / 654505DS02 4505SD00 4506DS00 4506DS04 4506SD00November 6, 2000 November 16, 2000 November 6, 2000 November 6, 2000 November 16, 2000Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual< 490 U < 2200 U < 410 U < 390 U 240 420 J< 490 U 4500 2200 < 410 U < 390 U 670 420< 490 U < 2200 U < 410 U < 390 U < 420 U< 490 U 5900 2200 < 410 U < 390 U 2500 420< 490 U 8400 2200 < 410 U < 390 U 2000 42017800 29.5 4410 26.1 J 6760 24.6 9330 23.8 11500 25.3< 14.8 UJ < 13.1 UJ < 12.3 U < 11.9 U < 12.7 U17.2 1.48 7.75 1.31 8.69 1.23 29.2 1.19 23.5 1.27R 46.6 1.31 J 89.7 1.23 205 1.19 261 1.271.75 1.48 0.619 1.31 J 0.697 1.23 J 1.81 1.19 2.11 1.27< 0.739 U < 0.653 U < 0.614 U < 0.594 U < 0.634 U10900 148 192000 1310 16100 123 3630 119 4210 12721 1.48 11.7 1.31 J 13.7 1.23 46.1 1.19 26.6 1.2721.7 2.95 J 6.56 2.61 J 17.4 2.46 40.1 2.38 26.1 2.5370.2 2.95 J 22.5 2.61 J 19.3 2.46 32.4 2.38 36.1 2.5344500 29.5 12800 26.1 19200 24.6 57400 23.8 41700 25.342.2 1.48 J 42.9 1.31 J 23.1 1.23 40 1.19 33.5 1.273210 148 15900 131 J 2870 123 668 119 1200 12710900 7.4 1130 1.31 1320 1.23 3660 1.19 3040 1.27< 0.148 U 1.03 0.131 J < 0.123 U < 0.119 U 0.356 0.127104 2.95 J 21.9 2.61 J 18 2.46 33.9 2.38 54.6 2.53839 739 611 653 J 225 614 J 197 594 J 825 634< 1.48 U < 1.31 U < 1.23 U < 1.19 U < 1.27 U163 148 217 131 83.2 123 J 95.5 119 J 92 127 J< 2.95 U 2.14 2.61 J 1.05 2.46 J 2.56 2.38 3.55 2.5338.8 1.48 J 15.9 1.31 J 22.6 1.23 67.9 1.19 65.2 1.2773.3 2.95 70.1 2.61 J 47.5 2.46 64.1 2.38 74.9 2.53Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 5 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyOTHER PARAMETERS (mg/kg)Cyanide 0.548 J 36 / 65Total Organic Carbon 43.8 4 / 5Notes:* = Sample Collected on Multiple DaysND = Not DetectedRL = Reporting LimitQual = QualifierE = Value exceeds linear range.J = EstimatedR = RejectedUJ = Estimated NondetectU = Nondetectmg/kg = milligram per kilogramμg/kg = microgram per kilogramAnalyte frequency information does not include dilutions andreanalyses.Results in the table represent the highest reported concentration foreach analyte.Blank space for a set of analytes indicates that the sample was notanalyzed for these parameters.Analytical data for samples collected prior to October 2000 wasobtained from the Army Environmental Center database.Frequency indicates the number of times a given analyte wasdetected in the samples.The maximum detected concentrations for each analyte areunderlined and appear in boldface font.This table combines data from the Phase I RI (1995-1996) withdata from the Phase II RFI (2000-2001).4505DS02 4505SD00 4506DS00 4506DS04 4506SD00November 6, 2000 November 16, 2000 November 6, 2000 November 6, 2000 November 16, 2000Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual0.462 0.739 J < 0.653 U 0.341 0.614 J 0.331 0.594 J 0.259 0.634 JQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 6 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyVOLATILE ORGANICCOMPOUNDS (μg/kg)2-Butanone 190 J 31 / 65Acetone 1300 J 41 / 65Benzene 6.4 J 9 / 65Carbon disulfide 34 J 9 / 65Ethylbenzene 26 J 7 / 65m/p-xylene 3.8 J 6 / 57Methyl isobutyl ketone 1.5 J 1 / 65Methylene Chloride 8 J 1 / 65o-Xylene 1.3 J 4 / 57Tetrachloroethylene 5 J 5 / 65Toluene 20 J 22 / 65SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICCOMPOUNDS (μg/kg)2-Methylnaphthalene 1700 1 / 65Acenaphthene 4500 3 / 65Acenaphthylene 380 J 2 / 65Anthracene 13000 8 / 65Benzo(a)anthracene 57000 16 / 65Benzo(a)pyrene 66000 J 17 / 65Benzo(b)fluoranthene 90000 18 / 65Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 40000 16 / 65Benzo(k)fluoranthene 33000 16 / 65Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 1200 1 / 65Butylbenzyl phthalate 210 J 1 / 65Carbazole 8800 6 / 65Chrysene 65000 17 / 65Di-n-butyl phthalate 3900 3 / 65Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 12000 8 / 65Dibenzofuran 2300 J 3 / 65Fluoranthene 120000 21 / 654507DS00 4507DS03 4507DS06 4507SD00 4508DS00November 6, 2000 November 6, 2000 November 6, 2000 November 16, 2000 November 7, 2000Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual35 25 33 25 25 25 < 29 U 11 26 J240 12 210 13 150 12 < 15 U 74 13< 6.2 U < 6.3 U < 6.2 U < 7.3 U < 6.4 U< 6.2 U < 6.3 U < 6.2 U < 7.3 U < 6.4 U< 6.2 U < 6.3 U < 6.2 U < 7.3 U < 6.4 U< 12 U < 13 U < 12 U < 15 U < 13 U< 12 U < 13 U < 12 U < 15 U < 13 U< 12 U < 13 U < 12 U < 15 U < 13 U< 6.2 U < 6.3 U < 6.2 U < 7.3 U < 6.4 U< 6.2 U < 6.3 U < 6.2 U < 7.3 U < 6.4 U< 6.2 U < 6.3 U < 6.2 U < 7.3 U < 6.4 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 UQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 7 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyFluorene 4100 5 / 65Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 44000 16 / 65Naphthalene 470 J 2 / 65Phenanthrene 63000 16 / 65Pyrene 100000 18 / 65PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS(μg/kg)Total