Collection Order

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Letter from E. Jean Nelson Penfeld to May Wright Sewall.

Description: Asks May Wright Sewall to be a voucher for and endorse a Mrs. A.C. Fish for membership in SOROSIS.E. Jean Nelson Penfield (1872-1961), lawyer, lecturer, writer. A native of Greencastle, Indiana and a graduate of DePauw, where she became the only woman to win the Inter-State College Oratorical Contest. She headed the Department of Law for women at the Brooklyn Law School, St. Lawrence University. She was one of the organizers of the Womans Suffrage Party and helped organize the League of Women Voters.
Origin: 1918-04-05; 1918
Created By: Penfield, E. Jean Nelson, 1872-1961
Collection: May Wright Sewall Papers
Copyright: Copyright undetermined.
Subjects: Sewall, May Wright, 1844-1920
Penfield, E. Jean Nelson, 1872-1961
Lawyers--United States
Sorosis (New York, N.Y.)
Women--Societies and clubs

Further information on this record can be found at its source.