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Dispatch call, May 17, 1969, 12:03 AM

Description: This is a digitized recording of a dictabelt, which the Indianapolis Fire Department used to record dispatch calls during the 1960s and 1970s. Following are the calls on this dictabelt: 1) 1236 West 31st. Box 271. 12:03 AM. 2) 2057 North Illinois, Box 214. Engine 8, 13, 22. District 2. 12:08 AM. 3) 30th and Broadway, phone off the hook. 4) La Salle and Newton, phone off the hook. 5) 2250 Pierson Street, district chief needs police car. Mattress fire in apartment. 12:25 AM. 6) 1200 block of West 23rd Street, Gas Air Condition Plant. Box 2118. Fire in paint booth. 12:31 AM. 7) 1136 East Ohio fire. 8) 21st and Pierson, needs a police car. Apparatus up there all alone. 12:35 AM. 9) 2025 Mansfield, man with broken arm. Sending 7s and an ambulance.
Origin: 1969-05-17; 1969
Contributor(s): Rodger Birchfield;
Collection: Indianapolis Firefighters Museum
Copyright: Copyright Undetermined
Subjects: Emergency communication systems
Fire departments--Indiana--Indianapolis
Indianapolis (Ind.). Fire Department--History

Further information on this record can be found at its source.