petroleum hydrocarbons, dieselfraction1500000 J 6 / 8METALS (mg/kg)Aluminum 31500 65 / 65Antimony 14.3 J 10 / 65Arsenic 37.7 65 / 65Barium 386 64 / 64Beryllium 7.3 64 / 65Cadmium 3.78 10 / 65Calcium 246000 65 / 65Chromium 87.4 65 / 65Cobalt 63.8 65 / 65Copper 124 65 / 65Iron 70100 65 / 65Lead 400 65 / 65Magnesium 18200 65 / 65Manganese 5730 65 / 65Mercury 240 47 / 65Nickel 362 65 / 65Potassium 3580 62 / 65Selenium 2.5 18 / 65Sodium 1980 63 / 65Thallium 7 47 / 65Vanadium 91.4 65 / 65Zinc 1080 J 65 / 654507DS00 4507DS03 4507DS06 4507SD00 4508DS00November 6, 2000 November 6, 2000 November 6, 2000 November 16, 2000 November 7, 2000Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U< 450 U < 420 U < 430 U < 480 U < 2200 U12900 27.2 9480 25.2 11900 26.3 8290 29.3 12900 26.3< 13.6 U < 12.6 U < 13.1 U < 14.6 U < 13.2 UJ9.23 1.36 5.35 1.26 5.91 1.31 5.28 1.46 9.58 1.32105 1.36 163 1.26 189 1.31 89 1.46 104 1.320.847 1.36 J 0.909 1.26 J 1.07 1.31 J 0.617 1.46 J 0.818 1.32 J< 0.68 UJ < 0.63 U < 0.657 U < 0.732 U < 0.658 U13700 136 J 1640 126 2710 131 3780 146 11100 132 J13.3 1.36 11 1.26 13.6 1.31 12.1 1.46 17.9 1.32 J13.3 2.72 12.7 2.52 11.3 2.63 9.6 2.93 10.2 2.6322.4 2.72 10.2 2.52 8.9 2.63 10.3 2.93 17.9 2.6323700 27.2 14800 25.2 16900 26.3 14700 29.3 20300 26.338.2 1.36 16.6 1.26 15.9 1.31 20.5 1.46 37.7 1.32 J2320 136 969 126 1110 131 1220 146 2450 132 J985 1.36 1780 1.26 2020 1.31 1040 1.46 1120 1.32< 0.136 U < 0.126 U < 0.131 U 0.065 0.146 J 0.047 0.132 J21.9 2.72 J 16 2.52 18.4 2.63 12.5 2.93 19.1 2.63668 680 J 441 630 J 486 657 J 414 732 J 796 658< 1.36 U < 1.26 U < 1.31 U < 1.46 U < 1.32 U65.6 136 J 31.8 126 J 33.2 131 J 43.8 146 J 76.3 132 J1.79 2.72 J 0.739 2.52 J < 2.63 U 1.85 2.93 J 1.02 2.63 J24.1 1.36 17 1.26 19.6 1.31 18.9 1.46 27.2 1.3297.5 2.72 J 46.1 2.52 45.3 2.63 41.2 2.93 67.7 2.63Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 8 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyOTHER PARAMETERS (mg/kg)Cyanide 0.548 J 36 / 65Total Organic Carbon 43.8 4 / 5Notes:* = Sample Collected on Multiple DaysND = Not DetectedRL = Reporting LimitQual = QualifierE = Value exceeds linear range.J = EstimatedR = RejectedUJ = Estimated NondetectU = Nondetectmg/kg = milligram per kilogramμg/kg = microgram per kilogramAnalyte frequency information does not include dilutions andreanalyses.Results in the table represent the highest reported concentration foreach analyte.Blank space for a set of analytes indicates that the sample was notanalyzed for these parameters.Analytical data for samples collected prior to October 2000 wasobtained from the Army Environmental Center database.Frequency indicates the number of times a given analyte wasdetected in the samples.The maximum detected concentrations for each analyte areunderlined and appear in boldface font.This table combines data from the Phase I RI (1995-1996) withdata from the Phase II RFI (2000-2001).4507DS00 4507DS03 4507DS06 4507SD00 4508DS00November 6, 2000 November 6, 2000 November 6, 2000 November 16, 2000 November 7, 2000Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual0.189 0.68 J 0.218 0.63 J < 0.657 U 0.195 0.732 J 0.181 0.658 JQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 9 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyVOLATILE ORGANICCOMPOUNDS (μg/kg)2-Butanone 190 J 31 / 65Acetone 1300 J 41 / 65Benzene 6.4 J 9 / 65Carbon disulfide 34 J 9 / 65Ethylbenzene 26 J 7 / 65m/p-xylene 3.8 J 6 / 57Methyl isobutyl ketone 1.5 J 1 / 65Methylene Chloride 8 J 1 / 65o-Xylene 1.3 J 4 / 57Tetrachloroethylene 5 J 5 / 65Toluene 20 J 22 / 65SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICCOMPOUNDS (μg/kg)2-Methylnaphthalene 1700 1 / 65Acenaphthene 4500 3 / 65Acenaphthylene 380 J 2 / 65Anthracene 13000 8 / 65Benzo(a)anthracene 57000 16 / 65Benzo(a)pyrene 66000 J 17 / 65Benzo(b)fluoranthene 90000 18 / 65Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 40000 16 / 65Benzo(k)fluoranthene 33000 16 / 65Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 1200 1 / 65Butylbenzyl phthalate 210 J 1 / 65Carbazole 8800 6 / 65Chrysene 65000 17 / 65Di-n-butyl phthalate 3900 3 / 65Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 12000 8 / 65Dibenzofuran 2300 J 3 / 65Fluoranthene 120000 21 / 654508DS04 4508DS06 4508SD00 4509DS00 4509DS07November 7, 2000 November 7, 2000 November 16, 2000 November 7, 2000 November 7, 2000Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual< 23 UJ < 21 U < 26 U 91 27 < 22 UJ41 12 J 55 10 < 13 U > 620 E 38 11 J< 5.8 U < 5.2 U < 6.5 U 1.3 5.2 J < 5.6 U< 5.8 U < 5.2 U < 6.5 U < 5.2 U 16 5.6< 5.8 U < 5.2 U < 6.5 U < 5.2 U < 5.6 U< 12 U < 10 U < 13 U < 10 U < 11 U< 12 U < 10 U < 13 U < 10 U < 11 U< 12 U < 10 U < 13 U < 10 U < 11 U< 5.8 U < 5.2 U < 6.5 U < 5.2 U < 5.6 U< 5.8 U < 5.2 U < 6.5 U < 5.2 U < 5.6 U< 5.8 U < 5.2 U < 6.5 U 20 5.2 J < 5.6 U< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U< 420 U < 410 U 280 430 J < 2000 U < 430 UQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 10 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyFluorene 4100 5 / 65Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 44000 16 / 65Naphthalene 470 J 2 / 65Phenanthrene 63000 16 / 65Pyrene 100000 18 / 65PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS(μg/kg)Total petroleum hydrocarbons, dieselfraction1500000 J 6 / 8METALS (mg/kg)Aluminum 31500 65 / 65Antimony 14.3 J 10 / 65Arsenic 37.7 65 / 65Barium 386 64 / 64Beryllium 7.3 64 / 65Cadmium 3.78 10 / 65Calcium 246000 65 / 65Chromium 87.4 65 / 65Cobalt 63.8 65 / 65Copper 124 65 / 65Iron 70100 65 / 65Lead 400 65 / 65Magnesium 18200 65 / 65Manganese 5730 65 / 65Mercury 240 47 / 65Nickel 362 65 / 65Potassium 3580 62 / 65Selenium 2.5 18 / 65Sodium 1980 63 / 65Thallium 7 47 / 65Vanadium 91.4 65 / 65Zinc 1080 J 65 / 654508DS04 4508DS06 4508SD00 4509DS00 4509DS07November 7, 2000 November 7, 2000 November 16, 2000 November 7, 2000 November 7, 2000Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U< 420 U < 410 U < 430 U < 2000 U < 430 U12700 25.7 13400 24.6 8930 26 12200 24.3 13200 25.9< 12.9 U 6.02 12.3 J 4.63 13 J 4.63 12.2 J < 13 U7.72 1.29 28.5 1.23 26.8 1.3 12.8 1.22 12.8 1.3111 1.29 159 1.23 64.3 1.3 J 117 1.22 110 1.30.777 1.29 J 2.1 1.23 1.76 1.3 0.805 1.22 J 0.78 1.3 J< 0.643 U < 0.614 U < 0.649 U < 0.608 U < 0.649 U1600 129 3250 123 3080 130 5130 122 1520 13013.5 1.29 33.5 1.23 28.2 1.3 27 1.22 15.9 1.39.25 2.57 27.4 2.46 22.4 2.6 14.3 2.43 15.5 2.5912.7 2.57 34.8 2.46 40.4 2.6 24.4 2.43 23.5 2.5917600 25.7 48000 24.6 50100 26 22000 24.3 23000 25.913.8 1.29 29.9 1.23 36.8 1.3 34.2 1.22 20.5 1.31290 129 1370 123 746 130 1890 122 1350 130995 1.29 1810 1.23 1490 1.3 1620 1.22 1370 1.30.027 0.129 J < 0.123 U 0.105 0.13 J 0.047 0.122 J 0.068 0.13 J15.9 2.57 48.3 2.46 26.8 2.6 27.3 2.43 19.2 2.59706 643 1000 614 387 649 J 988 608 819 649< 1.29 U 0.957 1.23 J < 1.3 U < 1.22 U < 1.3 U32.2 129 J 30.7 123 J 38.8 130 J 30.4 122 J 32.4 130 J0.805 2.57 J 1.81 2.46 J 3.45 2.6 0.977 2.43 J 1.57 2.59 J22.9 1.29 52.5 1.23 63.4 1.3 26.4 1.22 31 1.343 2.57 101 2.46 55.1 2.6 74.6 2.43 44.3 2.59Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 11 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyOTHER PARAMETERS (mg/kg)Cyanide 0.548 J 36 / 65Total Organic Carbon 43.8 4 / 5Notes:* = Sample Collected on Multiple DaysND = Not DetectedRL = Reporting LimitQual = QualifierE = Value exceeds linear range.J = EstimatedR = RejectedUJ = Estimated NondetectU = Nondetectmg/kg = milligram per kilogramμg/kg = microgram per kilogramAnalyte frequency information does not include dilutions andreanalyses.Results in the table represent the highest reported concentration foreach analyte.Blank space for a set of analytes indicates that the sample was notanalyzed for these parameters.Analytical data for samples collected prior to October 2000 wasobtained from the Army Environmental Center database.Frequency indicates the number of times a given analyte wasdetected in the samples.The maximum detected concentrations for each analyte areunderlined and appear in boldface font.This table combines data from the Phase I RI (1995-1996) withdata from the Phase II RFI (2000-2001).4508DS04 4508DS06 4508SD00 4509DS00 4509DS07November 7, 2000 November 7, 2000 November 16, 2000 November 7, 2000 November 7, 2000Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual< 0.643 U 0.255 0.614 J < 0.649 U < 0.608 U 0.271 0.649 JQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 12 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyVOLATILE ORGANICCOMPOUNDS (μg/kg)2-Butanone 190 J 31 / 65Acetone 1300 J 41 / 65Benzene 6.4 J 9 / 65Carbon disulfide 34 J 9 / 65Ethylbenzene 26 J 7 / 65m/p-xylene 3.8 J 6 / 57Methyl isobutyl ketone 1.5 J 1 / 65Methylene Chloride 8 J 1 / 65o-Xylene 1.3 J 4 / 57Tetrachloroethylene 5 J 5 / 65Toluene 20 J 22 / 65SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICCOMPOUNDS (μg/kg)2-Methylnaphthalene 1700 1 / 65Acenaphthene 4500 3 / 65Acenaphthylene 380 J 2 / 65Anthracene 13000 8 / 65Benzo(a)anthracene 57000 16 / 65Benzo(a)pyrene 66000 J 17 / 65Benzo(b)fluoranthene 90000 18 / 65Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 40000 16 / 65Benzo(k)fluoranthene 33000 16 / 65Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 1200 1 / 65Butylbenzyl phthalate 210 J 1 / 65Carbazole 8800 6 / 65Chrysene 65000 17 / 65Di-n-butyl phthalate 3900 3 / 65Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 12000 8 / 65Dibenzofuran 2300 J 3 / 65Fluoranthene 120000 21 / 654509DS10 4509SD00 4510DS00 4510DS04 4510SD00November 7, 2000 November 28, 2000 November 7, 2000 November 7, 2000 November 28, 2000Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual< 24 UJ 60 26 21 25 J < 19 U < 30 U62 12 J 310 13 < 290 U < 62 U < 15 U< 6 U 0.81 6.4 J < 6.2 U < 4.7 U < 7.5 U< 6 U 2.7 6.4 J < 6.2 U < 4.7 U < 7.5 U< 6 U < 6.4 U < 6.2 U < 4.7 U < 7.5 U< 12 U < 13 U < 12 U < 9.3 U < 15 U< 12 U < 13 U < 12 U < 9.3 U < 15 U< 12 U < 13 U < 12 U < 9.3 U < 15 U< 6 U < 6.4 U < 6.2 U < 4.7 U < 7.5 U< 6 U < 6.4 U < 6.2 U < 4.7 U < 7.5 U1.9 6 J 1.5 6.4 J < 6.2 U < 4.7 U < 7.5 U< 440 U < 2100 U < 2300 U < 390 U < 2500 U< 440 U < 2100 U < 2300 U < 390 U < 2500 U< 440 U < 2100 U < 2300 U < 390 U < 2500 U< 440 U < 2100 U < 2300 U < 390 U < 2500 U< 440 U < 2100 U < 2300 U < 390 U < 2500 U< 440 U < 2100 U 1300 2300 J < 390 U < 2500 U< 440 U < 2100 U 2200 2300 J < 390 U < 2500 U< 440 U < 2100 U < 2300 U < 390 U < 2500 U< 440 U < 2100 U < 2300 U < 390 U < 2500 U< 440 U < 2100 U < 2300 U < 390 U < 2500 U< 440 U < 2100 U < 2300 U < 390 U < 2500 U< 440 U < 2100 U < 2300 U < 390 U < 2500 U< 440 U < 2100 U 1600 2300 J < 390 U < 2500 U< 440 U < 2100 U < 2300 U < 390 U < 2500 U< 440 U < 2100 U < 2300 U < 390 U < 2500 U< 440 U < 2100 U < 2300 U < 390 U < 2500 U< 440 U < 2100 U 2800 2300 < 390 U < 2500 UQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 13 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyFluorene 4100 5 / 65Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 44000 16 / 65Naphthalene 470 J 2 / 65Phenanthrene 63000 16 / 65Pyrene 100000 18 / 65PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS(μg/kg)Total petroleum hydrocarbons, dieselfraction1500000 J 6 / 8METALS (mg/kg)Aluminum 31500 65 / 65Antimony 14.3 J 10 / 65Arsenic 37.7 65 / 65Barium 386 64 / 64Beryllium 7.3 64 / 65Cadmium 3.78 10 / 65Calcium 246000 65 / 65Chromium 87.4 65 / 65Cobalt 63.8 65 / 65Copper 124 65 / 65Iron 70100 65 / 65Lead 400 65 / 65Magnesium 18200 65 / 65Manganese 5730 65 / 65Mercury 240 47 / 65Nickel 362 65 / 65Potassium 3580 62 / 65Selenium 2.5 18 / 65Sodium 1980 63 / 65Thallium 7 47 / 65Vanadium 91.4 65 / 65Zinc 1080 J 65 / 654509DS10 4509SD00 4510DS00 4510DS04 4510SD00November 7, 2000 November 28, 2000 November 7, 2000 November 7, 2000 November 28, 2000Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual< 440 U < 2100 U < 2300 U < 390 U < 2500 U< 440 U < 2100 U 910 2300 J < 390 U < 2500 U< 440 U < 2100 U < 2300 U < 390 U < 2500 U< 440 U < 2100 U < 2300 U < 390 U < 2500 U< 440 U < 2100 U 2200 2300 J < 390 U < 2500 U31500 26.5 14400 25.7 6550 28.1 12500 23.9 9150 30< 13.2 U < 12.9 U < 14 UJ < 12 U < 15 UJ27.1 1.32 14.6 1.29 9.85 1.4 37.7 1.2 9.59 1.5155 1.32 175 1.29 97 1.4 105 1.2 142 1.51.6 1.32 1.46 1.29 0.643 1.4 J 2.57 1.2 0.949 1.5 J< 0.662 U < 0.643 U < 0.702 U < 0.598 U < 0.751 U57100 132 16400 129 15800 140 J 2490 120 6900 15030.5 1.32 27 1.29 13.1 1.4 J 44 1.2 16.8 1.515 2.65 24.8 2.57 12.3 2.81 J 27 2.39 24.3 349.9 2.65 31.5 2.57 23.8 2.81 45.1 2.39 20.3 335100 26.5 37600 25.7 17700 28.1 J 67700 23.9 24200 3024.6 1.32 45.9 1.29 48.5 1.4 40.4 1.2 37.1 1.52310 132 1860 129 2640 140 700 120 1640 1502570 1.32 3840 1.29 1380 1.4 J 1540 1.2 2670 1.50.063 0.132 J 0.066 0.129 J 0.219 0.14 < 0.12 U 0.043 0.15 J104 2.65 53 2.57 14.9 2.81 34.2 2.39 17.9 33580 662 1340 643 508 702 J 388 598 J < 751 U< 1.32 U < 1.29 U 0.901 1.4 J 2.43 1.2 < 1.5 U845 132 78.7 129 J 58.5 140 J < 120 U 57.1 150 J2.33 2.65 J 3.49 2.57 < 2.81 U 1.44 2.39 J 1.98 3 J68.9 1.32 34.4 1.29 21 1.4 J 76.1 1.2 30.7 1.5159 2.65 77.3 2.57 212 2.81 72.6 2.39 389 3 JQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 14 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyOTHER PARAMETERS (mg/kg)Cyanide 0.548 J 36 / 65Total Organic Carbon 43.8 4 / 5Notes:* = Sample Collected on Multiple DaysND = Not DetectedRL = Reporting LimitQual = QualifierE = Value exceeds linear range.J = EstimatedR = RejectedUJ = Estimated NondetectU = Nondetectmg/kg = milligram per kilogramμg/kg = microgram per kilogramAnalyte frequency information does not include dilutions andreanalyses.Results in the table represent the highest reported concentration foreach analyte.Blank space for a set of analytes indicates that the sample was notanalyzed for these parameters.Analytical data for samples collected prior to October 2000 wasobtained from the Army Environmental Center database.Frequency indicates the number of times a given analyte wasdetected in the samples.The maximum detected concentrations for each analyte areunderlined and appear in boldface font.This table combines data from the Phase I RI (1995-1996) withdata from the Phase II RFI (2000-2001).4509DS10 4509SD00 4510DS00 4510DS04 4510SD00November 7, 2000 November 28, 2000 November 7, 2000 November 7, 2000 November 28, 2000Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual< 0.662 U < 0.643 U < 0.702 U < 0.598 U < 0.751 UQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 15 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyVOLATILE ORGANICCOMPOUNDS (μg/kg)2-Butanone 190 J 31 / 65Acetone 1300 J 41 / 65Benzene 6.4 J 9 / 65Carbon disulfide 34 J 9 / 65Ethylbenzene 26 J 7 / 65m/p-xylene 3.8 J 6 / 57Methyl isobutyl ketone 1.5 J 1 / 65Methylene Chloride 8 J 1 / 65o-Xylene 1.3 J 4 / 57Tetrachloroethylene 5 J 5 / 65Toluene 20 J 22 / 65SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICCOMPOUNDS (μg/kg)2-Methylnaphthalene 1700 1 / 65Acenaphthene 4500 3 / 65Acenaphthylene 380 J 2 / 65Anthracene 13000 8 / 65Benzo(a)anthracene 57000 16 / 65Benzo(a)pyrene 66000 J 17 / 65Benzo(b)fluoranthene 90000 18 / 65Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 40000 16 / 65Benzo(k)fluoranthene 33000 16 / 65Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 1200 1 / 65Butylbenzyl phthalate 210 J 1 / 65Carbazole 8800 6 / 65Chrysene 65000 17 / 65Di-n-butyl phthalate 3900 3 / 65Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 12000 8 / 65Dibenzofuran 2300 J 3 / 65Fluoranthene 120000 21 / 654511DS00 4511DS06 4511DS09 4511SD00 4512DS00November 7, 2000 November 7, 2000 November 7, 2000 November 28, 2000 November 7, 2000Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual13 21 J < 20 U < 19 U < 33 U < 21 U< 110 U < 34 U < 31 U < 17 U < 120 U< 5.4 U < 5.1 U < 4.8 U < 8.3 U < 5.3 U< 5.4 U < 5.1 U < 4.8 U < 8.3 U < 5.3 U< 5.4 U < 5.1 U < 4.8 U < 8.3 U < 5.3 U< 11 U < 10 U < 9.7 U < 17 U < 11 U< 11 U < 10 U < 9.7 U < 17 U < 11 U< 11 U < 10 U < 9.7 U < 17 U < 11 U< 5.4 U < 5.1 U < 4.8 U < 8.3 U < 5.3 U< 5.4 U < 5.1 U < 4.8 U < 8.3 U < 5.3 U< 5.4 U < 5.1 U < 4.8 U < 8.3 U < 5.3 U< 400 U < 390 U < 400 U < 2700 U < 12000 U< 400 U < 390 U < 400 U < 2700 U < 12000 U< 400 U < 390 U < 400 U < 2700 U < 12000 U< 400 U < 390 U < 400 U < 2700 U < 12000 U310 400 J < 390 U < 400 U < 2700 U < 12000 U380 400 J < 390 U < 400 U < 2700 U < 12000 U590 400 < 390 U < 400 U < 2700 U < 12000 U230 400 J < 390 U < 400 U < 2700 U < 12000 U190 400 J < 390 U < 400 U < 2700 U < 12000 U< 400 U < 390 U < 400 U < 2700 U < 12000 U< 400 U < 390 U < 400 U < 2700 U < 12000 U< 400 U < 390 U < 400 U < 2700 U < 12000 U420 400 < 390 U < 400 U < 2700 U < 12000 U< 400 U < 390 U < 400 U < 2700 U < 12000 U< 400 U < 390 U < 400 U < 2700 U < 12000 U< 400 U < 390 U < 400 U < 2700 U < 12000 U820 400 < 390 U < 400 U 1900 2700 J < 12000 UQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 16 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyFluorene 4100 5 / 65Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 44000 16 / 65Naphthalene 470 J 2 / 65Phenanthrene 63000 16 / 65Pyrene 100000 18 / 65PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS(μg/kg)Total petroleum hydrocarbons, dieselfraction1500000 J 6 / 8METALS (mg/kg)Aluminum 31500 65 / 65Antimony 14.3 J 10 / 65Arsenic 37.7 65 / 65Barium 386 64 / 64Beryllium 7.3 64 / 65Cadmium 3.78 10 / 65Calcium 246000 65 / 65Chromium 87.4 65 / 65Cobalt 63.8 65 / 65Copper 124 65 / 65Iron 70100 65 / 65Lead 400 65 / 65Magnesium 18200 65 / 65Manganese 5730 65 / 65Mercury 240 47 / 65Nickel 362 65 / 65Potassium 3580 62 / 65Selenium 2.5 18 / 65Sodium 1980 63 / 65Thallium 7 47 / 65Vanadium 91.4 65 / 65Zinc 1080 J 65 / 654511DS00 4511DS06 4511DS09 4511SD00 4512DS00November 7, 2000 November 7, 2000 November 7, 2000 November 28, 2000 November 7, 2000Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual< 400 U < 390 U < 400 U < 2700 U < 12000 U260 400 J < 390 U < 400 U < 2700 U < 12000 U< 400 U < 390 U < 400 U < 2700 U < 12000 U390 400 J < 390 U < 400 U < 2700 U < 12000 U630 400 < 390 U < 400 U 1500 2700 J < 12000 U5710 24.1 7250 23.8 9020 24.2 8050 33.2 6200 23.7< 12 U 4.86 11.9 J < 12.1 U < 16.6 U 4.4 11.8 J8.7 1.2 25.6 1.19 24.7 1.21 23.7 1.66 27.4 1.18103 1.2 73.8 1.19 170 1.21 83.2 1.66 184 1.180.722 1.2 J 1.49 1.19 1.53 1.21 1.36 1.66 J 1.49 1.18< 0.602 U < 0.595 U 1.62 0.605 < 0.831 U < 0.592 U12700 120 1190 119 3320 121 9760 166 70200 11811.3 1.2 9.65 1.19 17.7 1.21 34.4 1.66 43.7 1.1810.6 2.41 52.7 2.38 13.5 2.42 29.1 3.32 40 2.3719.6 2.41 56.3 2.38 55.5 2.42 59.1 3.32 66 2.3715400 24.1 41700 23.8 38700 24.2 44100 33.2 44300 23.764.7 1.2 39.7 1.19 25.7 1.21 61.2 1.66 90.4 1.182120 120 309 119 659 121 1650 166 7400 1181090 1.2 1340 1.19 3510 1.21 1280 1.66 3850 1.18< 0.12 U 0.028 0.119 J < 0.121 U < 0.166 U 0.645 0.11813.8 2.41 57 2.38 90.6 2.42 25.1 3.32 59.9 2.37472 602 J 586 595 J 748 605 1200 831 585 592 J1.26 1.2 1.65 1.19 1.41 1.21 < 1.66 U 1.02 1.18 J62.7 120 J 43.4 119 J 55.7 121 J 57.9 166 J 115 118 J< 2.41 U < 2.38 U < 2.42 U 3.34 3.32 < 2.37 U19.5 1.2 30.5 1.19 35 1.21 57.4 1.66 53.5 1.18151 2.41 78 2.38 167 2.42 106 3.32 232 2.37Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 17 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyOTHER PARAMETERS (mg/kg)Cyanide 0.548 J 36 / 65Total Organic Carbon 43.8 4 / 5Notes:* = Sample Collected on Multiple DaysND = Not DetectedRL = Reporting LimitQual = QualifierE = Value exceeds linear range.J = EstimatedR = RejectedUJ = Estimated NondetectU = Nondetectmg/kg = milligram per kilogramμg/kg = microgram per kilogramAnalyte frequency information does not include dilutions andreanalyses.Results in the table represent the highest reported concentration foreach analyte.Blank space for a set of analytes indicates that the sample was notanalyzed for these parameters.Analytical data for samples collected prior to October 2000 wasobtained from the Army Environmental Center database.Frequency indicates the number of times a given analyte wasdetected in the samples.The maximum detected concentrations for each analyte areunderlined and appear in boldface font.This table combines data from the Phase I RI (1995-1996) withdata from the Phase II RFI (2000-2001).4511DS00 4511DS06 4511DS09 4511SD00 4512DS00November 7, 2000 November 7, 2000 November 7, 2000 November 28, 2000 November 7, 2000Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual< 0.602 U < 0.595 U < 0.605 U < 0.831 U 0.325 0.592 J26.8 5.95Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 18 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyVOLATILE ORGANICCOMPOUNDS (μg/kg)2-Butanone 190 J 31 / 65Acetone 1300 J 41 / 65Benzene 6.4 J 9 / 65Carbon disulfide 34 J 9 / 65Ethylbenzene 26 J 7 / 65m/p-xylene 3.8 J 6 / 57Methyl isobutyl ketone 1.5 J 1 / 65Methylene Chloride 8 J 1 / 65o-Xylene 1.3 J 4 / 57Tetrachloroethylene 5 J 5 / 65Toluene 20 J 22 / 65SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICCOMPOUNDS (μg/kg)2-Methylnaphthalene 1700 1 / 65Acenaphthene 4500 3 / 65Acenaphthylene 380 J 2 / 65Anthracene 13000 8 / 65Benzo(a)anthracene 57000 16 / 65Benzo(a)pyrene 66000 J 17 / 65Benzo(b)fluoranthene 90000 18 / 65Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 40000 16 / 65Benzo(k)fluoranthene 33000 16 / 65Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 1200 1 / 65Butylbenzyl phthalate 210 J 1 / 65Carbazole 8800 6 / 65Chrysene 65000 17 / 65Di-n-butyl phthalate 3900 3 / 65Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 12000 8 / 65Dibenzofuran 2300 J 3 / 65Fluoranthene 120000 21 / 654512DS05 4512SD00 4513DS00 4513DS03 4513SD00November 7, 2000 November 29, 2000 November 8, 2000 November 8, 2000 November 29, 2000Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual< 24 UJ < 26 U 9.8 19 J < 22 U < 27 U110 12 J < 13 U 86 9.7 40 11 < 13 U< 6 U < 6.5 U < 4.9 U 4.2 5.5 J < 6.7 U< 6 U < 6.5 U < 4.9 U < 5.5 U < 6.7 U< 6 U < 6.5 U < 4.9 U 1.2 5.5 J < 6.7 U< 12 U < 13 U < 9.7 U 3.4 11 J < 13 U< 12 U < 13 U < 9.7 U < 11 U < 13 U< 12 U < 13 U < 9.7 U < 11 U < 13 U< 6 U < 6.5 U < 4.9 U 1.3 5.5 J < 6.7 U< 6 U < 6.5 U < 4.9 U < 5.5 U < 6.7 U< 6 U 1.9 6.5 J < 4.9 U 7.6 5.5 < 6.7 U< 440 U < 4300 U < 1900 U < 420 U < 2200 U< 440 U < 4300 U < 1900 U < 420 U < 2200 U< 440 U < 4300 U < 1900 U < 420 U < 2200 U< 440 U < 4300 U 920 1900 J < 420 U < 2200 U< 440 U 5000 4300 4800 1900 < 420 U < 2200 U< 440 U 6000 4300 7000 1900 < 420 U < 2200 U< 440 U 8500 4300 10000 1900 < 420 U < 2200 U< 440 U 3100 4300 J 4400 1900 < 420 U < 2200 U< 440 U 3400 4300 J 3700 1900 < 420 U < 2200 U< 440 U < 4300 U < 1900 U < 420 U < 2200 U< 440 U < 4300 U < 1900 U < 420 U < 2200 U< 440 U < 4300 U < 1900 U < 420 U < 2200 U< 440 U 5700 4300 5900 1900 < 420 U < 2200 U< 440 U < 4300 U < 1900 U < 420 U < 2200 U< 440 U < 4300 U 1400 1900 J < 420 U < 2200 U< 440 U < 4300 U < 1900 U < 420 U < 2200 U< 440 U 12000 4300 13000 1900 < 420 U < 2200 UQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 19 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyFluorene 4100 5 / 65Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 44000 16 / 65Naphthalene 470 J 2 / 65Phenanthrene 63000 16 / 65Pyrene 100000 18 / 65PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS(μg/kg)Total petroleum hydrocarbons, dieselfraction1500000 J 6 / 8METALS (mg/kg)Aluminum 31500 65 / 65Antimony 14.3 J 10 / 65Arsenic 37.7 65 / 65Barium 386 64 / 64Beryllium 7.3 64 / 65Cadmium 3.78 10 / 65Calcium 246000 65 / 65Chromium 87.4 65 / 65Cobalt 63.8 65 / 65Copper 124 65 / 65Iron 70100 65 / 65Lead 400 65 / 65Magnesium 18200 65 / 65Manganese 5730 65 / 65Mercury 240 47 / 65Nickel 362 65 / 65Potassium 3580 62 / 65Selenium 2.5 18 / 65Sodium 1980 63 / 65Thallium 7 47 / 65Vanadium 91.4 65 / 65Zinc 1080 J 65 / 654512DS05 4512SD00 4513DS00 4513DS03 4513SD00November 7, 2000 November 29, 2000 November 8, 2000 November 8, 2000 November 29, 2000Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual< 440 U < 4300 U < 1900 U < 420 U < 2200 U< 440 U 3700 4300 J 5000 1900 < 420 U < 2200 U< 440 U < 4300 U < 1900 U < 420 U < 2200 U< 440 U 7300 4300 6500 1900 < 420 U < 2200 U< 440 U 9300 4300 9300 1900 < 420 U < 2200 U19800 26.8 9000 26.1 7560 23.1 13400 25.5 7490 26.86.73 13.4 J < 13.1 U < 11.6 U 6.03 12.8 J < 13.4 U23 1.34 35.1 1.31 18.9 1.16 33.2 1.28 15.2 1.34144 1.34 183 1.31 117 1.16 307 1.28 132 1.341.49 1.34 1.95 1.31 1.17 1.16 2.54 1.28 1.04 1.34 J0.386 0.669 J < 0.654 U < 0.579 U < 0.639 U < 0.669 U7280 134 27400 131 38900 116 9940 128 14000 13418.6 1.34 87.4 1.31 23.6 1.16 17 1.28 17.5 1.349.97 2.68 54.7 2.61 22.8 2.31 36.1 2.55 27.2 2.6882.8 2.68 56.4 2.61 42.9 2.31 65.8 2.55 24.4 2.6835500 26.8 54500 26.1 34400 23.1 43100 25.5 29100 26.820.3 1.34 208 1.31 42.9 1.16 34 1.28 30.2 1.342020 134 2920 131 4330 116 1130 128 2270 1342610 1.34 3490 1.31 1870 1.16 3110 1.28 1870 1.340.043 0.134 J 0.489 0.131 0.581 0.116 0.045 0.128 J 0.036 0.134 J93.5 2.68 44.5 2.61 49.5 2.31 165 2.55 25.7 2.681750 669 980 654 571 579 J 841 639 < 669 U0.557 1.34 J < 1.31 U 1.58 1.16 1.91 1.28 0.571 1.34 J131 134 J 246 131 319 116 129 128 90.5 134 J2.03 2.68 J 4.02 2.61 < 2.31 U < 2.55 U 2.62 2.68 J48.6 1.34 76.6 1.31 44.6 1.16 43.9 1.28 33.6 1.34242 2.68 170 2.61 115 2.31 197 2.55 51.5 2.68Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 20 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyOTHER PARAMETERS (mg/kg)Cyanide 0.548 J 36 / 65Total Organic Carbon 43.8 4 / 5Notes:* = Sample Collected on Multiple DaysND = Not DetectedRL = Reporting LimitQual = QualifierE = Value exceeds linear range.J = EstimatedR = RejectedUJ = Estimated NondetectU = Nondetectmg/kg = milligram per kilogramμg/kg = microgram per kilogramAnalyte frequency information does not include dilutions andreanalyses.Results in the table represent the highest reported concentration foreach analyte.Blank space for a set of analytes indicates that the sample was notanalyzed for these parameters.Analytical data for samples collected prior to October 2000 wasobtained from the Army Environmental Center database.Frequency indicates the number of times a given analyte wasdetected in the samples.The maximum detected concentrations for each analyte areunderlined and appear in boldface font.This table combines data from the Phase I RI (1995-1996) withdata from the Phase II RFI (2000-2001).4512DS05 4512SD00 4513DS00 4513DS03 4513SD00November 7, 2000 November 29, 2000 November 8, 2000 November 8, 2000 November 29, 2000Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual< 0.669 U < 0.654 U < 0.579 U < 0.639 U < 0.669 U9.64 6.69Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 21 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyVOLATILE ORGANICCOMPOUNDS (μg/kg)2-Butanone 190 J 31 / 65Acetone 1300 J 41 / 65Benzene 6.4 J 9 / 65Carbon disulfide 34 J 9 / 65Ethylbenzene 26 J 7 / 65m/p-xylene 3.8 J 6 / 57Methyl isobutyl ketone 1.5 J 1 / 65Methylene Chloride 8 J 1 / 65o-Xylene 1.3 J 4 / 57Tetrachloroethylene 5 J 5 / 65Toluene 20 J 22 / 65SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICCOMPOUNDS (μg/kg)2-Methylnaphthalene 1700 1 / 65Acenaphthene 4500 3 / 65Acenaphthylene 380 J 2 / 65Anthracene 13000 8 / 65Benzo(a)anthracene 57000 16 / 65Benzo(a)pyrene 66000 J 17 / 65Benzo(b)fluoranthene 90000 18 / 65Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 40000 16 / 65Benzo(k)fluoranthene 33000 16 / 65Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 1200 1 / 65Butylbenzyl phthalate 210 J 1 / 65Carbazole 8800 6 / 65Chrysene 65000 17 / 65Di-n-butyl phthalate 3900 3 / 65Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 12000 8 / 65Dibenzofuran 2300 J 3 / 65Fluoranthene 120000 21 / 654514DS00 4514DS03 4514DS07 4514SD00 4515DS00November 9, 2000 November 9, 2000 November 9, 2000 November 29, 2000 November 9, 2000Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual8.4 26 J 34 24 J 15 23 J < 27 U 16 25 J92 13 270 12 J 120 11 < 14 U 140 12< 6.4 U 3.9 6 J < 5.7 U < 6.9 U < 6.2 U2.5 6.4 J 15 6 J < 5.7 U < 6.9 U < 6.2 U< 6.4 U 4.8 6 J < 5.7 U < 6.9 U < 6.2 U< 13 U < 12 U < 11 U < 14 U < 12 U< 13 U < 12 U < 11 U < 14 U < 12 U< 13 U < 12 U < 11 U < 14 U < 12 U< 6.4 U < 6 U < 5.7 U < 6.9 U < 6.2 U< 6.4 U < 6 U < 5.7 U < 6.9 U < 6.2 U2.9 6.4 J 19 6 J < 5.7 U < 6.9 U 1.2 6.2 J< 14000 U < 430 U < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U< 14000 U < 430 U < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U< 14000 U < 430 U < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U< 14000 U < 430 U < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U< 14000 U 480 430 < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U< 14000 U 610 430 < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U< 14000 U 890 430 < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U< 14000 U 390 430 J < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U< 14000 U 320 430 J < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U< 14000 U < 430 U < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U< 14000 U < 430 U < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U< 14000 U < 430 U < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U< 14000 U 610 430 < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U< 14000 U < 430 U < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U< 14000 U < 430 U < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U< 14000 U < 430 U < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U< 14000 U 1200 430 < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 UQ:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 22 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyFluorene 4100 5 / 65Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 44000 16 / 65Naphthalene 470 J 2 / 65Phenanthrene 63000 16 / 65Pyrene 100000 18 / 65PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS(μg/kg)Total petroleum hydrocarbons, dieselfraction1500000 J 6 / 8METALS (mg/kg)Aluminum 31500 65 / 65Antimony 14.3 J 10 / 65Arsenic 37.7 65 / 65Barium 386 64 / 64Beryllium 7.3 64 / 65Cadmium 3.78 10 / 65Calcium 246000 65 / 65Chromium 87.4 65 / 65Cobalt 63.8 65 / 65Copper 124 65 / 65Iron 70100 65 / 65Lead 400 65 / 65Magnesium 18200 65 / 65Manganese 5730 65 / 65Mercury 240 47 / 65Nickel 362 65 / 65Potassium 3580 62 / 65Selenium 2.5 18 / 65Sodium 1980 63 / 65Thallium 7 47 / 65Vanadium 91.4 65 / 65Zinc 1080 J 65 / 654514DS00 4514DS03 4514DS07 4514SD00 4515DS00November 9, 2000 November 9, 2000 November 9, 2000 November 29, 2000 November 9, 2000Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual Result RL Qual< 14000 U < 430 U < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U< 14000 U 460 430 < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U< 14000 U < 430 U < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U< 14000 U 540 430 < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U< 14000 U 930 430 < 410 U < 2300 U < 440 U9650 28.7 11600 26.1 10300 25 11300 27.5 10600 26.9< 14.3 UJ < 13 U < 12.5 U < 13.7 U < 13.4 U8.93 1.43 11.7 1.3 17.3 1.25 9 1.37 15.2 1.34147 1.43 168 1.3 176 1.25 99.3 1.37 111 1.340.878 1.43 J 1.18 1.3 J 1.22 1.25 J 0.813 1.37 J 0.848 1.34 J0.687 0.716 J < 0.652 U < 0.625 U < 0.687 U < 0.672 U37500 143 10200 130 6310 125 28800 137 1910 13434.7 1.43 J 26.6 1.3 17.3 1.25 13.3 1.37 22.2 1.3411.3 2.87 14.7 2.61 27.8 2.5 11.6 2.75 39.4 2.6932.6 2.87 J 22.7 2.61 33.7 2.5 22.8 2.75 26.6 2.6918900 28.7 23100 26.1 31400 25 21200 27.5 28900 26.9226 1.43 64.6 1.3 40.8 1.25 40.8 1.37 38.7 1.345460 143 J 1940 130 1020 125 3970 137 902 1341130 1.43 1650 1.3 2910 1.25 693 1.37 2670 1.340.116 0.143 J 0.045 0.13 J 0.04 0.125 J 0.054 0.137 J 0.094 0.134 J17.7 2.87 22.5 2.61 51 2.5 25 2.75 26.7 2.69728 716 J 965 652 1690 625 1280 687 1240 672< 1.43 U 0.6 1.3 J < 1.25 U < 1.37 U < 1.34 U38.6 143 J 79.9 130 J 124 125 J 88.5 137 J 32.9 134 J2.34 2.87 J 1.56 2.61 J 2.71 2.5 2.43 2.75 J 3.46 2.6922.9 1.43 J 26.3 1.3 29.7 1.25 23.2 1.37 32.7 1.34248 2.87 J 107 2.61 25.8 2.5 98.8 2.75 57.3 2.69Q:\4599\fl010d00\Site 45\Final\Sections 1-10\Site 45 Tables_Rev1 Page 23 of 42 4/29/02TABLE 5-1SUMMARY OF CHEMICALS DETECTED IN SOIL AND SEDIMENT SAMPLESSITE 45 -1500 SHOPS AREA DRAINAGEFIELD IDDATE COLLECTEDMaximum FrequencyOTHER PARAMETERS (mg/kg)Cyanide 0.548 J 36 / 65Total Organic Carbon 43.8 4 / 5Notes:* = Sample Collected on Multiple DaysND = Not DetectedRL = Reporting LimitQual = QualifierE = Value exceeds linear range.J = EstimatedR = RejectedUJ = Estimated NondetectU = Nondetectmg/kg = milligram per kilogramμg/kg = microgram per kilogramAnalyte frequency information does not include dilutions andreanalyses.Results in the table represent the highest reported concentration foreach analyte.Blank space for a set of analytes indicates that the sample was notanalyzed for the |
Origin: | 2002-09-25 |
Source: | |
Collection: |
Clark County Collections |
Rights: | |
Copyright: |
Charlestown-Clark County Public Library provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes and makes no warranty with regard to their use for other purposes. The written permission of the copyright owners and/or holders of other rights such as publicity and/or privacy rights is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemptions. There may be content that is protected as works for hire copyright held by the party that commissioned the original work and/or under the copyright or neighboring-rights laws of other nations. Responsibility for making an independent legal assessment of an item and securing any necessary permissions ultimately rests with persons desiring to use the item. |
Geography: |
Charlestown, Clark County, Indiana 38.4357546,-85.6577676 |
Subjects: |
Maps Indiana Ordnance Works (U.S.) Hoosier Ordnance Plant Indiana Arsenal Indiana Army Ammunition Plant Explosives Industry--Indiana Gunpowder, Smokeless Ordnance manufacture Black powder manufacture Facility One ICI Americas Inc Clark County (Ind.) Charlestown (Ind.) United States. Army Ordnance and Ordnance Stores INAAP |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.